Jon played a good game and deserved to win. I just didn't like him. He's a loud obnoxious pig.
that's exactly how I feel, Jon is a large bumbling oaf. He and Neda were the two most deserving to win, and I don't think he's a "bad guy" in the same way that Andrew is, but he's just nasty. He's like a large teenager, no class or manners, constantly had his hand scratching his groin, obnoxious loud voice, bad hygiene (he stinks all the time according to the other houseguests constant comments) and to TOP IT OFF he's a two-faced snake! At least Neda was talking for weeks about cutting Jon, but Jon fooled everyone with his nice guy cat. I just couldn't root for him. I honestly would have preferred a Neda/Sabrina final 2. Sabrina actually grew on me in the final few weeks so I am happy for the girl that she got $20,000 out of this mess.
Why oh WHY was Heather not serious about that final veto? Skipping the costume bit? UGH, I could have had my dream finale of Neda + Heather if she had not given up.