The Three Stooges (Paul, Adel and Kyle) have decided to amuse themselves by building a fort in the backyard using couch cushions.
Meanwhile, Neda talks serious game with both Ika and Jon separately about how savvy and manipulative Sabrina is. Both her and Jon vent over Andrew but Jon is blind to Kenny's devotion to him and thinks he will turn against him when the opportunity presents itself.
Even though I've said that the gameplan for the F5 isn't to pick off Kyle, Paul and Adel in sequence that's "technically" the plan as of right now. I say, technically, because Kenny has proven to be quite capable at manipulating Andrew to satisfy his whims.
24 hours ago, Andrew wanted to showmance Ika and Kenny almost lost his bed privileges to her. Today, he's got Andrew convinced she needs to be the next girl to get sent packing. Kenny will push Andrew's buttons however he chooses - and if that means targeting a girl next week then so be it. Although Adel is still the likely casualty unless he wins HOH.
Heather's prospects have improved in the past 24 hours despite being collectively shunned by the girls again as Sabrina is now using her as a shield and will freely get information from Heather due to her tendency to trust
EVERYONE. Plus, Sabrina likes the drama she creates. Both her and Kenny have bumped Ika ahead of Heather on the pecking order.