fume that kenny will go all the way. #kennydomination2014
Wow, a New York gif. You're so original.t r a s h
Wow, a New York gif. You're so original.s a r c a s m
Ika's Nominations This Week (as of right now):Still Adel & Paul... here HOH reign ends on Saturday and she'll be out of the house 12 days later... because she sucks at Big Brother
jesus fucking christ. Maybe she's looking to backdoor? I don't see why. If one of the f5 gets the veto they aren't going to use it. Just put Andrew and Kenny up to ensure one of them goes home (ideally Kenny).
I have faith in Allison. I had no faith in Ika prior to tonight and I still don't.If Ika really puts up Paul/Adel I've lost all hope to this season. Mine as well tune out the show until Sabrina/Kenny/Andrew are final 3.
I believe Saturday.When do the noms happen? Friday or Saturday?
I don't think it's a foregone conclusion that she'll nominate who people thinks she will. She's been having multiple conversations and I believe she's weighing her options.
i'm confused, why doesn't she trust Paul? Sure he is annoying but when did he ever blatantly lie to or betray anyone? I wish Neda had won this HoH, she seems a lot smarter than Ika.
I wonder how we could have possibly seen this coming. Oh wait...I have to give credit to Sabrina, she's been on Ika since her HOH victory like her next meal depends on it. She's effectively running it at this point.
It's going to be fun seeing the F5 reactions post-HOH. Sabrina will be on Ika like glue the next few days to cockblock everything and everyone (mainly Allison, Adel and Paul). She'll cheer her. She'll be preaching girl power. She'll mock hurl insults at Kenny/Andrew. She'll insist on sleeping in the HOH room. Sarah and Rachelle will also be glued to Ika... but they won't be putting in the Oscar performance that Sabrina will. She'll act like Ika winning HOH is the best thing ever. Probably invent another conflict or two with Adel that causes her to break down in tears prior to nominations to paint Adel as even more of a heartless villain.
That last part is debatable.POV SPOILER
IKA won POV becoming the first girl in BBCAN history to win a PoV, and the first girl to win an HOH and POV.
Let's see if she backdoors someone or keeps her decidedly workable nods the same. At the very least, she has shown herself as a competitor, and comes out of this HOH better than she went into it (with an actual ally in Adel), and some new targets for some people (Allison for Sabrina/Sarah)
That last part is debatable.
Granted, she does - as of right now - have Adel as an ally. But had she not won HOH this week and been nominated, she'd be pulling herself down with the POV right now and could compete for HOH herself next week.
Additionally, her two consecutive comp wins make a potential backdoor scenario almost virtually assured next week so long as the F5 control the HOH. Kenny isn't going to put up with her being in the house now that she's added comp threat to her resume.
It's not a perfect outcome for a week by far, but I can envision many scenarios where this went worse than how it currently is gonna end up. She had very few outs and you considered her goose cooked this week, and she's adding time to the clock pretty effectively right now.
The unfortunate part of Neda speaking so much truth is that 95% of it was in the DR... whereas she was actively non-existent for most of this week in the house.I just watched the episode.
Neda is speaking so much TRUTH!
Ika remains Target #1 in the house for the F5 due to her comp beasting this week.
I think you mean "Ika remains the #1 target for Kenny due to her comp beasting this week. Sarah/Sabrina have went on record with wanting to get rid of Allison (speaking to each other privately)
And I still maintain that Ika made the best nominations that she could have. Getting rid of a big guy only puts the target more on her, and makes the person that survives the block come after her, which is coincidentally already gonna happen. There's no guarantee one of Kendrew don't win PoV and then they both survive nods which puts her in a decidedly worse place. These noms allow herself a bit more breathing room, moreso than if she went directly after them.
's power is probablyAdelaccess to the war room + feeds, I'd wager. But will it have audio, and for how long are the questions.