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Big Brother Canada Season 2 |OT| - Premieres Wednesday, March 5th at 9:00pm on Slice

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t r a s h

Wow, a New York gif. You're so original.
s a r c a s m


Sabrina has decided that Andrew is "her brother" and that she wants to "take off all of Kenny's clothes" and go crazy with him.

So we've definitively established that Sab is back crushing on the gay guy. Hopefully they can kiss some more.


Of course, we'll conveniently ignore the fact that not two hours earlier she told Sarah that Kenny was like her brother and Andrew was who she was attracted to.


It's a social night and Allison can't be nommed this week anyhow. Technically, Ika's HOH reign doesn't directly impact her and she shouldn't be expected to provide guidance to her after being in the house for 5-6 hours anyhow. That would be stupid.

Allison is playing this perfectly. She knows who the majority alliance in the house is and she's getting a feel for who they are and what they're about. Frankly, she's being respectful of Ika by giving her some breathing room while she figures stuff out.

Incidentally, I'm not posting feed updates tonight because I don't think anything is changing despite all of the isolated game chatter going on while Allison and Andrew share life stories. Ika's going to make the same decision I thought she would before she won HOH. But if something takes place that poses a serious change to that gameplan I'll let you guys know.

Ika can't keep a single thought in her head to herself or to her alliance. She's really awful at this game. Neda should have been joined at her hip tonight as a sounding board and she hasn't been.
I'm watching the video with Ika and Neda weighing their options and considering booting Kenny and Andrew. Why do they think Sabrina is still with them? Give it up, it's obvious she doesn't give a damn about you and is firmly rooted on the Kenny/Andrew side of the house.


Ika's Nominations This Week (as of right now):
Still Adel & Paul... here HOH reign ends on Saturday and she'll be out of the house 12 days later... because she sucks at Big Brother

I'm actually kind of happy. I've got family stuff to do on Saturday and I won't have time to pay attention to the feeds.
Ika's Nominations This Week (as of right now):
Still Adel & Paul... here HOH reign ends on Saturday and she'll be out of the house 12 days later... because she sucks at Big Brother

jesus fucking christ. Maybe she's looking to backdoor? I don't see why. If one of the f5 gets the veto they aren't going to use it. Just put Andrew and Kenny up to ensure one of them goes home (ideally Kenny).


jesus fucking christ. Maybe she's looking to backdoor? I don't see why. If one of the f5 gets the veto they aren't going to use it. Just put Andrew and Kenny up to ensure one of them goes home (ideally Kenny).
Backdoor's not an option. You can't put anyone up against Adel or Paul and have them go home.

Ika goes home as soon as she casts those noms in stone unless she wins POV next week.


If Ika really puts up Paul/Adel I've lost all hope to this season. Mine as well tune out the show until Sabrina/Kenny/Andrew are final 3.


If Ika really puts up Paul/Adel I've lost all hope to this season. Mine as well tune out the show until Sabrina/Kenny/Andrew are final 3.
I have faith in Allison. I had no faith in Ika prior to tonight and I still don't.
Putting your stock in her making the right decision is just asking for disappointment.


I don't think it's a foregone conclusion that she'll nominate who people thinks she will. She's been having multiple conversations and I believe she's weighing her options.


I don't think it's a foregone conclusion that she'll nominate who people thinks she will. She's been having multiple conversations and I believe she's weighing her options.
Her first conversation this morning with Rachelle & Sabrina going over the events of the past two days in detail was a good start.

Not sure Ika's going to get Rachelle back from this discussion but she's at least going to be semi-successful in driving Rachelle and Sabrina part from this.

Ika's finally received her HOH room. Her stubbornness is the one trait she has going for her that may keep her alive in this game. If she's able to glean insight from Rachelle about the composition of the F5 after her chat this morning, she may be able to make quality noms. But I'm not entirely hopeful. Even after throwing the trap that Sabrina sprung two days ago back in her face, Rachelle still left that conversation telling Sabrina that only her and Sarah were her closest friends in the house that she could trust.

But we'll see.

Still leaning that the noms will be Paul & Adel. Ika has good intuition about people's character but unfortunately she uses that intuition to make the wrong decisions. She should be relying on Neda for help there but Neda's been virtually absent from Ika the past few days whenever something important has gone down.

Ika's spent the past hour telling Adel that she can't trust Paul not realizing that she's writing Adel's death warrant by doing so. And he calmly and collectedly pleads his case knowing full well that she's going home next week regardless if she doesn't change the house dynamics. He's even pledged his unconditional support to her if he puts the big guys up on the block instead of either him or Paul. But she's an idiot. She thinks she needs the support of the girls for anything. The DR is trying to talk some sense into her right now but I wouldn't expect a miracle.
i'm confused, why doesn't she trust Paul? Sure he is annoying but when did he ever blatantly lie to or betray anyone? I wish Neda had won this HoH, she seems a lot smarter than Ika.


i'm confused, why doesn't she trust Paul? Sure he is annoying but when did he ever blatantly lie to or betray anyone? I wish Neda had won this HoH, she seems a lot smarter than Ika.

Neda may be smarter but I highly doubt she would have the balls to put up Kendrew either


The move that Ika makes (if she does Paul/Adel) is a move that anyone else would make, based off of a lack of information (unlike the show watchers). Putting up two people 'no one likes' is a good way to gather good-will with the 'house'. It's a pretty smart move in the absence of pertinent information. I wish she'd go for Kenndrew, but with her not having the info she has, I can't say anything about her intelligence because she doesn't have the luxury of sitting back judging others play the game.


You can still judge her for the fact that she's guaranteed no assurances of safety for next week by making this move.
The only person who even offered an assurance of safety Ika's way (not only as far as noms go but POV usage as well) was Adel.


I have to give credit to Sabrina, she's been on Ika since her HOH victory like her next meal depends on it. She's effectively running it at this point.


I have to give credit to Sabrina, she's been on Ika since her HOH victory like her next meal depends on it. She's effectively running it at this point.
I wonder how we could have possibly seen this coming. Oh wait...

It's going to be fun seeing the F5 reactions post-HOH. Sabrina will be on Ika like glue the next few days to cockblock everything and everyone (mainly Allison, Adel and Paul). She'll cheer her. She'll be preaching girl power. She'll mock hurl insults at Kenny/Andrew. She'll insist on sleeping in the HOH room. Sarah and Rachelle will also be glued to Ika... but they won't be putting in the Oscar performance that Sabrina will. She'll act like Ika winning HOH is the best thing ever. Probably invent another conflict or two with Adel that causes her to break down in tears prior to nominations to paint Adel as even more of a heartless villain.

Jon, Allison and Paul (being cooped up with Jon to form another strong connection with a guy in the house could prove to be vital for Allison)


NOMINATIONS TOMORROW (barring a miracle... p.s. I don't believe in miracles):
___Paul & Adel___

I'll be light on feed updates the next couple weeks unless dynamics in the house shift drastically. I'll still be posting pics from time-to-time.

Perhaps I was hasty in my earlier assessment. Seems now that Ika may switch things up and nominate the equally cowardly duo of Paul & Heather (The Tainted One). Seems like Adel may have earned himself a pass this week, after all. Good for him!


After giving it some thought, I'm warming up somewhat to Ika deciding to nominate Paul & Heather. Granted, of course, this is in contrast to the complete debacle that would have been Paul & Adel nominations... so anything would look better by comparison. But it's a rare smart decision by Ika that serves a number of benefits over the alternative.

First, those noms more or less lock up what she wanted to have happen in the first place - Paul leaving the house. It's not like Heather has allies but given the choice between a floater vote that will side with the majority and a vote that's workable by Adel's 2nd lease on Big Brother life, the F5 is going to side with minimizing Adel's vote leverage. It also makes it likely that the noms will remain the same after POV as Heather is extremely unlikely to win any kind of competition - remember, guys are 14-0 in POV comps.

Secondly, it allows Ika to actually broker a deal with Adel whom she's been legitimately impressed by in the house. It gives her someone else (in addition to Neda) who can potentially win HOH next week and who wouldn't target her (Paul's not winning squat). He can also potentially win POV next week to take her off the block.

Heck, Adel's mere presence in the house serves as target deflection because he would remain the bigger threat in the game over Ika. She's actually buying herself leverage by having an HOH run where she was too cowardly to target big players. Clearly Adel WOULD target big players so he would remain the bigger threat to eliminate.

Hence this move not only buys Ika exits but it almost virtually guarantees her an extra 7 days in the house to work with.

So - all things considered - with Neda virtually abandoning her during her HOH stint and Sabrina pushing her buttons relentlessly, this is NOT a terrible outcome for Ika. Adel is even giving her a choice on what to do with the POV should he happen to win it this week - she can choose to take Paul down and keep Adel's vote capital strong (and she may not even get blamed for that decision) or she can choose to keep Paul on the block and not put up a pawn that would send Heather out of the house early.

Now all of the above, of course, is conditional on Ika not changing her mind again. It's a possibility that Sabrina may continue to push for an Adel nom but he did a decent job of easing her mind yesterday with witnesses by going on record that he would not target her specifically. That was the trump card she was using to fan the flames with the girls that Adel was coming after him and he de-escalated that masterfully.

In fact, Adel has done an AMAZING job over the past 24 hours. Not only with earning himself an extra week in the house but how he pulled it off. He won Ika over by taking a lesson from what Kyle demonstrated last week and remaining loyal to Paul. His loyalty to Paul is what ultimately led to Ika rewarding Adel and not punishing him for showing it by putting him up on the block.

And this could actually turn into a great story for the season if Adel should happen to build some momentum and turn his game around (an HOH win next week would go a long way towards achieving just that). The lesson of loyalty Kyle taught him wound up saving him in the house and changing his fate. That's a story that has been told in reality TV before but it's certainly not a common thing to see in the Big Brother house.

Will be interesting to see where this goes.



At least somebody is brokering deals for safety next week.
It's not the HOH, though. It's her pawn.

In other news,
Sarah wants Allison dead less than 30 hours after entering the house. That may well be a new record.

Quick FYI for feed watchers... unlike last week where POV did not take place until late Sunday due to the elaborate setup of the Divergent obstacle course and the screening event, this week's nomination ceremony, POV player selection and veto competition will all be taking place TOMORROW (Saturday). I believe the actual POV ceremony won't happen until Sunday.

Ika's bid to pawn Heather instead of Adel may have bought her one extra player in her corner for next week's HOH comp but it appears that it will NOT buy Ika an extra week in the house. Ika is still the primary target on Kenny's radar despite the very real threat that Adel presents for the F5. Kenny has it out for the girl. F5 nominees for this week are currently set to be Ika & Adel with Ika designated as the house target. Paul is virtually locked in to leave next Thursday barring a freak comp win tomorrow. I'm not holding my breath.

Lastly, and by no means certainly not least, check out this vid to gauge Scott's reaction at the news that Kenny is gay.


I haven't actually been watching the feeds since this morning as I've been out but it would seem today has been surprisingly eventful. So let's recap.

Andrew kissed Allison... aggressively. Clearly she made an impression over these past 2 days.

The Heather/Paul noms have had the unexpected benefit of causing a rift to develop from within the F5. More specifically, between Sarah and Kenny.

After Heather agreed to be a pawn yesterday, she went around getting assurances from all the guys to keep her safe the next couple weeks. Meanwhile, Sabrina used her mindfuckery on the ever-indecisive Ika to convince her to target Heather instead of Paul and they rallied all of the other girls in the house around the idea - this, despite the fact that Heather spent last night in the HOH room.

At first I was expecting this to be just a ruse to poison Ika further by exposing her betrayal to Heather but it turns out that Sarah and Sabrina are legit gung ho for the idea. They want Heather gone. Allison's arrival in the house and subsequent monopolization of Kendrew's time has freaked Sarah out about her expendability in the house so she wanted to exert her influence over F5 decisions and send Heather packing.

Of course, Kenny isn't having any of that. Kenny wants Paul gone then Ika then Adel. Sarah wants Heather gone and then Allison - even though she's well aware that the guys won't cut Allison before Ika. And Kenny ironically is so adamant about evicting Ika because he thinks she's smart - when we've quite clearly seen that she is not. If anything, Kenny might be fearful of Sabrina's proven capability to get Ika to do whatever she wants.

So now the girls & Adel all want Heather gone - the guys want Paul gone and Sarah & Sabrina now find themselves in the unpleasant situation of potentially exposing their disloyalty to the girls if they vote with the F5 to evict Paul (it's a 9 person vote - they either get exposed or Heather goes home and Kenny is pissed). It's a crazy situation. And that's before POV enters into the equation.

_____Andrew, Arlie & Neda_____

Other craziness has ensued today. There's a cigarette thief on the loose in the house. Arlie's 9 packs of smokes have wandered away - in an almost obvious attempt to either incriminate Allison or to fuel the unease around her being a possible saboteur. This would appear to be the kind of treachery that Sabrina would pull but as the disappearance occurred when the feeds were away from the scene of the crime, there's no way to know for certain.

The POV comp is presently being played.





IKA won POV becoming the first girl in BBCAN history to win a PoV, and the first girl to win an HOH and POV.

Let's see if she backdoors someone or keeps her decidedly workable nods the same. At the very least, she has shown herself as a competitor, and comes out of this HOH better than she went into it (with an actual ally in Adel), and some new targets for some people (Allison for Sabrina/Sarah)



IKA won POV becoming the first girl in BBCAN history to win a PoV, and the first girl to win an HOH and POV.

Let's see if she backdoors someone or keeps her decidedly workable nods the same. At the very least, she has shown herself as a competitor, and comes out of this HOH better than she went into it (with an actual ally in Adel), and some new targets for some people (Allison for Sabrina/Sarah)
That last part is debatable.

Granted, she does - as of right now - have Adel as an ally. But had she not won HOH this week and been nominated, she'd be pulling herself down with the POV right now and could compete for HOH herself next week.

Additionally, her two consecutive comp wins make a potential backdoor scenario almost virtually assured next week so long as the F5 control the HOH. Kenny isn't going to put up with her being in the house now that she's added comp threat to her resume.


That last part is debatable.

Granted, she does - as of right now - have Adel as an ally. But had she not won HOH this week and been nominated, she'd be pulling herself down with the POV right now and could compete for HOH herself next week.

Additionally, her two consecutive comp wins make a potential backdoor scenario almost virtually assured next week so long as the F5 control the HOH. Kenny isn't going to put up with her being in the house now that she's added comp threat to her resume.

I'm not sure how it's arguable that she's leaving this week better than she walked into it since walking into this week she was a target. Yeah, she's more of a target to Kenny, but she was #1 on his radar anyway, and you can't get much higher than #1. And the reason she has left this week better than entering is there are still targets in the house (Paul and Allison), and people that want to go after both of them (sarah/sabrina for allison, Andrew for Paul) oh and Adel is still in the house too. Still a target for some.

It's not a perfect outcome for a week by far, but I can envision many scenarios where this went worse than how it currently is gonna end up. She had very few outs and you considered her goose cooked this week, and she's adding time to the clock pretty effectively right now.


It's not a perfect outcome for a week by far, but I can envision many scenarios where this went worse than how it currently is gonna end up. She had very few outs and you considered her goose cooked this week, and she's adding time to the clock pretty effectively right now.
I haven't really moved away from that assessment. I still think Ika's goose is cooked and will go home next week. What Kenny wants, Kenny gets is my mantra for this season until proven otherwise.

Is the current situation a step up from her putting up Adel & Paul? Sure it is. But it's not "much" better when you consider that she has no assurances of safety next week apart from Adel and she DID win HOH & POV which could have been leveraged into a move of much greater significance than the impending elimination of Paul.


This Sarah vs. Sabrina argument/breakdown is hysterical.
Allison has completely broken these two in less than 3 days. They're a complete wreck!




There was more kissing between Allison and Andrew in the hammock tonight. Showmance in full effect.

Paul is now transitioned into full-on troll mode. He's mock pretending to earn the house penalties for breaking the slop rules (when he actually isn't).
He's also serenading Sabrina about the blossoming romance between Allison and Andrew. Here's hoping Troll Paul stays alive in the house another week.
Better yet... have him win HOH.

Also, Heather has yet to return from medical after injuring her knee in tonight's POV comp.

Current Vote Breakdown for Thursday (as of right now):
- Vote to Evict Paul - Andrew, Arlie, Jon, Kenny
- Vote to Evict Heather - Adel, Neda, Rochelle, Sabrina, Sarah
- May or May Not Have a Vote - Allison
- Only Votes in Case of a Tie - Ika


There's a live-feed event happening all day today where the houseguests have been tasked with being buzz-worthy and popular on social media.


Click this link for the details

Evidently the winner of this 12-hour campaign will receive a special power in the house in addition to news from the outside.

The guys have decided to take advantage of this campaign to parade around in their underwear all day. Although, Arlie decided that wasn't enough and decided to just strip completely. Wonderful.
Andrew also suggested staging a gay makeout sequence with Kenny. Kenny, needless to say, was not opposed to this idea.

Jon is now wearing women's clothes. He's clearly appealing to the Scott demographic.

Seems like the popular consensus online choice is to throw support towards #BBCANADEL. I can get behind this. Hopefully Kyle can rally some support for him from home.
Through the first hour, Jon and Heather appear to be his top competition.


Heather has returned to the house and is presently hobbling around on crutches.

EDIT: Buzz-worthy Trending Results (after 5 hours):
1st - Adel / 2nd - Heather / 3rd - Jon


Just another typical day in the Big Brother Canada house...




I value my account so I will not be sharing pics of Arlie streaking in the HOH room or attempting to dye his testicles by dipping them in cranberry juice. But those are out there.

POV ceremony is tomorrow.


General consensus counting hashtag trackers, Instagram & Facebook likes is that
won today's Buzz-worthy trending competition. The houseguests will find out the results tomorrow.

Whether this happens before... or after... the POV ceremony remains to be seen.

Andrew kisses Allison good night


and then proceeds to comfort the emotionally volatile Sabrina


just 4 short hours after she "broke up with him".



The nominations remain unchanged. Ika has decided to send home either Paul (who can't win any competitions) or Heather (a girl on crutches who slept with her in her HOH bed and offered no threat apart from having her reputation destroyed by Sabrina) home on Thursday.

Ika remains Target #1 in the house for the F5 due to her comp beasting this week.

All that remains is to decide whether Paul or Heather goes home.

At last count, there was an even 5-5 split.
Votes to evict Paul = Andrew, Kenny, Arlie, Jon, Allison (she DOES get a vote)
Votes to evict Heather = Sabrina, Sarah, Neda, Rochelle, Adel
Ika is the tiebreaker and would presently vote to evict Heather.


I just watched the episode.

Neda is speaking so much TRUTH!
The unfortunate part of Neda speaking so much truth is that 95% of it was in the DR... whereas she was actively non-existent for most of this week in the house.
She also contradicted most of her comments from the show on the live feeds where she applauded Ika's cowardly nominations and told her she wouldn't have been able to nominate big players, either.

The reason BB Canada gave her a good edit as the voice of reason this week is because they need to portray at least one of the girls as being smart and sensible instead of the joke alliance that they are in order to "portray" the threat against the F5 is larger and more cohesive than it actually is. Neda just wants to hide behind other players like Jon and the privacy of the DR and let other people play her game for her.


Lol there was no truth in Neda's words. It's the third week, not the mid game, don't overplay it. Unless she wants to end up like another Daniele Donato. She'd have Ika get rid of Kenny or Andrew, then what? Ika would be the number one target (although she is now regardless).

Honestly, Ika's HOH has been a mess, and I'm totally fine with that.


Ika remains Target #1 in the house for the F5 due to her comp beasting this week.

I think you mean "Ika remains the #1 target for Kenny due to her comp beasting this week. Sarah/Sabrina have went on record with wanting to get rid of Allison (speaking to each other privately)

And I still maintain that Ika made the best nominations that she could have. Getting rid of a big guy only puts the target more on her, and makes the person that survives the block come after her, which is coincidentally already gonna happen. There's no guarantee one of Kenndrew don't win PoV and then they both survive nods which puts her in a decidedly worse place. These noms allow herself a bit more breathing room, moreso than if she went directly after them.


I think you mean "Ika remains the #1 target for Kenny due to her comp beasting this week. Sarah/Sabrina have went on record with wanting to get rid of Allison (speaking to each other privately)

And I still maintain that Ika made the best nominations that she could have. Getting rid of a big guy only puts the target more on her, and makes the person that survives the block come after her, which is coincidentally already gonna happen. There's no guarantee one of Kendrew don't win PoV and then they both survive nods which puts her in a decidedly worse place. These noms allow herself a bit more breathing room, moreso than if she went directly after them.
Whether the noms were the "best that should could have or not" you don't consider a backdoor or a big player blindside, tell their closest ally in the house that you're considering it and then DON'T pull the trigger. I would have felt a lot better about her week had she just focused on Paul and Heather from the onset.

Along those lines Ika could have at least made Heather the target to begin with instead of peer pressuring her into volunteering to be a pawn, encouraging her to seek favor with the other guys in the house and voting her out anyway.

As for your argument about Allison being Sabrina & Sarah's target, that isn't happening unless they win HOH for themselves. Otherwise, they need Kenny's influence to steer the F5's attention to evicting Allison and he's hyper-focused on Ika. Even Sarah understands that the only way they get Kenny on board with that idea is to remove the Ika obstacle from his path and give him something new to obsess over.



Early Week HOH Speculation for Thursday

There's somewhat of a consensus push among the girls to nominate Adel to flush out his power but I have to think that if someone like Andrew or Kenny won HOH they wouldn't necessarily want to have their HOH wasted by a Coup d'Etat play so they would probably try to broker a deal.

That being said, it's not like Adel would stand idly by and watch Ika get taken out after she saved him this week. I can see a lot of people trying to throw this week's HOH competition as a result. Possibly even to Adel. And, of course, if it's a 2 or 3-week power like a Coup d'Etat traditionally is, he may be able to use it the last week anyhow.

Of course, being the HOH would actually keep someone safe from being taken out by a power so it would stand to reason that Kendrew won't be throwing anything.

Because they've announced the winner, the power could also be a Diamond Power of Veto, access to the war room camera live feeds (with audio) or something else entirely.

- Kenny (nominate Paul & Adel --> backdoor Ika)
- Andrew (nominate Paul & Ika --> backdoor Adel)
- Sarah/Sabrina (nominate Paul & Allison --> backdoor Adel)
- Arlie (will throw it - unless Adel is in a position to win; would mirror Kenny's noms)
- Jon (will throw it - unless Adel is in a position to win; would nominate Adel & Allison --> boot Adel)

In all of the above scenarios, Adel would effectively have his power flushed during an F5 HOH reign. Granted, a lot of these scenarios are predicated on Adel's power still being in play and not something along the lines of an advantage going into the HOH competition.

- Adel (nominate Kenny & Andrew --> one of those two would win POV --> Sarah would go up as an alternate --> boot whomever is left --> if neither win POV, would target Kenny but may boot Andrew regardless)
- Paul (who are we kidding - will either throw it or look so pathetic in his attempt to win that he might as well have thrown it)

- Allison (would probably mirror Andrew's noms --> but if she's smart she'll nominate Sarah & Sabrina)

- Neda (will subconsciously throw it because she expects other people to play her game for her)

- Rachelle (will throw it)


's power is probably
access to the war room + feeds, I'd wager. But will it have audio, and for how long are the questions.


's power is probably
access to the war room + feeds, I'd wager. But will it have audio, and for how long are the questions.
Actually, we now know the power. It's the option to swap out a veto player at any time for himself. But only one that isn't on the block already. And it can't be in a situation where he is on the block himself or HOH. So its utility is somewhat menial. It can be used to facilitate a backdoor situation but it stands to reason that he'll be targeted relentlessly by the house and put on the block because they know he has it.

There's no time limit on when it can be used, though. So that's a plus.

He's informed Ika that if he happens to win HOH himself this week he plans to nominate Andrew & Kenny and to put in Sarah as a replacement nominee should either of them win POV. It's a sound plan and probably one Ika should have considered this week for herself but at least Adel has more incentive to use it.

He was also relayed a tweet with his power from a viewer congratulating him on being one of the few people in the house to see through Sabrina. News he has since passed along to Ika.

Adel plans to throw shade on just what his power is by misrepresenting it as something bigger. Which is smart. That's how I'd play it seeing how he's already been advertised as having it.
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