Fix-It Felix. Jr.
How painfully predictable.
The only way it could be saved is if it plays out the same way the HN comp did. The two nominees are safe, and the HoH chooses to evict anyone aside from the noms.The whole backwards week could have been handled better, but the way they did it was pretty much an automatic HoH win for everyone in the majority alliance. Real great twist.
Its almost as if they think people don't talk about noms and who they are going to put up the following week. They act as if there is no plan until after someone wins hoh. So dumb.The whole backwards week could have been handled better, but the way they did it was pretty much an automatic HoH win for everyone in the majority alliance. Real great twist.
Worse things have happened in this house. Such as Neda getting a free pass, that makes me want to vomit more than this.So apparently Dillon and Emily stuck candy down their pants and rubbed it on their privates, and then fed it to Demetres. And then laughed about it to Jackie. Who was called into the DR where she spilled the whole story. WTF, if someone did that in a restaurant they'd be arrested. Boot them outta there!
Neda's been playing a personal and vindictive game that is setting herself up for failure in a house where everyone will want her head as soon as her immunity is up.I'm glad Jon Pardy cheated on her.
But seriously, what an insufferably smug bitch she has become. Jon tweeted that what we're seeing is an emotionless GAMER in Neda, and I think that's bullshit. She's being catty and petty like someone half her age, and her facial expressions sure aren't emotionless, nor are her gossipy rants about why person x sucks because xyz.
Edit: and the ratings are tanking, the lowest they've ever been, under a million viewers now. Good, they deserve every failure coming to them.
Are we sure she did? Audio usually doesn't leak in these live episodes.That being said I'm happy she heard the cheering when she was eliminated from the HOH comp.
Neda sucks but I don't want to read shit like "she deserved to be cheated on". No one does. I know she's really hard on herself and blames herself 100% for it and it's probably affected her emotionally. That being said I'm happy she heard the cheering when she was eliminated from the HOH comp.
That's a reasonable assertion.Anyone else notice how this episode has had ZERO Neda content in the first 30 minutes so far? She is getting the stealth edit now, they know Canada hates her now, I bet they are not showing her to protect her.
That's a reasonable assertion.
Not much has changed with the outcome this week. Emily is expected to be tossed to the wolves in a unanimous vote on Thursday and the focus has now shifted to split up this season's other prolific showmance. Both Ika and Demetres will be the principal targets for the majority alliance in this week's upcoming double eviction. This is more than deserved given Ika's unending "ride the middle / instigating" bullshit gameplay that she's persisted with over the past month which culminated with this week's push to backdoor Bruno only to throw everyone under the bus once they got on board with it.
It has never been a good idea any time a show has attempted it. The closest thing to a successful reality TV season with partial vet/newbie mix was Big Brother 14.Who thought doing a half vets, half newbie season was a good idea. This is boring as fuck.
Her gameplay this entire season was atrocious. She should have been using the past 4 weeks of safety to work her social game to ensure she had a safety net once her immunity window lapsed. Instead she spent that time sleeping, acting condescending, barking marching orders to just about everyone in the house and obsessing over her feud with Cassandra.Neda getting evicted 30 minutes after her immunity is up? Iconic.
That about sums things up. Ridding the BBCAN Odyssey of that pesky Neda glue has worked wonders.the house is a fucking mess right now, literally the only solid alliance is bruno and kevin imo everything else is just betrayalton and no one knows the the fuck is happening
Normally this would make for great TV but with these hacks, it is more like they are running into each other and knocking each other out.the house is a fucking mess right now, literally the only solid alliance is bruno and kevin imo everything else is just betrayalton and no one knows the the fuck is happening