Ika ain't winning no hoh so no chance this week, so looking that way. If they are smart, they go after Demetres this week and finish them off.Kevin/Karen/Dillon F3 all but certain at this point?
Kevin vs Karen would be a hilarious final 2 given their history, and even funnier if Karen beats him.
Kevin vs Karen would be a hilarious final 2 given their history, and even funnier if Karen beats him.
You didn't believe what I posted two days ago, did you?Holy shit
Kevin used the Power of Veto on Ika. Kevin nominated Dillon as the replacement nominee
What an idiot. He gets the tying vote and will saveHoly shit
Kevin used the Power of Veto on Ika. Kevin nominated Dillon as the replacement nominee
He won't even get the opportunity to cast a tiebreaker vote.What an idiot. He gets the tying vote and will save. Unless he is playing the odds and thinksDemetrescan't win a comp whereasIkacan making it him versusDillon. Huh. I just talked myself into thinking this is a good move....IF he votes outKaren and Ika.Demetres
Wow. Karen is dumb for voting out her only ally against the top competitor.He won't even get the opportunity to cast a tiebreaker vote.
He BELIEVES he will which is why he's making this move. But he won't.
It'll be a 2-0 vote to evict Dillon.
Ika and Demetres have played winning games. Dillon hasn't, he only beats Karen. This was a boneheaded move by him - he should have just taken out Ika and someone who could have won the game against him.It did not matter who went home this week for Kevin. He knows they all want him out so he is on the block no matter what.
All that matters is the veto next week. You may argue that he should not have used the veto to save Ika but there was no guarantee Dillon and Karen would not save Demetres. Because of what he did he 100% guarantees a strong male competitor goes home, and the two weakest remain.
All that increases his odds in the next veto.
Plus, now he has better odds of getting Dillon's vote over Karen cause Karen just screwed Dilon
Ika and Demetres have played winning games. Dillon hasn't, he only beats Karen. This was a boneheaded move by him - he should have just taken out Ika and someone who could have won the game against him.
Seems likely. Demetres and Kevin will be duelling it out in the final HOH competition to determine who gets to bring Karen with them to the jury vote.has won veto. Are we headed for aKevin..............vsKevin.....finale?Karen.....
Can you imagine if Ika swung the jury to vote Karen? God that would suck.I also don't believe it's necessarily a slam dunk Kevin beats Karen in a jury vote. I mean, it's the most likely outcome but Karen will come out guns ablazing with the jury questions if she's up against him. I'd put the odds at like 90:10 Kevin wins that showdown but I wouldn't rule out her swaying a number of votes to her side.
Yeah. No matter how much a player is disliked, they'll pick the best winner. Karen played for 2nd. No level of bitter jury is going to change that.I think Neda will be strongarming them to pick "the best winner to represent our season" and that ain't Karen
I believe there was a studio taping forHow are people finding out who won comps in the final HoH if feeds are down?
I believe there was a studio taping for.Ika's eviction and the first leg of the HOH competition
Hence why that information has gotten out.
There wasn't an audience for either. Someone just likes ruining everything for everyone...