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BIG movie release weekend! What are you going to go see?

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We got The Village, Harold and Kumar, and The Manchurian Candidate starting tonight! Big weekend for movies. This has been a great summer for movies so far and hopefully it continues this weekend. I don't remember seeing half as many movies all of last year than I have this summer.

The Village is a must see tonight! I've been waiting months for this movie. Screw the whiney 'end of the movie sucks' haters (Don't know the ending yet do not spoil it), it is all about the whole experience. The movie is gonna rock stop your crying. Tommorrow night is Harold and Kumar. This movie looks hilariously funny. When you get comedic leads with bit parts in great flicks such as American Pie & Van Wilder, you know you got something good. Don't really care about the remake of The Manchurian Candidate. But I may go see it in a matinee on Sunday! It's a good weekend to go out and watch some flicks!


Let's see:

The Village - By all acounts terrible.

The Manchurian Candidate - A unnecessary remake of a classic.

Harold and Kumar - A combination stoner flick and White Castle advertisement.

I reckon if I had to go to the movies I'd go with Harold and Kumar, but otherwise I'll be renting flicks this weekend instead of going to watch them in the theatre.



"Go out and watch some flicks!"


Looks like an average week to me. Who knows, maybe I'm wrong.

I might be forced to see one of them however.
I have no real interest in going to see those. I thought about Harold and Kumar, but i think i can wait until it hits dvd to see it.
Seeing as I am going to a concert tonight and a concert tomorrow I will see Harold and Kumar either Saturday afternoon or sometime Sunday.

evil ways

Big movie release weekend?

More like crappy movie release weekend. Village looks like a boring shitfest, and the other 2 are not that far behind.
Mrbob said:
The Village is a must see tonight! I've been waiting months for this movie. Screw the whiney 'end of the movie sucks' haters (Don't know the ending yet do not spoil it), it is all about the whole experience. The movie is gonna rock stop your crying.

Maybe you should listen to people. I saw the Village and its bad on a level that defies logic. You want to talk about experience? The ending cheapens the whole film as a whole and will leave most people livid (well, it's already working out that way).

I'm also seeing the Metallica movie. I hate the band, but am a sucker for any documentary.


For the sake of completion, you forgot Thunderbirds.

I'm staying in this weekend, watching Spirited Away on DVD...from the Public Library.


I'm debating whether or not to see "The Village." I continue to hear people cripple this movie with their criticism, but this board has questionable taste. :p

However, it IS marked as "rotten" on rottentomatoes.com, and that basically forms my opinion.

Maybe I'll see "The Manchurian Candidate"...it got an 86% on rottentomatoes.com, and I've never seen the original.
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