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Biggest boner for a game on a console you don't own?


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Okay, this topic if for those of us unlucky enough to not own all 3 consoles......what game are you lusting after on a console that you don't own? I own both a PS2 and a GC, and have a massive, throbbing, vein encrusted boner for Ninja Gaiden on the XBox....However, I don't think I am willing to shell out 200 smackers just for a single game.
I'm sure it's gonna be Halo 2. And last year I wanted to play KOTOR so bad, but when It was released on PC, the hype was gone and finally the game wasn't that good.

But anyway, Halo 2. And when I only had my Ps2, I always wanted to play F-Zero GX. And god it rocks.


RE4 - GameCube

Would have liked it on Xbox! As great as the game looks, it has the postential to look even better


Disgaea. :\

My PS2 died a long time ago.. I just wasn't spending enough time with it to warrant purchasing another. I seem to gravitate mainly to PC games, but I REALLY wanted to play Disgaea!


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
half-life 2, F.E.A.R, doom 3 and farcry for pc. there is no way in hell i could ever spend the money to upgrade my pc though. when this POS dies, i'll just buy another cheap-o computer for internet, media and office work

Knights of the Old Republic

Systems from the past:


Albert Odyssey

Sega CD:


Turbografix CD:

Cosmic Fantasy 1 & 2


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I own most of the systems I want... let's see

GamePark32 - Astonisha Story R

...is all I can think of

Good choices for the people who suggested Duo and Sega CD games :D
Perhaps GTA:SA. But, I know I'll probably be playing that on my Xbox sometime next year.

Maybe Killzone?

Hell, I really don't think I have one.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
back in the day, i really wanted a turbo cd to play the valis series. and then there was my infatuation with AvP on jaguar, and crash and burn on 3DO.

looking back now, i'm thankfully i didnt have the cash to blow on those systems



-Dragon Quest VIII
-Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War
-Katamari Damacy
-Technic Beat
-Ys: The Ark of Napishtam

-New Legend of Zelda
-Paper Mario 2: The Thousand Year Door
-Pikmin 2
-Viewtiful Joe 2

-Street Fighter Anniversary Collection


Littleberu said:
And last year I wanted to play KOTOR so bad, but when It was released on PC, the hype was gone and finally the game wasn't that good.

You weren't the only one that experienced that.



God of War for the PS2 looks really good. I love action games and this game looks to be a very original and satisfyingly brutal take on greek mythology. Eye Toy for the PS2 also looks very interesting and I was suprised by the breadth of games that I saw on display for it at E3. Although it seems like the novelty could wear off fast you can't get anything like this on any other consoles.


RE4 for Gamecube. It was the most impressive game I played at E3. Beautiful graphics and phenomenal gameplay (something no other RE game has had). If the GC had more games like RE4 it would be worth buying. Easily the best graphics ever seen on Gamecube, impecable control nothing like previous RE games. Generally I have no interest in the crappy RE series or the survival horror genre, but this game is very different.

capslock said:
I own both a PS2 and a GC, and have a massive, throbbing, vein encrusted boner for Ninja Gaiden on the XBox....However, I don't think I am willing to shell out 200 smackers just for a single game.
That's a very disgusting way of putting it, but I'd say Ninja Gaiden is worth $200 if any game is, especially if you love the action/adventure genre. It is the best action game ever made, the graphics are mind blowing, it's going to take you a very long time to get through the 16 levels of the game and then there are two huge Master Ninja Tournament downloads which greatly extend the replay value of the game. Ninja Gaiden is the 2nd best video game I have played this generation. For Halo 2 to become this years GOTY it's going to have to rise above an extremely high bar.


Albert Odyssey
Dragon Force
Panzer Dragoon Saga

Pokemon Snap
Hey You, Pikachu!
Pokemon Colloseum
Um, Doom 3 and HL2 at there highest settings? I have all.

Hey Im sorry, I may sound like some guy who just won the lottery of 1 million dollars and who than says "I guess it's a lot, but..." But I want high detail.

Though last gen all I had was my N64 and a at the time 'ok' PC, but it couldent run any Quake 3 engine based games worth shit, So that sucked when I was really wanting Elite Force, and I also really hated not being able to play MGS. It's really sad to look at how back than only a couple hundred bucks stood between me and playing MGS, and how a couple years ago I bought a second Platinum GCN and have bever played on it once, though I do use the controler.

~Black Deatha


goodcow said:
It's okay, JSRF blows compared to the original anyway.

i thought it was a million times better and really showed what a sequel should be like.
But since it's quite different from the first one and much more platform / exploration oriented, i believe it's a matter of tastes.
Objectively speaking, it's much much much larger and much more varied.

Saturn is the only major console i didn't own, so i'd say panzer dragon saga and a few others


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
goodcow said:
It's okay, JSRF blows compared to the original anyway.

While I also agree that JSR is better than the sequel, many MANY people enjoy JSRF much more than the original. You shouldn't really try to deter people from playing JSRF simply because you didn't like it as much...as there is a good chance that they may like it more than the original.


Still Tagged Accordingly
I've only got a GameCube (and GBA).

PS2: Metal Gear Solid 2, Metal Gear Solid 3

XB: Halo, Ninja Gaiden, Halo 2
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