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Bill and Ted Face the Music Hits VOD on September 2nd


Just watched the first two movies again and I really dont need a different ending. Crazy thing is they planned an even more insulting ending for Face the Music originally.
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This was also the cheapest looking movie I have seen in a long time.

When the time machine shows up and they go to the future I was laughing hysterically. Honestly looks like they filmed this thing in 2 weeks for half a million dollars. No one cared.
that was part of the appeal in the originals......they did lose much of that fun the first movie had when they started to use CG...particularly in the Future and hell parts
and i never knew about the deleted scenes in the first 2 movies...they looked mad


We know that jn both Excellent Adventure and Face the Mysic, when they time travel the current timeline (the present) still moves forward regularly. So one thing that bugs me...

At the end of Bogus Journey, when they go back in time to practice (and they had their kids), how did they manage to return instantaneously to the current time.? Shouldnt it also advance forward the same time as they spent in the past? I always wondered about that.


It's not like Rufus was this incredible, unforgettable character. Lack of Rufus hardly bothers me at all.

If anything Death's return stuck out more cuz it was kinda awkward and he felt underused. It was more of a small cameo return which I was kinda expecting.

And y'all want more of Billie and Thea? I thought we were complaining about them being Mary Sues?

I didn't mind Billie and Thea but I definitely didn't want more of them. I wanted more Bill and Ted.

Bill and Ted still have chemistry for sure, the acting just isn't as energetic as it was when they were in their 20s.

I do agree Winter did a better job, but he kinda always did.
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I liked it, most non-heinous.

If the first two movies were buddy comedies this one is more of a family comedy. Bill & Ted are older family men and a bit burned out as creatives, but they're still recognizable as Bill & Ted.
The part where they attempt to outwit their future selves by putting buckets on their heads and consequently falling out of a window gave me a good laugh.
The daughters are fine too; chips off the old block and highly supportive of their dads. They play a major role in the story but Bill & Ted definitely do not get short shrift in this movie.


Unconfirmed Member
It's not like Rufus was this incredible, unforgettable character. Lack of Rufus hardly bothers me at all.

Ah but he was. It's a little thing called screen presence. You can't measure it. You can't determine it by the number of lines a character has or even the impact they have on the plot, it's just that when they're on screen they own that screen. Rufus is played by someone with enormous presence, a man of wisdom and intellect, a philosopher with a sense of humour, one of the true greats. As much as I like Kirsten Schaal (had a bit of a thing for her when she was in 30 Rock) I'm not sure many will remember her in 30 years.

On an unrelated note, cryptoadam cryptoadam hit on what I was thinking a bit later after writing my post - the girls have no development. It would certainly have been more interesting if they had rebelled against their fathers, and the film saw them brought together as the girls learned to love rock music, to understand the greats maybe by meeting them.

Thinking some more - another possible plot arc might have been Bill and Ted falling out of love with music, they lost their way, and the daughters finding tapes of their old stuff, or being shown the future and setting out to reignite their fathers' love of music. That could even play well to the crowd watching, after all let's face it we're all old fuckers and that hit could have been so good as Keanu and Alex slowly built up their mojo. It might have also better fit with the actors not being quite sure of themselves too, giving them room to grow the characters from scratch again instead of trying to be them from the start. I dunno.. just spitballing, but it seems there are better ways it could have been done. Honestly, I get that having daughters was done for woke points, but it doesn't bother me too much. I'm just bothered by the laziness of the plot as it would have been just as dull with male Bill and Ted impersonators, and perhaps using girls was a lazy way to hide that laziness of writing. They should have been used better.

Another issue that I think hampers the film, and again this is a problem with it coming out in 2020, is that there really isn't music around that people can unite around at the moment. Seriously, look at the state of music at the moment. We get the odd good track, don't get me wrong, but there's no movement out there that really captures anyone's imagination. There's no flair, it's all so humdrum, nobody doing anything wild and outlandish and wanting to stand out like the Van Halen or Bon Jovi. The music industry is fucked because kids don't want to be rock/pop stars any more, they want to be instagram-famous, living out their lives as performance art, instead of crafting great songs. Music is disposable because of unlimited streaming, an all-you-can-eat buffet where each course is an ok 6 out of 10 blandness but never reaches the heights of Michelin-starred fine dining, or even your favourite local eatery, but it's ok, you stuff your face until you're full because fuck it you've already paid for it. That blandness culminates in a final track that is.. well, it's a bit nothing. It's like the 'inspirational' music they put in ads they play in the cinema before the films, it's just so cookie-cutter.

Yeah I know, old man shouting at a cloud. It is what is is. A problem where the west peaked in cinema in the 70s and in music in the 80s. A great film comes about due to a unique set of circumstances. It might be a great director. It might be an amazing script. It might be the chemistry of the cast. It might capture a moment in time perfectly. Great chemistry and capturing a moment can elevate a mediocre director and an average script into something great, while their absence can take director and script and turn great into ok. I feel like the originals were the former, and now with no great chemistry and no great moment there's nowhere to hide the average script.


When everyone is killed, they all immediately go to hell. My daughter asked if it was because they hadn’t accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior. I also thought it was a bit odd. In Bogus, they go to hell because they melvined Death and were cast there by Missy. Anyone know why they went straight to hell in FtM?


I would’ve enjoyed Bogus more if it weren’t for the shitty foam future clothing/shoes. That shit took my wife and most of my kids out of it.

Excellent and FTM did the future a lot better.


ugh seeing people diss George Carlin in this thread

dude was one of the most memorable things about those first movies u insane

No disses here, I just never saw him as that big of a deal in these movies. Woulda been nice if he was still alive/in this movie but I'm not really hurting too much over him not being in it.


Unconfirmed Member
So here I am fresh from watching Excellent Adventures. First up - I had to google and they were in their mid-20s when they made this but damn they look so much younger! I guess that was intended given the age they were playing. Still, they got it right. All that macho bravado, the fag scene where in typically male style they break out of what might otherwise end up being cloyingly emotional. They absolutely get how males interact with each other at that age, and that's what the movie is. It's for guys. And that's ok - I don't need every film to be for us but it's ok for us to want some films that are. Not every film is for everyone, and generally if you try to make it, you'll make a film that's for no-one, which I think is where FTM goes wrong.

The dialogue is so much sharper, some things wouldn't fly today like the way they rib each other about fancying Missy (including the staring down her top scene), Bill and Ted actually fancying women and expressing that, calling them babes, the oedipal complex jokes. Now obviously they're married in FTM so it's fair enough that they keep things to themselves a bit more but it does feel that they've lost the playful masculinity of the earlier films, they're afraid to express themselves. Other bits - the bar fight where they end up with their heads in the wall checking out the ladies of the night, the princesses not being the ones to rescue Bill and Ted from the guillotine, the fact that the film has so many white guys in it (nobody thought to get MLK), and of course Missy's outfit in the garden and the camera close up. Now that's not to say that those things make the film, but the fact that they had the freedom to do it, it might work, it might not, but they have the freedom to do it, and in hindsight FTM feels very safe, that having 'grown up' they didn't want to do that kind of offensive shit anymore.

I haven't seen this film in a while so it was good to see it again - things like the bit with Beethoven and the electric keyboards could only happen in 80s movies, that kind of silliness went away and it's a shame - the new film lacks that.

Something that's hard to put my finger on is why the locations feel so much more fleshed out in Excellent adventures vs FTM. We have outdoor scenes shot on location, and perhaps a bit more shooting there where so much of FTM seems to be filmed in indoor studios - I wonder if perhaps that contributes somehow to why I find the film so disappointing, like it's not set in a living world, just a set of pastiches?

I like that it's proudly American, with Abraham Lincoln featuring so prominently, I somehow suspect that if Abe turned up and spoke to a bunch of students now he'd be faced with some idiot with a megafone shouting him down. It feels like a slice of a better past, a product of a better time. It has such an optimistic take on the future and while I get that the new film takes place with them not having yet attained their dream and getting on in years, perhaps the desire to paint heroes as having failed comes from the same place as the First Order rising from the defeat of the empire in Star Wars, that need to be 'realistic' but also pessimistic. Or maybe I'm full of shit, who knows.

On to Bogus Journey.


Anyone want to agree on spoilers out in the open in this thread? It kinda feels that way.

Watching RLM and an interesting thing they mentioned was the comparisons to BTTF. B&T were actually characters the writers came up with. Seems like BTTF was popular so they kinda stuck their characters with a time traveling movie to ride the wave.

Honestly this whole thing was so lazy and I have a hard time believing this was ever going to be a cinema release. Even the plot was lazy as there was so many better things they could of done and told a story like @hariseldon said in the other post. Make it about the girls learning to love music and B&T getting their mojo back, I mean the movie nearly writes itself.

And I guess this is what these new diversity AI script readers will start producing. If B&T weren't famous they would not of been 2 white dudes. I am sure the studio was trying really hard to have one of them be a girl or black or gay.

I don't remember from the first 2 but were the future leaders also all women? I don't think that was the case.

My god did the future look cheap. Angry Joe has better special effects. And the robot? That was a highschool drama level costume.

Everything from the script, to the effects, to the locations, to the acting feels totally lazy and that no one really wanted to do it. I guess Alex was really hard up and Keanu threw him a bone.


Imagine taking Bill and Ted seriously in the first place, the films were always dumb.

I thought the cheapness added to it's charm to be honest.

Also it's established early on that the daughters knew more about music than their Fathers, how are people missing that?

It's just a silly dumb movie like the originals, not some seminal masterpiece sequel.


Imagine taking Bill and Ted seriously in the first place, the films were always dumb.

I thought the cheapness added to it's charm to be honest.

Also it's established early on that the daughters knew more about music than their Fathers, how are people missing that?

It's just a silly dumb movie like the originals, not some seminal masterpiece sequel.

Thought it was a great way to end the trilogy honestly. They even addressed the "Little Bill and Little Ted" thing from Bogus Journey.


perhaps the desire to paint heroes as having failed comes from the same place as the First Order rising from the defeat of the empire in Star Wars, that need to be 'realistic' but also pessimistic. Or maybe I'm full of shit, who knows.

Technically, a New Hope exists because the heroes failed.


Unconfirmed Member
Just finished Bogus, I'd forgotten how weird that film was. I'll tackle the hot takes then get to the meat.

Ionian Ionian imagine being the kind of person who'd use imagine taking x seriously - it's just so much like the arguments the people defending the Disney star wars films make. The thing is we take seriously the art of film making, while acknowledging that the films are goofy fun. Indeed part of the problem is that the new film is missing precisely that goofy fun. On the cheapness - yes it was charming with cheap physical effects - for some reason cheap CGI never quite has the same charm.

Stouffers Stouffers - you are of course right but consider the movies as a package of 6 and it's the fall and redemption of Anakin/Darth, with the hero rescuing him from himself in 4-6.

So, back to the meat. cryptoadam cryptoadam - I think laziness is part of it, but also the diversity script checkers you mention - the latter being a bigger issue. As I point out in my post about Excellent Adventures, it's not so much that those jokes are funny, or that they exist, as that they're allowed to exist. It shows that the writers were not shackled by a committee telling them what they're allowed to write. Comparing them back to back it becomes more obvious that the new movie is playing it safe for this reason and that's part of why the spark is missing.

Re the future leaders, 3 dudes the main one was black, so they got one diversity point. The locations, as I say in my previous post, don't really feel like real places. They're film sets, where the places they use in the prequels for the most part feel like real places because they likely are.

Anyway, that's enough of my shit. Party on dudes, be excellent to each other.
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I also would like to mention how lame the finally was. I mean the song was just horrible, thats supposed to unite everyone? And all the girls did was press some buttons on a mixer, could they not at least have them be lead singers or guitar players or something?

You have a chance to collect the most famous musicians in history. You get some asian lady and some cavewomen. Uhm I think someone like Dany Carey might want to have a word about being the best drummer of all time. Jimmy and Louis are good but aside from being black I don't really see how they fit. Ok Jimmy yes 100% for sure.

Like they couldn't even be arsed to try and write a decent song at the end. Thats how low effort it was. At least get Arianna Grande or Justin Bieber to write some lame pop song FFS.


Just finished Bogus, I'd forgotten how weird that film was. I'll tackle the hot takes then get to the meat.

Ionian Ionian imagine being the kind of person who'd use imagine taking x seriously - it's just so much like the arguments the people defending the Disney star wars films make. The thing is we take seriously the art of film making, while acknowledging that the films are goofy fun. Indeed part of the problem is that the new film is missing precisely that goofy fun. On the cheapness - yes it was charming with cheap physical effects - for some reason cheap CGI never quite has the same charm.

Stouffers Stouffers - you are of course right but consider the movies as a package of 6 and it's the fall and redemption of Anakin/Darth, with the hero rescuing him from himself in 4-6.

So, back to the meat. cryptoadam cryptoadam - I think laziness is part of it, but also the diversity script checkers you mention - the latter being a bigger issue. As I point out in my post about Excellent Adventures, it's not so much that those jokes are funny, or that they exist, as that they're allowed to exist. It shows that the writers were not shackled by a committee telling them what they're allowed to write. Comparing them back to back it becomes more obvious that the new movie is playing it safe for this reason and that's part of why the spark is missing.

Re the future leaders, 3 dudes the main one was black, so they got one diversity point. The locations, as I say in my previous post, don't really feel like real places. They're film sets, where the places they use in the prequels for the most part feel like real places because they likely are.

Anyway, that's enough of my shit. Party on dudes, be excellent to each other.
Right, but considering the strong Buddhist overtones in all of Star Wars, the “reset” in 7 perfectly fits the themes of impermanence and reincarnation.


Unconfirmed Member
cryptoadam cryptoadam Perhaps the film makers couldn’t remember the greatest song in the world, that was just a tribute?
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Unconfirmed Member
Right, but considering the strong Buddhist overtones in all of Star Wars, the “reset” in 7 perfectly fits the themes of impermanence and reincarnation.

Given the film was just a rehash I’d be deeply surprised if anyone involved even knew enough about Buddhism to invoke any of its core tenets.
I also would like to mention how lame the finally was. I mean the song was just horrible, thats supposed to unite everyone? And all the girls did was press some buttons on a mixer, could they not at least have them be lead singers or guitar players or something?

You have a chance to collect the most famous musicians in history. You get some asian lady and some cavewomen. Uhm I think someone like Dany Carey might want to have a word about being the best drummer of all time. Jimmy and Louis are good but aside from being black I don't really see how they fit. Ok Jimmy yes 100% for sure.

Like they couldn't even be arsed to try and write a decent song at the end. Thats how low effort it was. At least get Arianna Grande or Justin Bieber to write some lame pop song FFS.
The kiss song in part 2 was pretty good and it still holds up today
Same cant be said for any of todays music in general....the only real rock band thats still kicking along and making good tunes are the foo fighers and even they have a fair bit of filler on their albums

They needed this....also featuring Dave Grohl


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Thought it was a great way to end the trilogy honestly. They even addressed the "Little Bill and Little Ted" thing from Bogus Journey.
Does it really?
Because Bill & Ted went into the future and learned how to play and became legends and returned with the "God Gave Rock 'N' Roll To You"
And I know the actress's are nearly 30 in real life
But was the daughters supposed to that age?
Just seem a little inconsistent with Bogus imo.
Ok film but still .


How did they even know about a cavewoman drummer from 20000BC

Apparently the Chinese woman knew about her somehow.

Wish they spent more time with the historical figures. I think the movie woulda been better if they took more time with some things. The budget shoulda been higher.

Any word on how this movie did? I imagine it doing pretty well. The budget couldn't have been too high and I assume it got a lot of views. It's reviewed well enough, pretty much 7ish scores across the board which is fair?

After watching it I felt like we could use a 4 with a better budget or a show even.

Story wise it feels almost like it takes place during the middle of the ending credits of 2. It comes this close to being an in-between-quel.

4 could be them going to Mars as that's the main plot point from 2's ending that got cut. Everything else could fit.

Alex Winter's performance was definitely a lot more interesting than Keanu's, which I feel was sort of the case with the first two as well but in 3 it really stands out.

There are certain line deliveries by Alex Winter that made me squirm in my seat cuz he pulls off some of the exact same voices he did before. Was really great to hear that again.
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Unconfirmed Member
Apparently the Chinese woman knew about her somehow.

Wish they spent more time with the historical figures. I think the movie woulda been better if they took more time with some things. The budget shoulda been higher.

Any word on how this movie did? I imagine it doing pretty well. The budget couldn't have been too high and I assume it got a lot of views. It's reviewed well enough, pretty much 7ish scores across the board which is fair?

After watching it I felt like we could use a 4 with a better budget or a show even.

Story wise it feels almost like it takes place during the middle of the ending credits of 2. It comes this close to being an in-between-quel.

4 could be them going to Mars as that's the main plot point from 2's ending that got cut. Everything else could fit.

We don’t need anymore. It’s done.


If you love them, set them free.

They were free for like 30 years, time to chain them back up again.

I know the movie was flawed but I was still so happy seeing it/them together again.

I felt it was held back by budget. Had they gotten the budget of either of the first movies it could have been a lot better.

I still really liked it. It had enough well done moments for me to want more.


Unconfirmed Member
They were free for like 30 years, time to chain them back up again.

I know the movie was flawed but I was still so happy seeing it/them together again.

I felt it was held back by budget. Had they gotten the budget of either of the first movies it could have been a lot better.

I still really liked it. It had enough well done moments for me to want more.

It was held back more by Keane being entirely unarsed. I love the originals, turning it into a franchise risks it becoming shit like Star Wars.


Well, hm.

Definitely not what I had hoped it would be. Falls in the solid 6, maybe 6.5 column. I was really hoping for something to live up to the Bill and Ted I grew up with.

I didn’t have a problem with them having daughters other than Bill’s daughter. She was just kinda lame.

I agree with most sentiments that Bogus Journey had such a great finish that this kind of took away from it. It felt about 25 years too late.

Hooboy, Missy did NOT age well.
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Well, it's not good. And yeah, it looks pretty cheap in places.

Ted's daughter is annoying looking, but at least she's playing a character. She and Alex Winter share the fact that they are at least trying. Keanu might be the worst part, followed closely by Bill's daughter. It was distracting watching them fail to act through the whole movie.

It's just boring and feels unnecessary.


I thought it was okay. Pretty cute, mostly.

I love Alex Winter, and just wish he was in more roles these days. My favorite character and favorite movie of his will probably forever be Ricky Coogan in Freaked. :)

Had never seen this as a kid, looks like something I would have loved. Very Naked Gun.

Love the late 80's Chili Pepper T-Shirt too.


Faith - Hope - Love
Had never seen this as a kid, looks like something I would have loved. Very Naked Gun.

Love the late 80's Chili Pepper T-Shirt too.

It's 1990's era MTV all over. Actually, it's a spinoff of Alex Winter's short run MTV skit show The Idiot Box.

It's got several celebrities in it, including a uncredited role by Keanu Reaves (see if you can tell which is him!)

Here's the whole movie for ya! :messenger_smiling_with_eyes:

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Jay and Rich liked it.

I came away from that feeling like they were just glad to watch something that helped them escape the retarded current day politics shoved into your face everywhere. Most of the complaints I felt about the movie were expressed by them and they forgave a lot of weaknesses because they were just glad to not want to dip their faces in acid from the decline of humanity taking place around them.

If this movie had come out 2 years ago, I think they'd have shredded it to pieces.


Jay and Rich liked it.

I wish I could agree with them, but I guess I'm not as forgiving.

I watched the movie twice, and I still don't know if I would say I like it or not. I know logic is not a huge part of these movies, I get that, and I know it's not meant to be taken too seriously, but I feel like there's such a thing as suspension of disbelief, and unlike Freaked, but the first two Bill & Ted movies did feel like they had a set of logic within the universe. They do retcon the story with this movie though, they didn't make it sound like just one song united the world in previous movies. It was the music of Wyld Stallyns that did it. It was "excellent for dancing" like Rufus put it in the first one. Their whole catalog was the "basis for our whole society", so it wasn't just one song that magically saved the world. The fact that their legacy boils down to just one song saving reality is not something I was a fan of.

Also, another plot gripe is why does every one who dies automatically go to hell? Shouldn't they be given a chance to challenge death too? xD They should be appearing as ghosts in the real world before just dropping down to hell.

I liked the daughters at first, and I liked their performances at first..., but their sub plot got boring eventually. And they did what I hoped they wouldn't do, and basically made the daughters the saviors. Not a fan of that because Bill and Ted were hailed as the great ones, not their daughters. They were the ones who had statues, and were recognized in the future, not the daughters. =/ Another movie that tries to overshadow the original cast with next gen characters, and I really hate it when that happens. Why the fuck do so many movies these days have to try to outdo the original cast with a younger generation, it's so stupid. There are ways to carry on a legacy without taking it away from characters.

As a Bill and Ted movie also, I wish it had more actual Bill and Ted. The daughter sub plot took away the attention from them, and seriously, the best parts of this movie involved Alex Winter and Keanu Reeves meeting their future selves. There were parts that I had legit laughs, like when they put buckets on their heads. Those were the moments that legit got a laugh out of me, but there wasn't enough of it. Alex Winter especially was just great to see again, and to see he still channeled the character so well. Even if he wasn't as good as he used to be, it was fun seeing Keanu in another comedic role after seeing him kicking ass for so long.

As much as I liked seeing Sadler back as Death, the scene of them convincing him to rejoin was a bit of a drag. It could have used more laughs I felt. Once again, the scene was also overshadowed by the daughters again.

The third act just also feels like a mess with all that's going on. The end was also way too abrupt. Needed some better closure.

It could have been a good movie, but in the end it isn't. It has a few good scenes, but it falls flat. I hate saying it, because I was looking forward to it a lot. With no other movies this year, I was most hyped for it you could say, and if some things were changed, it still could have been good. If they needed the daughters to be important characters, there were better ways that they could have implemented them into the story. They should have been a part of Bill & Ted's journey maybe, so we didn't need to cut away to them so much.


I thought it was okay. Pretty cute, mostly.

I love Alex Winter, and just wish he was in more roles these days. My favorite chareacter and favorite movie of his will probably forever be Ricky Coogan in Freaked. :)

Freaks is highly underrated. Hilarious movie. A secret actor is in the movie too.


Faith - Hope - Love
Freaks is highly underrated. Hilarious movie. A secret actor is in the movie too.

One of his greatest roles! :lollipop_grinning_smiling_eyes:

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