that was part of the appeal in the originals......they did lose much of that fun the first movie had when they started to use CG...particularly in the Future and hell partsThis was also the cheapest looking movie I have seen in a long time.
When the time machine shows up and they go to the future I was laughing hysterically. Honestly looks like they filmed this thing in 2 weeks for half a million dollars. No one cared.
It's not like Rufus was this incredible, unforgettable character. Lack of Rufus hardly bothers me at all.
ugh seeing people diss George Carlin in this thread
dude was one of the most memorable things about those first movies u insane
Imagine taking Bill and Ted seriously in the first place, the films were always dumb.
I thought the cheapness added to it's charm to be honest.
Also it's established early on that the daughters knew more about music than their Fathers, how are people missing that?
It's just a silly dumb movie like the originals, not some seminal masterpiece sequel.
perhaps the desire to paint heroes as having failed comes from the same place as the First Order rising from the defeat of the empire in Star Wars, that need to be 'realistic' but also pessimistic. Or maybe I'm full of shit, who knows.
Thought it was a great way to end the trilogy honestly. They even addressed the "Little Bill and Little Ted" thing from Bogus Journey.
Right, but considering the strong Buddhist overtones in all of Star Wars, the “reset” in 7 perfectly fits the themes of impermanence and reincarnation.Just finished Bogus, I'd forgotten how weird that film was. I'll tackle the hot takes then get to the meat.
Ionian imagine being the kind of person who'd use imagine taking x seriously - it's just so much like the arguments the people defending the Disney star wars films make. The thing is we take seriously the art of film making, while acknowledging that the films are goofy fun. Indeed part of the problem is that the new film is missing precisely that goofy fun. On the cheapness - yes it was charming with cheap physical effects - for some reason cheap CGI never quite has the same charm.
Stouffers - you are of course right but consider the movies as a package of 6 and it's the fall and redemption of Anakin/Darth, with the hero rescuing him from himself in 4-6.
So, back to the meat.cryptoadam - I think laziness is part of it, but also the diversity script checkers you mention - the latter being a bigger issue. As I point out in my post about Excellent Adventures, it's not so much that those jokes are funny, or that they exist, as that they're allowed to exist. It shows that the writers were not shackled by a committee telling them what they're allowed to write. Comparing them back to back it becomes more obvious that the new movie is playing it safe for this reason and that's part of why the spark is missing.
Re the future leaders, 3 dudes the main one was black, so they got one diversity point. The locations, as I say in my previous post, don't really feel like real places. They're film sets, where the places they use in the prequels for the most part feel like real places because they likely are.
Anyway, that's enough of my shit. Party on dudes, be excellent to each other.
Right, but considering the strong Buddhist overtones in all of Star Wars, the “reset” in 7 perfectly fits the themes of impermanence and reincarnation.
Nothing in Buddhism is an accident.. not even accidental Buddhism.Given the film was just a rehash I’d be deeply surprised if anyone involved even knew enough about Buddhism to invoke any of its core tenets.
I mean monkeys and typewriters and all that but really the new trilogy is more danger hair and typewriter.Nothing in Buddhism is an accident.. not even accidental Buddhism.
The kiss song in part 2 was pretty good and it still holds up todayI also would like to mention how lame the finally was. I mean the song was just horrible, thats supposed to unite everyone? And all the girls did was press some buttons on a mixer, could they not at least have them be lead singers or guitar players or something?
You have a chance to collect the most famous musicians in history. You get some asian lady and some cavewomen. Uhm I think someone like Dany Carey might want to have a word about being the best drummer of all time. Jimmy and Louis are good but aside from being black I don't really see how they fit. Ok Jimmy yes 100% for sure.
Like they couldn't even be arsed to try and write a decent song at the end. Thats how low effort it was. At least get Arianna Grande or Justin Bieber to write some lame pop song FFS.
Never feel you have to justify watching those... if you do... you are in the wrong company, get out immediately.Brb watching excellent and bogus. Because fuck it why not?
They even addressed the "Little Bill and Little Ted" thing from Bogus Journey.
Does it really?Thought it was a great way to end the trilogy honestly. They even addressed the "Little Bill and Little Ted" thing from Bogus Journey.
How did they even know about a cavewoman drummer from 20000BC
Apparently the Chinese woman knew about her somehow.
Wish they spent more time with the historical figures. I think the movie woulda been better if they took more time with some things. The budget shoulda been higher.
Any word on how this movie did? I imagine it doing pretty well. The budget couldn't have been too high and I assume it got a lot of views. It's reviewed well enough, pretty much 7ish scores across the board which is fair?
After watching it I felt like we could use a 4 with a better budget or a show even.
Story wise it feels almost like it takes place during the middle of the ending credits of 2. It comes this close to being an in-between-quel.
4 could be them going to Mars as that's the main plot point from 2's ending that got cut. Everything else could fit.
We don’t need anymore. It’s done.
If you love them, set them free.Nah I love B&T I'd never say no to more.
If you love them, set them free.
They were free for like 30 years, time to chain them back up again.
I know the movie was flawed but I was still so happy seeing it/them together again.
I felt it was held back by budget. Had they gotten the budget of either of the first movies it could have been a lot better.
I still really liked it. It had enough well done moments for me to want more.
I thought it was okay. Pretty cute, mostly.
I love Alex Winter, and just wish he was in more roles these days. My favorite character and favorite movie of his will probably forever be Ricky Coogan in Freaked.
Had never seen this as a kid, looks like something I would have loved. Very Naked Gun.
Love the late 80's Chili Pepper T-Shirt too.
It's 1990's era MTV all over. Actually, it's a spinoff of Alex Winter's short run MTV skit show The Idiot Box.
It's got several celebrities in it, including a uncredited role by Keanu Reaves (see if you can tell which is him!)
Here's the whole movie for ya!
Jay and Rich liked it.
Jay and Rich liked it.
I thought it was okay. Pretty cute, mostly.
I love Alex Winter, and just wish he was in more roles these days. My favorite chareacter and favorite movie of his will probably forever be Ricky Coogan in Freaked.
Freaks is highly underrated. Hilarious movie. A secret actor is in the movie too.