True, I have never been afraid of violence towards myself based on my place in society and therefore I have to learn from others who have a different perspective.
My issue is that these scare tactics that we have been using have instigated a backlash that has emboldened the right wing which has led to the rise of Trumpism and the measurable increase in violence against minorities.
As for MIlo, he is NOT a case of ignorance, but an undeniable case of maliciousness. Ignorance can be cured but maliciousness can not and I agree that people like him need to be denounced as much as possible at every turn.
But taking steps to silence their awful views allows people like Milo to craft a narrative that we are silencing him because he speaks the "truth", rather than because his views instigate violence against others.
The right has been crafting these narratives for longer than the last election season and did it without any "help" from the Left. This has been their strategy for far longer than Milo has been on the scene.