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Bin Laden raid bestseller's author to pay $7m

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He has agreed to give up everything made from the book... in return the US Government drop the charges for him breaching a non disclosure agreement

Hopefully the US will donate the money to charity

A former US Navy Seal who wrote a bestseller about his role in the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden is to pay nearly $7m (£5m) to the government for violating non-disclosure agreements.
Matt Bissonette failed to get clearance from the Pentagon before the book No Easy Day was published in 2012.
He has agreed to forfeit all profits and royalties, as well as film rights and speaking fees.
In exchange, the government will dismiss other liability claims.
The al-Qaeda leader was killed in a May 2011 Navy Seal raid on his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, and his body was buried at sea.

Seal Team 6 (ST6)
Elite group of US Navy's Sea, Air, Land (Seal) teams trained to carry out top secret operations
Part of the Naval Special Warfare Development Group (DevGru) based in Virginia
Led the 2009 rescue of US Captain Richard Phillips, kidnapped by Somali pirates in the Indian Ocean
In 2012, several ST6 members were disciplined for working as paid consultants on a video game


I mean if you signed something that said "I won't talk about it" and you talk about it...what do you think is going to happen? Maybe they won't notice?


Justice is swift!

Maybe they can put some of that money towards other soldiers who've been hurt and harmed in the line of duty. Those poor sods always seem to get crapped on even when they return home.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
It's really hard to understand why he didn't expect to get in trouble over this.

Be an anonymous source, you fool.


I'm kinda interested more in the ST6 members that were disciplined for consulting on a video game.

I mean, you don't have to necessarily give specifics or break NDA to consult, so what went on there?


It's really hard to understand why he didn't expect to get in trouble over this.

Be an anonymous source, you fool.

aren't there only a few people who knew what happened? Wouldn't be too difficult to find out who leaked the info.


Thought these elite dudes were supposed to be disciplined and stuff.

He got caught up in the bureaucracy of non-disclosure agreements for special forces and black ops operatives and didn't get proper clearance. I would still say he is disciplined but it is just the nature of the world now. People want fame, money, etc. Think about how many now NSA intelligence gatherers leak things, how many SEALs and other military members or CIA operatives actually share secrets and other classified stuff now.


In another article he mentions this will leave him $1.5 million in debt.

“Granted, I’ll have to write a bunch of big checks, and I’ll be about a million and a half in debt,” he added dryly.

I'm not sure how to feel about this. He was in the wrong but then you see Hillary get away with no punishment at all for extreme negligence. Meh.


In another article he mentions this will leave him $1.5 million in debt.

I'm not sure how to feel about this. He was in the wrong but then you see Hillary get away with no punishment at all for extreme negligence. Meh.
What does Hillary have to do with this? He willingly violated NDA to make money. This was not negligence. Giving up the money he shouldn't have made is not that big of a deal


What does Hillary have to do with this? He willingly violated NDA to make money. This was not negligence. Giving up the money he shouldn't have made is not that big of a deal

It is similar in the sense that they both did something they knew they shouldn't do.


It is similar in the sense that they both did something they knew they shouldn't do.

Or hey, if you want to make it even more abstract, they were both people participating in activities of some kind!


I mean he wrote the book under an assumed name and did interviews with heavy makeup and disguises to hide his identity.
He had to have known what would happen.


huh? this happened years ago and then he sued his lawyer for millions. What is new in this article?

e: I guess it was finalized


Or hey, if you want to make it even more abstract, they were both people participating in activities of some kind!

But my point is, BOTH instances resulted in classified material getting out to the public.

Sure the circumstances are different, I'm not arguing that. Maybe it wasn't the best comparison, my only point I was trying to make is that it seems like these punishments hit the little guy harder. $1.5m in debt is going to ruin him basically.
I'm not sure how to feel about this. He was in the wrong but then you see Hillary get away with no punishment at all for extreme negligence. Meh.
There's a difference between selling classified information for $7M and not selling classified information, for $0 and having it on a private server because government servers are terrible and probably less secure.

"Extreme" negligence, hahahaha.


But my point is, BOTH instances resulted in classified material getting out to the public.

Sure the circumstances are different, I'm not arguing that. Maybe it wasn't the best comparison, my only point I was trying to make is that it seems like these punishments hit the little guy harder. $1.5m in debt is going to ruin him basically.

What classified got out to the public because of Hillary?


But my point is, BOTH instances resulted in classified material getting out to the public.

Sure the circumstances are different, I'm not arguing that. Maybe it wasn't the best comparison, my only point I was trying to make is that it seems like these punishments hit the little guy harder. $1.5m in debt is going to ruin him basically.

What classified material from the Hilary scandal got out to the public?


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
yeah IIRC they were the "Tier 1 operators" EA used as consultants.
I'm imaging the advice they gave.
- yeah sometimes we will think there is one more enemy to kill when there actually isn't so we just won't open the door to our next objective and just have to abort the mission.
- sometimes we will spend 10 minutes trying to find the one wall that we can jump over.


What classified material from the Hilary scandal got out to the public?

What classified got out to the public because of Hillary?

WRONG. Only one instance did.

Just a heads up, it is very likely that classified information already got into the hands of hackers, the FBI concluded this themselves. You can argue that this would of happened anyways if she used the official servers, but it don't excuse the fact what she did was not suppose to be done and information that was classified was shared.

There's a difference between selling classified information for $7M and not selling classified information, for $0 and having it on a private server because government servers are terrible and probably less secure.

"Extreme" negligence, hahahaha.

I am sorry, but having it on private servers make it less secure, unless you are saying she had more resources than the State Department to make it more secure.

All in all, to the guy using it as a comparison, it isn't exactly the same. Hillary's experience in the State Department would have to be classified and then she tells everyone what she has done for it to be similar.

Technically he isn't "selling" classified information in my view, hence he isn't going to jail for it, though I think if they wanted to they could.


Nothing about this was classified information. He violated an NDA, which basically said "you can't make money on your story without our okay." If it was classified info, he'd be in jail now. Violating classified information is drastically more significant than something as simple as an NDA. This is about how the military handles and controls PR and related stories, not about anything classified. What he did was stupid and didn't follow proper channels, but the implication it was somehow a security breach is not at all true.


Just a heads up, it is very likely that classified information already got into the hands of hackers, the FBI concluded this themselves. You can argue that this would of happened anyways if she used the official servers, but it don't excuse the fact what she did was not suppose to be done and information that was classified was shared.

Are you ACTUALLY Donald Trump?
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