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Bin Laden raid bestseller's author to pay $7m

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I'm not sure how to feel about this. He was in the wrong but then you see Hillary get away with no punishment at all for extreme negligence. Meh.



You can always count on some butthurt Bernie/Trump supporter to derail the thread.

Well you've got me pegged wrong, I'm still voting for Hillary but mostly given that there's no better choice this time. Still I won't blindly support her like some do, she deserves all the flak she gets for the email scandal - it was a huge lapse in judgement.

Nothing about this was classified information. He violated an NDA, which basically said "you can't make money on your story without our okay." If it was classified info, he'd be in jail now. Violating classified information is drastically more significant than something as simple as an NDA. This is about how the military handles and controls PR and related stories, not about anything classified. What he did was stupid and didn't follow proper channels, but the implication it was somehow a security breach is not at all true.

Agree with this. So he violated some arbitrary NDA. They did not even need to go this far, but he's being made an example out of, basically.


There's a difference between selling classified information for $7M and not selling classified information, for $0 and having it on a private server because government servers are terrible and probably less secure.

"Extreme" negligence, hahahaha.

This sentence is just as dumb as anything I've heard from the Trump camps this election cycle to be honest


Don't even try talking in a negative way about Clinton on this forum, mate. The Hillary worshippers will eat you alive.

Because of course trying to bring it up in a completely unrelated topic is normal.

You can keep your persecution complex.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Nothing about this was classified information. He violated an NDA, which basically said "you can't make money on your story without our okay." If it was classified info, he'd be in jail now. Violating classified information is drastically more significant than something as simple as an NDA. This is about how the military handles and controls PR and related stories, not about anything classified. What he did was stupid and didn't follow proper channels, but the implication it was somehow a security breach is not at all true.

It's a catastrophe for geopolitics, international image and a black eye to national security though.

Instead of the operation making the US intelligence and special forces look like a professional, clockwork operation and a cohesive unit above politics and the fray, it makes us look like a bunch of showboating cowboys, which feeds directly into a negative stereotype about the US that already exists.

It reflects badly on the other SEALS, it gives political enemies grist for their stupid fucking mill, and bluntly looks like rich stupid America can't keep its mouth shut for ten minutes before showing off.

The guy broke an NDA, violated all sorts of written and unwritten code of conduct and didn't even have the humility to keep it anonymous. Which he could have. Greedy glory hound.

He's a turd.
Bringing up Hillary in threads not about her is like those Fox News comments where some dumbass shouts about BENGHAZI!!! In a post about pet adoption.


I mean, I feel like all he had to do was get clearance and have them edit out anything top secret. I can't imagine the govt would think it's anything other than good propaganda minus those bits?


Rodent Whores
He got caught up in the bureaucracy of non-disclosure agreements for special forces and black ops operatives and didn't get proper clearance. I would still say he is disciplined but it is just the nature of the world now. People want fame, money, etc. Think about how many now NSA intelligence gatherers leak things, how many SEALs and other military members or CIA operatives actually share secrets and other classified stuff now.

This is why I so often shake my head at people who believe in huge grand conspiracy bullshit that relies on a whole bunch of people keeping a deep dark secret for no good reason.


I mean, I feel like all he had to do was get clearance and have them edit out anything top secret. I can't imagine the govt would think it's anything other than good propaganda minus those bits?

Apparently wasn't an issue of top secret information, but of an NDA or contact he signed saying he wouldn't discuss the mission.


Apparently wasn't an issue of top secret information, but of an NDA or contact he signed saying he wouldn't discuss the mission.

yup i think there is one other book coming out (or out) but that person actually got authorization and sent the book to be reviewed.
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