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Bin Laden's laptop files revealed: Final Fantasy VII

It also contains hallmarks of any person who uses the internet: copies of venerable film classics like Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs and Final Fantasy VII, episodes of Tom and Jerry, an IMAX version of Mysteries of Egypt, a download of the Charlie Bit My Finger viral YouTube video, a Mr. Bean episode, and 28 crocheting tutorials—including one for an "iPod Sock."

They note that most of the frivolous stuff was probably for his family but the thought of Osama Bin Laden playing a JRPG about terrorists blowing up reactors for their own sense of justice is just too much for me. Was he on team Tifa or team Aeris? The only thing we do know is that in the eternal "Which FF is the best" internet arguments, FFVI and FFIX just got a whole lot more ammo.


as it's listed after the descriptor "classic films," I can only assume that they mean Advent Children. And while we may have not agreed on a lot of things, Mr, bin Laden, I must say you had excellent taste.


as it's listed after the descriptor "classic films," I can only assume that they mean Advent Children. And while we may have not agreed on a lot of things, Mr, bin Laden, I must say you had excellent taste.

The movie is pretty terrible though.

Thread should also be moved to the OT section.


Neo Member
Don't think it's that special. It's easy to mentally dehumanise your enemies, but he was still a human being who probably had an interest in entertainment.


as it's listed after the descriptor "classic films," I can only assume that they mean Advent Children. And while we may have not agreed on a lot of things, Mr, bin Laden, I must say you had excellent taste.

An article I read yesterday indicated BOTH were on the HDD, the game and the movie. There were also said to be many .sav files indicating that many of the games were actually played via emulator on the PC. Also there were many DS anime games on there, Naruto, Bleach, etc.


Best part was that he watched Loose Change (9/11trutger documentary).
Why the fuck would he do this? Watch that?

Like my sense is that he wasn't behind it. He denied 9/11 until conveniently before the 2004 elections.

Like yea it's life and when you got jack shit to do and running away for war crimes there's movies, anime, and video games to occupy your time, but why risk torrenting and giving away positions and IP addresses for porn and anime? Idk somethings off.

Like sure if he didn't do it im sure he could've just kept saying he didn't do it over and over again until deaf ears could hear it but what if he had? I suppose diving into his email or PDFs on his PC would surely expose war plans and names right? Right?


If this dude on Twitter is right he also had a GTA: Chinatown Wars ROM (but it was a bad ROM) and a GBA emulator on his PC.

He had several kids living in his compound (some of which were probably his wives, yeah i know..low blow...who cares....get mad at the culture that promotes that not me)

so that's probably why that was there
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