Eric the Red
It also contains hallmarks of any person who uses the internet: copies of venerable film classics like Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs and Final Fantasy VII, episodes of Tom and Jerry, an IMAX version of Mysteries of Egypt, a download of the Charlie Bit My Finger viral YouTube video, a Mr. Bean episode, and 28 crocheting tutorialsincluding one for an "iPod Sock."
They note that most of the frivolous stuff was probably for his family but the thought of Osama Bin Laden playing a JRPG about terrorists blowing up reactors for their own sense of justice is just too much for me. Was he on team Tifa or team Aeris? The only thing we do know is that in the eternal "Which FF is the best" internet arguments, FFVI and FFIX just got a whole lot more ammo.