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Biohazard 4 new TGS 2004 trailer !


GAF's Bob Woodward
The sad thing is, when I first saw that "Europe, Autumn 2004" in the opener, for one tiny split second I thought that was a new release date :(


Holy hell! The last RE game I played through was, with Leon Kennedy in it too :p, Resident Evil 2. But now, RE4 seems to be going into a direction that would fit the RE series extremely well. It looks awesome, seems more action-oriented and continues to bring the same suspense and story that was so landmarking for the series.

Damn, now I consider this a must buy. Oh, and for the record, I watched the streaming movies in Gamespot, and downloaded some of them. Incredible!

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Holy shit, watched both IGN and the video originally posted in the thread and my jaw is wide open. Mikami sure knows how to push the little cube, its a big achievement that they managed large outdoors along with indoor areas, dozens of enemies on screen (probably more later in the game, like the 30+ villagers carrying torches, going after ashley and leon), high resolution textures for the most part, insane geometry (which is gamecube's weakness), good animation (another gamecube weakness..), INSANE lighting, from the torches to the lightning strikes in the graveyard, there's simply nothing on gamecube that match this, heck, i would go as far as any consoles but that would be controversy :p oh and a nice little touch, flags and curtain rippling

all in real-time and apparently achieving a smooth framerate

@ Mikami

RE4 might just have revived the franchise, i guess it depends how the mainstream reacts to it. One thing for sure, this game deserves a huge ammount of marketing on both capcom and nintendo's end.

Goddamn january, seems like an eternity!

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Btw, about the claw monster.
i went to the scene with the claw monster frame by frame and its not a normal villager, its the tall bearded guy, the fire made him lose his skin costume apparently..


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Yeah, the game is absolutely AMAZING looking.

Not only are they throwing tons of stuff around the screen...they are also doing it with style!


A truly awesome game that is the pinnacle of awesomeness.

Played it at E3, the village alone was worthy of drooling, but seeing all the new environments here makes me even more loopy.

EDIT: And hopefully Capcom won't take too long in getting a direct feed up on their site.


clipunderground said:

Well its basically this and the new Zelda game.

And again I laugh at people who thought this game could be done on the PS2.


ign split the video in like 8 clips or something. =\

Anyway it looks great. I can't wait until Famitus reviews it before the end of the year. We'll see if it lives up to the hype. :)

clipunderground said:


No-no-no. Zelda will be game of the year 2005. :p


NWO said:
And again I laugh at people who thought this game could be done on the PS2.

Well, the old version wasn't anything special. This final form of RE4, on the other hand, is just sick with the detail texture wise and in terms of geometry. In these days of developers using extensive shading effects to fake geometry, it's startling to see a game like this not just keep up but actually blow some of those games away. The programers and modelers for this game deserve major kudos, as well as Nintendo and their tech staff for designing hardware that allows a game like this to be made.
Chrono said:
ign split the video in like 8 clips or something. =\

Anyway it looks great. I can't wait until Famitus reviews it before the end of the year. We'll see if it lives up to the hype. :)

No-no-no. Zelda will be game of the year 2005. :p

Hot damn forgot about Zelda!! YEAR OF THE CUBE!


Zelda and RE4 would have been major Cube hardware movers had they been made earlier. But with this generation winding down, I don't think they'll move too many units. Of course, they'll sell quite well on their own.


RE4 is superb all round. Zelda looks amazing from what we've seen cant wait for that either. I love how they captured the atmosphere in RE4.


clipunderground said:


Yeah, it looks ace, but....well, there could be games coming out in 2005 that we have yet to know about. ;)
How many games have been announced for release around fall/winter 2005 anyway? That's usually when the big-hitters arrive so...although I'm thinking it won't be as crowded as this year.

We most probably won't see any Halo, GTA (well, maybe), Gran Turismo, Metal Gear Solid next year for example. But on the other hand...when is Final Fantasy XII supposed to be released in the US anyway?


Kiriku said:
But on the other hand...when is Final Fantasy XII supposed to be released in the US anyway?

Fall 2005 seems the likely date for Final Fantasy XII. It's possible that we'll see Zelda, Final Fantasy, and Xbox2 released on the same day. If that happens then Microsoft better have one awesome game at launch or else… they’re d00med.


Man, I keep watching the movie over and over again, its just so amazing how much power Capcom is squeezing out of the Cube. For once I'm kind of glad I ordered from EBgames because I'm really interested in seeing that "making of" DVD now.

A lot of the scenes are just nuts.


heh do you guys remember when Gamecube was first unveiled and people were saying that because it's so easy to develop for we'll see the cube maxed out early while xbox and ps2 :)lol) surpass it? And it’s not over yet, we have Zelda in late 2005.


Chrono said:
heh do you guys remember when Gamecube was first unveiled and people were saying that because it's so easy to develop for we'll see the cube maxed out early while xbox and ps2 :)lol) surpass it? And it’s not over yet, we have Zelda in late 2005.

I'm just amazed that epople even took those guys seriously.
Jason, no i haven't played it but am forming opinions on the videos and hands-on impressions. Whilst i appreciate what you're saying there and yours is one of the positive impressions, it's obvious from the videos that combat is awkward and unnatural. Enemies will just stand around mere feet away from you as if they've forgotten what they're doing and having to stop to aim is again something that seems unnecessary, even according to the cherished IGN hands-on. It all looks cool etc and the crazy monks shit is good, but the underlying mechanics aren't. If you could tell me a situation where the combat experience excells that would be nice as many reviews skirt this aspect...and it would be a relief to find out the graphics are buffeted by superb gameplay.
I definitely need to get my hands on one of those demos now...Anyone want to help me out?

I am undoubtedly pre-ordering a bunch of games at GameStop or EB this week at my mall too...Resident Evil 4, Halo 2, Metal Gear Solid 3 maybe...Maybe Prime 2...Who knows.


ToyMachine228 said:
I definitely need to get my hands on one of those demos now...Anyone want to help me out?

I am undoubtedly pre-ordering a bunch of games at GameStop or EB this week at my mall too...Resident Evil 4, Halo 2, Metal Gear Solid 3 maybe...Maybe Prime 2...Who knows.

order online. You even get the games afew days early with some sneaky websites.


ToyMachine228 said:
And what websites are these?

depends where you live i guess. In the UK online is always cheaper. Thats my simple motivation. Although places like gameplay require you to pay more its still less than stores and you get them before the release date at best or on the day at worst.


When is Xenon expected again? If Zelda can top this, or if some this gen throw up some more surprises that is at the level of RE4, I can see it holding off next-gen consoles for a bit, like how Donkey Kong Country killed Jaguar and 3DO.


Timbuktu said:
When is Xenon expected again? If Zelda can top this, or if some this gen throw up some more surprises that is at the level of RE4, I can see it holding off next-gen consoles for a bit, like how Donkey Kong Country killed Jaguar and 3DO.

Fall 2005. Or at least I hope so. I want to see some next-gen specs/demos this januray at CES. :D
Seriously, holy fucking shit. This game looks more and more amazing every time I see it. Too bad I hate Resident Evil games with a passion. I'll probably buy this one and hate it like the other two I played. But that reload animation was so freaking cool.

RE4 + Zelda = GC going out with a bang next year. Whatever happened to Mario 128?
What does this trully say about GC and its capabilities. Metroid Prime2 Echoes, with a halved frame rate may have matched this. I don't want this turned into a framerate argument. Metroid Prime 2 is a great looking game and it has more polygons being thrown around on screen compared the original. Mario Tennis, shines in texture quality.

Great graphics are achieved through confidence, the Rogue Squadron games seem to have been the early view of what the Cube capable of.

The one thing that baffles me is, E3 is a show where other devs get the chance to see and check out games from fellow devs, but it doesn't seem as if it never give other devs the incentive to not believe in the so call limit.

It also points to shoddy ports that doesn't truly represent what each console is capable of displaying on screen.


The reality is that with the expenses of multiplatform development, some platforms are going to see worst/shoddy support regardless of the hardware or developers not wanting to push themselves and the hardware. That is what's happening with the GC. I hate seeing this happenbecause I think that the decisions being made about support are based more on self-fullfiling prophecy and less on facts, but I'm glad that some developers have come through. The system won't die without having provided some amazing moments this generation, so we should be happy for that.


Damn, it's too small.. But I got a new jacket yesterday, and it reminded me and my friends of Leon Kennedy's one. So, I went and have a little fun... Hence my avatar... Better picture below though.


I look stupid, don't I? And yeah, the word nerd comes up (because of all the games on the background :p)

Oh, and by the way, I watched one of the trailers, and keep being impressed by the sheer intensity the game emits. Though I wonder when us Europeans can enjoy the game.
I was thinking about the complaints of not having the ability to strafe in RE4, when looking at where Leon is positioned on the screen, it makes it look problematic. Another thing I like to point out is the reload animation, it takes time to reload and get your aim, so to have the ability to strafe wouldn't change much. After you strafe out of the way of an attacking villager, you would still have to perform the reloading animation.

The majority of the foes in the game don't have projectile weapons, so your best bet is to conserve ammo and keep as much space between you and them as possible. Remember the villagers or monks attack from all sides, so you could end strafing into one of them. I think thats why you can get on the roof of some of the cabins in the village, giving you an obvious advantage.
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