I want to highlight that spoiler in relation to Chrono Trigger. But I can't. I really need to finish this but haven't had a chance to play it since Wednesday. =\
It gets worse.
Undertowing guys off airships is so good. Especially sending two rocket launcher assholes into the cloudy abyss with one strike.
Everyone should just use one of the patented cheese methods. A lot less headache.
It gets worse.
It gets worse.
Everyone should just use one of the patented cheese methods. A lot less headache.
My buddy is telling me there is permadeath on 1999 mode if you run out of money. Is this true?
My buddy is telling me there is permadeath on 1999 mode if you run out of money. Is this true?
Nah. It's easier to cheese the last one.
Its a bit costly but it also repels flak and rpgs
What are these patented methods I'm not aware of?
Godlike combo:
I played on Hard, and that was pretty much my experience, too. So probably not. Combat is a definite improvement over the first game (tighter, more elegant UI, etc), but it's also a lot "flatter" overall without much in the way of versatility. Though the skylines still pretty much blow my mind every time.Too bad 60% of the fights aren't as well designed and just feel like filler to get to the next point. Perhaps playing on hard or 1999 mode would mitigate my complaints...or accentuate them.
I really don't like how much of an impact Gear can have on a fight considering it's all randomized. I had Blood to Salt and Storm very early on, and there is basically no reason for me to remove them given the other stuff I keep getting in the same category.
So I've been playing for close to 20 hours, but I still don't know how to lock onto targets while on the skyhook rails. Maybe I'm blind, but I swear the hud says to click in the right thumbstick to lock on, but all that does for me is go into ADS. Playing on PC, but through my TV, so the font is a little small.
Your buddy is wrong.
You go back to the last checkpoint with your money back to what it was.
Not permadeath but you restart at your last auto save, which can be pretty far back because of how the save system works
The music to me is very reminiscent of Greenwood's score in "There Will Be Blood", especially Songbirds theme.
The seemingly erratic, yet tight percussion and twisted violin similarity is to a T. Coincidentally, both the game and the movie take place around the same time period.
The scene where that played was amazing. Perfect sync between the visuals and the sound.
I am patiently awaiting his full Errant Signal episode. Campster has been my favorite YouTuber for about a year now.
I like him too but some of that vid is just him sucking. Is he expecting pity or a fair fight from a Handyman?I am patiently awaiting his full Errant Signal episode. Campster has been my favorite YouTuber for about a year now.
I have a feeling I will disagree with this one far more than usual.
Love every second.
Handymen are scary.
SoAbout how far am I?Lady Comstock just ran from the graveyard and now we're in pursuit.
Also will my voxophones and gear transfer over into the next save or will I have to start all over? (playing on Xbox)
Gear no, voxophones yes.
Reload to checkpoint until you get it.But I need my blood to salt!