So how is this shit really? I still haven't made the decision to buy the game yet. I need an opinion from someone like Derrick01 or DocSeuss or somebody.
I keep hearing that it's actually MORE linear than Bioshock 1 and 2 but that it still handles world-building really well. How does it do that compared to all the previous Shock games? Or are people just praising it as a good first person shooter? I've seen like, none of the previews or footage of this game at all, and there aren't many sites whose reviews I trust anymore.
Damn. That sounds even more in the direction I don't like for this IP.
- It is more streamlined than the original Bioshock/Bio 2, but for more money it actually executes what is there better (it's not trying to be an RPG, basically)
- Shooting feels better in this game compared to Bio/System Shock
- Sky-rails are hella fun, and so is messing around with your powers
- Combat is mostly enjoyable, but can get a bit samey by the end (not much enemy variety)
- There's an unfortunate lack of gun variety
- There's plenty of exploration to be done (hub type areas) but you are driven by wanting to know more about the world itself, and not so much going on a collectathon
- Overall progression is more linear (no returning to areas) but it doesn't feel rushed like most scripted FPS games
- Voice acting, music, art design, world design... absolutely some of the best around!
- It has more of the
big moments like Bioshock, and they are more evenly spread throughout the game
- It feels much more alive because of the NPCs and constant voice acting
- Setting isn't really utilized as well as Rapture, and it doesn't have any characters as compelling as Andrew Ryan
- I think the story is more compelling than the orginal Bioshock