Can someone give me a 2-3 sentence summary of how this works like you're talking to a toddler? I read the Wikipedia entry 3 times and I still have no idea.
Bitcoin in general? It's an anonymous, decentralized peer-to-peer virtual currency network. Using an app a user creates a unique wallet file which is used to store bitcoins. Bitcoins can be made by exchanging other currencies into BTC, selling goods, or 'mining'.
Users on the network are identified by others on the network by random-looking character addresses (eg: 12c115cc8ff36a5....). These addresses are used to send bitcoins to other users. Any number of these can be randomly created for each user from a private master key that you keep safe. This allows users to change addresses and preserve anonymity over time, if they like.
Every transaction made on the Bitcoin network is recorded and saved. Everyone on the network receives a copy of these virtual receipts. This is called the block-chain, as periodically volumes of receipts are added to the chain in 'blocks'.
For more on 'mining' see my
earlier post.