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Black Desert Online |OT| Come on in, the sand's fine [Mediah Update]

From yesterdays guild quest

Our measly GAF Fleet of the High Seas



Anyone know what's so special about Lucky gathering tools? Do they have a higher chance to find the rarer gathering drops, like Monk's Branch or Traces/Powders?


God damn, this crimson battlefield is so horrible.

Leaving the spawn requires you to fall down a room and lose a chunk of HP, or hit the slope and get locked in a sliding animation. Meanwhile the enemy team can wait below in a cramped room and spawn camp you with aoes. Legitimately surprised this got past any sort of testing.

edit: And then when you win, you have to queue up again to complete the daily quest? wat. At least you can leave a match early.


Ok ok ok, today has been Fucking insane for me...Got a witch earring, Mark of shadow, and +15 my bow in one try with zero fail stacks....What the hell....*ded*


So I just purchased the game and... I can't rotate the camera more than 90 degrees in either directions. It's completely unplayable.

Anyone else had the same issue ?

So I just purchased the game and... I can't rotate the camera more than 90 degrees. It's completely unplayable.

Anyone else had the same issue ?


You aren't using Synergy for controlling multiple computers, are you?

It causes that issue for me.
Daum and Pearl Abyss held a conference about future content for Black Desert. There is some absolutely amazing stuff on the way. Someone already linked the Steparu article, but here is some additional information from a Korean press release and Reddit translation with good quality screenshots. I combined and reorganized the information with some edits for accuracy and clarity.

  • New continent in the north that will be accessible via boat.
  • New snow themed regions and areas.
  • Huge ocean north west of the current continent, looks like it's double the size of the entire current continent.
  • You will not be able to see your location, other boats,etc. so you never know when a pirate could attack you or raid your boat.
  • This summer, the region of Silvia Camara will be added, which is the region of the Sylvia elves with a world boss like Zaka. It will be found in the SW coast of the continent. This area will feature a lot of greenery and focus on harmony with nature.
  • There are plans to expand to the region of dark elves, which will feature designs that oppose Sylvia's.
  • Later this year, they will expand to the east of Silvia Camara, into the region of old dwarves, where you'll able to experience the narrative of three races occupying this region: elves, giants, and dwarves. You will be able to determine the relationship between these factions.







  • Naval combat will be added.
  • Naval battleships will be added. They will be obtained via Guild Houses.
  • Something regarding a cannon was mentioned.
  • Maritime trading and trading merchant ships to be added.
  • Siege islands will be added.
  • New sailing skill tree will be added that can be increased by activities like naval battle and navigating the sea.
  • New underwater content will be added. Underwater swimming and exploration to find treasures and more. The concept art hints at special diving gear.
  • Based on the image where you can see the entire world map, special weather might be added.
  • Fishing spots with a lot of fish will be visible by having a lot of seagulls flying above that area.



  • New dark elf race will be added.
  • Class will use a "long sword" which appears to be similar to a great sword.
  • Secondary weapon/skills will be magic.
  • Focus on movement and offense.


  • Ninja's awakening weapon will be multiple swords (3-5 pictured). There is a mention of being able to use them all at the same time, making it feel like a Ninja.
  • Kuinochi will get a Chakram (huge disc) and will have more acrobatic movement.
  • Wizard will use golems and spirits, utilizing the elements of fire and water.
  • Witch will have a different play style from Wizard that is focused on earth and lightning elements.





  • Tier 9 mounts will be added.
  • Tier 9 mounts will not have any speed increase, they will be focused on unique skills.
  • 3 new types of mounts.
  • Hell - Something like a fire horse that leaves a fire trail causing explosions.
  • Pegasus - Has a skill that let's you land from high places safely and glide from various high places like mountains. Pegasus will only have the capability to glide for a short distance and not fly.
  • Unicorns - Can apply party member buffs and has a charge attack that penetrates enemy defense.
  • New mounts will be obtained via breeding & other methods.



  • A varitey of cooperative content will be added (TBA).
  • Voice chat will be added and is almost complete.
  • Skill system and enchanting might be restructured (needs translation check).
  • Hunting system will be expanded.
  • Bounty system.
  • Baby elephants will specialize in trading rather then fighting.
  • Much more is on the way and to be scheduled!



Sounds awesome.

I misunderstood when I read about the dark elf before... other places made it sound like it was just a new race we could choose, but this sounds like it'll be a dark knight or something similar who is a dark elf, like the ranger is an elf.


Darn, disappointed at the Witch awakening. I was actually hoping for a broom :p

Ninja and Kunoichi's look awesome though.


I got a donkey. It seems useless?

The starter donkeys you can get from quests are basically to teach you how mounts work. Donkey can trot at the same speed you can sprint at, but it has a near-infinite stamina bar vs yours that runs out in like 5 seconds. It can also carry some heavy items if you want to get a taste for trading.

I got rid of mine once I got wagon/horses. It's worth keeping a donkey until then.


I've been drooling over the new stuff coming soon to kr. Huge coming down the road. And it's sad to hear that the battlegrounds are crap. I'm sure they'll look into it


There is just so much to do. I got my alchemy to skilled 1 today. Now I'm collecting pig blood so I can make blood of the sinners.


That update info has me hyped. I'm excited for naval combat and siege islands plus the new race/class looks cool too, hopefully it isn't gender locked. A little bummed Witch got the lightning awakening but not a huge deal.


Sometimes the translation errors are frustrating. I'm working my way through the alchemy quests in Olvia. I've been tasked with creating essence of enchantment. The quest text says I need fruit of temptation. This doesn't appear to exist in the game. It seems to need fruit of enchantment which rather annoyingly is yet another in a long line of alchemy ingredients that's a completely random drop, not on the marketplace often and needed before I can progress to the dailies. Not the first time the game has done that either.


That ninja looks somewhat like a samurai? Looks so boss tho.
Btw just made a Tamer and I'm loving it. Its really fast paced.

Still didn't venture into Mediah, and I think I'm gonna take a while.


I wish the fruits weren't so damn difficult to acquire. Grindy I don't mind but utterly rare and random from farming? It really hurts doing alchemy dailies


That ninja looks somewhat like a samurai? Looks so boss tho.
Btw just made a Tamer and I'm loving it. Its really fast paced.

Still didn't venture into Mediah, and I think I'm gonna take a while.

Yeah it looks like they basically turn into blader minus the bow.


Anyone keep getting random disconnect while AFK fishing at night?

It's been 2 days since I keep getting constantly kicked out at night while I'm trying to leave my character fishing, Works fine during the day (EU server). Daum needs to step up with the server, it's weird how they worked fine at release but now they're getting worse even if supposedly there's less people playing.
New Playabe Character / Race Added
-Dark Elf (Image Below)
-Long Sword (It looks like a Great Sword, but my KR friends say Long Blade)
-Sub Weapon (Image not clear) (Magic?)
-Elf Race specialty is movement and offensive playstyle. (I'm thinking Dark Knight Style)

  • New dark elf race will be added.
  • Class will use a "long sword" which appears to be similar to a great sword.
  • Secondary weapon/skills will be magic.
  • Focus on movement and offense.



This might seriously become my new main

I need to know, how long does a character name stay un-useable after character deletion? I'm gonna make a dummy character with a name i want to reserve


Anyone happen to have a guest pass they could PM me? Don't mean to clog up this thread with these requests, but I checked the other thread for requests and doesn't seem to be terribly active over the past couple of weeks.


Stupid Tamers and their cuteness

Was enjoying their gameplay a lot. Then I got the beast and now I just spam roar and Q lol

Makes me ever more excited to play Blader and Ninja though, because it looks like a buffed up version of Tamer melee skills (unless I'm terribly wrong).
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