I fucking hope not.
All this horse training and breeding I've been doing instead of other things would be completely wasted.
I predict that they will balance it out by making so that the exp is halved (or even gone, but that might be a bit harsh) if the horse is out of Stamina.As someone who's spent a lot of time training horses with and without the looping waypoints, I'm very much in favour of them. Right now most people are using the semi-afk solution of setting a waypoint far away and then updating it now and then. Looping waypoints is basically the same thing but it removes one tedious element.
I also wouldn't trust Daum to properly balance it otherwise. The Korean version is balanced with looping waypoints in mind, and getting several high tier horses to high level without it would be absurdly difficult.
I predict that they will balance it out by making so that the exp is halved (or even gone, but that might be a bit harsh) if the horse is out of Stamina.
What are going to do regarding the Cash Shop Prices?
What we would like to see and that is also what we are addressing to the developers is to push items to be obtainable via other means than the cash shop. For example offering pets through repeatable quests or achievements. Additionally we are reviewing upcoming items and do our best to prevent adding RNG related cash items. We are not very happy with the current Dye System for example, because it is quite RNG heavy and not very user friendly, but revamping those features will take time.
Oh god, upgrading a weapon is absolutely bullshit.
I can't understand not being 100% success and losing the stone, but also losing max durability of the weapon for each fail (and sacrificing another weapon only gives 10% dur.?), and the annoyance that is building failstacks.... it's like a P2W system without the payment options.
From my understanding, Internet cafes are the primary Internet source in Korea and they pay for it by their consumption rate. Some of the companies and Internet cafes do some licensing deal where the money goes to both the company and the Internet cafe, so grindy online free to play games are more profitable. Therefore we are getting that same game with tweaks that are OK'd by Pearl Abyss for our gaming culture.
Take that with a grain of salt, I may be wrong and I don't have any official sources, these are just what I have heard.
Yeah but this is the western version. I mean, I don't know if the KR have P2W items for easing weapon upgrading, but Daum could def. change some things about it, just like they did with PvP.
I dunno, I have my weapon at a mere +9 (lvl 46) and I'm thinking to just try to farm the money to buy a +15. Seems like with my luck with MMO RNGs it could be cheaper at the end...
Well there's a an armor and a weapon quest chain once you hit 50 that help with black stones. It also helps if you know to failstack to 5+ fails on crappy accessories before wasting your stones.
The number of Blackstones needed to force an enchantment has been lowered.
There's tons of accessories on market you can buy from like 20-50k a piece. They'll say on the description if they're upgradable or not.
Woohoo, was still holding out for that, let's hope they implement it any time soon and it doesn't take 1-2 months to get, having 1 really doesn't feel like enoughFor example offering pets through repeatable quests or achievements
I noticed that too, love it lolGOAT change is music being muted while in tray for me
Sounds interesting, what does it do?I don't know who did that BDOTool for the amity minigame but dude is the GOAT. omg it works!
Sounds interesting, what does it do?
Being melee against World Bosses seems really, really pointless.
Blade and Soul all over again.
You put on the site the requirements and it tells you the solution to the conversation minigame.
Being melee against World Bosses seems really, really pointless.
Blade and Soul all over again.
Luckily you can completely ignore world bosses for the most part.Ugh don't tell me that. I just got a 7 day free pass and going to try this out this weekend.
Basically. It's gear>level>skillUmm, just did my first Crimson Battlefield
Laggy as hell (i knocked people down and before i could hit them they were behind me attacking me...i knocked them down why aren't they on the floor?), and extremely imbalanced (i did no damage with my +15 Yuria Amulet of Crimson Flame, i could never escape a stun and got chain-grabbed multiple times to death in seconds)
I hope this doesn't represent the game's PvP, because i am so disappointed right now. My effort means nothing if i don't have maxed gear
Most days all I really do is fish. Why? Because I'm Mother f'ing Ahab and I'll catch that elusive white whale if it's the last thing I do! Killing ogres and grinding blackstones is just something on the side.
I'm not yet, but Dark Souls III is coming...
I love fishing but I'm still at the phase that I only get shit. Leveling fishing is soooooooooooooo slow.
Btw, I know Im so late but yesterday I (finally) started to process the fishing boat!
As far as I can tell, what you catch with fishing isn't related to your fishing level. I believe your fishing level only dictates how fast you get a fish on the hook. As far as catching crap, that's because you're not fishing at one of the ridiculously OP hotspots.