Alright, so. I'm sitting on a shitload of silver [like, 9 figures] and got a steady income of about 5-10mil a day.
Question is, what do I -do- with it? I've done literally almost nothing in this game but fish. Whoops! Should I buy gear? Something else?
I'd say buy gear but its so damn hard to even get the best stuff of the market place. I've been trying to snipe a liverto for a week with no luck.
Alright, so. I'm sitting on a shitload of silver [like, 9 figures] and got a steady income of about 5-10mil a day.
Not sure what you're talking about..
Uh huh.
As I said, when last I read the game was hardly out and the main complaint was "there is nothing to do, really". Obviously that's not the case anymore, to an amazing degree. Still interested in getting a beta code, if that's something still going on.
Rewards for achievement system has been improved, this is not retroactive.
Lv 30 - 500,000 -> 1,000,000 Silver
Lv 40 - 500,000 -> 3,000,000 Silver
Lv 45 - 1,000,000 -> 5,000,000 Silver
Lv 50 - 1,000,000 -> 7,000,000 Silver
30% Bonus EXP all weekend!
30% Bonus EXP all weekend!
Guild Boss Sunday ( May 15th )
So we have a medium Guild Boss scrolls to do. They usually take us ~30 mins each to complete.
Try and log in around 9 PM EST/6 PM PST if possible. Everyone is welcome to join regardless of level.
- You can participate and get rewards at any level (but expect to be one-shot if you are below level 50)
- Your participation is not reset if you die. Die as much as you want and still get rewards.
- You do not lose EXP for a death during a guild boss
- You do not break crystals if you die during a guild boss
- You cannot be PK'd while the boss is up
Just show up, you'll get free stuff.
Server: Orwen
Channel: Calpheon 01
I started a DS1, DS2 DLC, and Bloodborne DLC playthrough which I had been meaning to get around to for a while now and my setup lags if I run BDO at the same time (DS1/DS2).
Just a heads up that I might be a little scarce while I work on finishing this up. Feel free to PM or drop a note here if anyone needs anything. May Xtech lead us to glorious victory as he conquers all guilds on Orwen!
Today we are happy to announce that Valencia Part 1 is coming to BDO on the 1st of June !
This new content will increase the size of the world, bring hundreds of news quests, new mounts, new weather effect, new armors/weapons/accessories and an enhanced enchantment system up to +20.
On top of that the biggest PVP feature you have all been waiting for, The Node/Castle Siege Warfare, will begin on June 15.
Stay tuned for our official announcement later today !
No ninjas til July lol.
They keep citing balance issues when Musa and Maehwa were fucked on release but patched them what is so different about them?
Does anyone know if the +30% exp event bonus combines with the +50% exp scrolls?
Yeah, EU GAF from what we can tell is dead.
NA GAF is thriving. Many top rank players and almost weekly boss runs.
Question, is there something wrong with the servers? I keep trying to login, but as soon as the game loads, I move for a second before it claims connection with the server was lost.
This happened to me once. Try this:
-Go to the Black Desert Online installation folder.
-Rename the following file: version.dat to versionold.dat
-Restart the launcher