People can be rude in this game sometimes. We were in the middle of a guild quest and I went to turn in another quest at the Abandoned Mines and there was someone there grinding mobs near the quest NPC. I didn't touch any of their mobs but they issued a warning and started following. I think he expected a different outcome:
The other players there from the same guild didn't do anything. I guess they figured that guy got what he deserved and with a name like 'Fuzznutt', I wouldn't be surprised.
It's more due to how pvp works. It rewards playtime instead of skill. No matter how much I play, the people who play 24/7 will always be better and it's pretty annoying. Would rather use my time elsewhere.
The Overwatch beta is pretty fun for example, don't have to grind for hours just to be on an even playing field with everyone else.
Pvp is also pretty broken with how they changed the karma and guild upkeep. Makes griefing much easier in our version.
Besides that, I dislike how almost everything in the game has some sort of RNG. The cash shop is also still pretty bad and Daum still doesn't communicate enough.
Enchantment system wore me out quickly, and then translation and UI bugs ultimately got me to put the game on the shelf for now.
I'm still bummed about this. I could only enjoy the game without much polish for only so long
I don't let the RNG elements bother me. If I don't feel like dealing with it, I just use the force enchanting system which is guaranteed. The overall expense of force enchanting ends up being lower in most cases. For things like accessories which cannot be forced, I'll just save up money and buy them already enchanted if I get tired of trying to make them myself.
I've never been a fan of gear based PVP but it's a little worse here because the gap can be huge based on time spent and there is currently no alternative equalized PVP content. Without sieges and node wars implemented yet, PVP guilds are getting bored and the amount of open world shenanigans is higher than usual. The karma system is being worked on and things should improve as more content is released.
I agree about the overpriced cash shop and lack of communication from Daum but I think they have done a good job addressing issues since launch and do seem to be listening to the community. The game is still young, full of potential, and looks to have a solid path going forward. I just hope Daum and PA don't ruin it.
Also, yeah, Overwatch is great game and I have been playing since the first beta but it's not a MMORPG. I will be playing BDO, Overwatch, and other games. I have more freedom to do so in this game than any other MMO because I don't feel pressured to grind levels, gear, or anything. I know that I'll never be able to keep up with people that play 24/7 and I'm okay with that. I just take things slow and play at my own pace and there is still so much that I enjoy about the game and want to do.