Via Purifico
Does the Skill Reset "event" go away once the patch hits.
Not sure but i'd take advantage while you have the chance.
And you are too on the nose Hubb, I can see it happening.
Does the Skill Reset "event" go away once the patch hits.
Does the Skill Reset "event" go away once the patch hits.
Yay, finally valencia update. Now I can lvl up my valk to 60! o/
Is leveling going to be easier or do you think this will only apply to people with 330+ap/dp?
Kinda scared of even trying Valencia.
Ah, thanks to both of you. I'm at 285 base, still using yuria, grunil and heve though since I'm waiting for awakened weaps to go liverto. If Valencia is harder than pirates, sounds like it's a long ways off.
At any rate +18 should be interesting.
I'm right around you (289), but I am lagging in levels.From my understanding 250+ is enough, but it'll be similar to Mediah. You'll want to group up for the popular areas and depending on your level you'll probably want to group for most things.
We'll see what happens with the patch though. They toned down stuff for Mediah when they held off the +20 patch. Even though we are getting that patch now, not many people are going to be able to get even +18 right away. So they may tone down the mobs a bit for part 1 and leave the stuff in part 2 and 3 normal.
Actually I am seeing if they don't tone down the mobs 160 AP is recommended. If that's the case I am in a lot of trouble, but I'd be surprised if they don't tone the stuff down from KR.
160...what is that, ogre/pri ogre, duo marks and Witches? Outside of sorcs, nooo idea how people get ap that high. Even if I worked for pri acc and liverto +15, with BS gem I could only hit around 140. Maybe it's fine of they leave it as it is, but I imagine I will never make it to Valencia X.X
No idea, just what I saw. It does seem like the +16 and above on weapons gives a lot though. I get 8 AP going from 15 to 16, so going to +18 should give 24AP.
He has a horrible drop rate for sure. I'm going to preorder and see if I get one within six months. Short sword though, doubt anyone will sell one.I'm still rocking yuria +15 and probably will forever at this rate. Got no monies to buy liver or kaz long swords. Last time I joined wb battle, kaz didn't give me anything..nada. -___-
I'm still rocking yuria +15 and probably will forever at this rate. Got no monies to buy liver or kaz long swords. Last time I joined wb battle, kaz didn't give me anything..nada. -___-
Oh that's sweet. I can finally get a liver. Though i would like a kaz for my valk. Can you share some of your monies with me, topsI think there is a quest being added that lets you obtain a liverto after farming X amount of seal or something. I was finally able to snag one off the market but it was bow so I think i'm going to focus on ranger for a bit now until I can get enough cash to get an axe going.
I'm still rocking yuria +15 and probably will forever at this rate. Got no monies to buy liver or kaz long swords. Last time I joined wb battle, kaz didn't give me anything..nada. -___-
That's ok, I am not even worried about Liv right now I still need to work on 56. By the time the ninja comes out I would have put in so much time in my tamer I'm not going to want to give it up.
If you are getting to 56 anyway, might as well enjoy the awakened weapons too! Tamer looks pretty kick-ass awakened, can't wait to try the Jo.
After the patch hubub, debating about whether or not to forget boss armor and verts entirely. Seems a lot cheaper to go for +18 green armor and ult weaps, you'd at least survive in Valencia and PvP and wouldn't have to deal with all the awful RNG.
Just be careful with the green armor. People are reporting you can't ultimate an item once it is past +15. They will hopefully fix that in a patch.
Shiiet, haven't played since just before Mediah came out. Anyone care to catch me up to speed on things? Going to try to get back in to this now that I've got things out of the way that kept me from this in the first place.
Curse my random desire to replay Dragon's Dogma.
In a nutshell, Mediah and Valencia came out since so yeah, the game world is now 2x larger than when you last played.
Ninja's release on the 20th.
Finally gave this game a shot and hooooly crap it's good. I was really skeptical but it's blowing me away so far.
I really love that there's no fast travel, at least that i've found. I had to get some things done so I left my buddy in the town we'd reached and I had to head back to the main city. It starts raining and I was trotting through the rain and passing through a foggy swamp. When the rain let up the road was covered in puddles of water, which was awesome looking. I love that I have to keep track of my mount. It gives a significance to travel and location. I can't just hearth back (not a dig at WoW, I love WoW).
The world just feels so alive. I'm a low level mage in fairly scrappy clothes riding a slow donkey, but I feel like i'm a part of a living world. Guilds are warring around me (including one that has Steve Harvey's face plastered everywhere), land is in flux, things are happening. I feel like I have a low station in the world and it's great.
The combat is fun too. I'm a bit overwhelmed with how many spells my Witch has, I don't use most of them, but it's a spectacle and feels visceral. It captures the oomph that a powerful magic user should have.
Ninja's release on the 20th.
So I don't have this game but does this mean kunoichi releases too? Do they usually release both gender classes at once?
OK thanks.Yes, both are coming.
I hear housing is hard to come by now since I'd be joining late?
Greetings adventurers,
With the release of our next patch we wanted to bring you a special series of events. The first three events are known as the Golden Antiques, which has you collect valuable artifacts through various methods, we will also host an increased Black Stone drop event, and last but not least each weekend will boast a 50% Combat EXP boost.
1."Golden Coelacanth"
Start: July 13th 10:00 UTC (After maintenance)
End: July 20th 10:00 UTC (With maintenance)
The first event will send you out to collect Golden Coelacanths by fishing. You do not have to fish anywhere specific to find them, but each one will net you 5,000,000 silver.
2."Golden Dagger"
Start: July 20th 10:00 UTC (After maintenance)
End: July 27th 10:00 UTC (With maintenance)
Our second event has you return to the field to kill monsters, which have a chance to drop a Golden Dagger, also worth 5,000,000 silver each.
3."Golden Backpack"
Start: July 27th 10:00 UTC (After maintenance)
End: August 3rd 10:00 UTC (With maintenance)
Next up is the Golden Backpack event which gives our gatherers a chance to find the 5,000,000 silver artifact.
4.Increased Black Stone Drops
Start: August 3rd 10:00 UTC (After maintenance)
End: August 10th 10:00 UTC (With maintenance)
Following the various Golden Artifact events we will increase the drop rate of Black Stones throughout the world for both Armor and Weapon Black Stones.
5."Golden Antiques"
Start: August 10th 10:00 UTC (After maintenance)
End: August 31st 10:00 UTC (With maintenance)
Our last event will be a 3 week long combination of all the previous events, where all playstyles are able to collect Golden Artifacts and enjoy the additional Black Stone drops.
Only guild houses are hard to come by as it's auctioned. Regular houses are instanced. Anyone can buy whatever house they want when they want
Is the game still region restricted?
We're happy to report that after speaking with Pearl Abyss we have confirmed that players will indeed be receiving an additional single character slot on the release day of the Ninja & Kunoichi. Players that have already achieved maximum character slots via the pearl shop items will have their maximum slots increased by 1 to ensure they are able to receive the full benefit as well.
Is the game still region restricted?
Id love to have a guest pass to test the game if possible ^_^
Seems like it.
The night vendors sound like they are as big a waste of money as the forcing mechanic.So ready for night vendors. Can't wait to get black stone offers at 10x the market value. Now, who's going to lend me 250 million silver!