Kamen Rider Prism said:Dreavus and I had our matches. It was a clean sweep on his part.
Dreavus (Jin) vs. KamenRiderPrism (Makoto) - 2:0
Dreavus (Jin) vs. KamenRiderPrism (Makoto) - 2:0
Even though I lost I still had fun. First time in my history with the game I went against a human opponent. It was a really good learning experience. I just hope I didn't insult him with my terrible style.
Then I went against Q's Makoto for a few rounds. It was nice to play against another Makoto player who knows the combos. I have an idea of where I need to work at. Thanks for the suggestions btw.
Haha, don't worry about insulting him. When I first picked up the game I spent the first couple of months getting absolutley destroyed by him until now, I actually have a small chance! Just keep up the practice and play vs real people and you should get better fast.