Bah, nothing from yesterday or today's 50-pulls. Even went for the next step up, got nothing. Won't do that again
Yeah, after doing the full 5/5 multi-step and only receiving two 5* out of it, I instantly decided that the one-a-day 50-orb multi-pull is the better option and just leaving it at that. The game is handing out 10 free Spirit Orbs per day (and 100, on certain occasions), so that's really only 40 orbs you spend on the 50-orb multi-pull. If you fully ascend one of the many 4* characters in the game, which is easy to do now with the characters earned from the daily multi-pull as well as the anniversary event, that gives you another 35 orbs. If you do all of the daily quests, you get another 5 orbs. That's basically getting one free 50-orb multi-pull per day, so you essentially break even on the pull (if you do all of this).
Unfortunate about your luck, though. I hope things turn around for you soon.
That's good to hear, so when Nelliel gets her 6* i can get her special up to 3 so that's nice.
Well i'll just hope that Grimm's 30% stat boost skill can make him hold his own against her in PVP, also really hoping I don't come across any 6* red Kenpachi's cause i've seen how much of a monster he is in videos.
And gratz on the pulls.
Yeah, if you have Nelliel dupes, save them. You'll increase her special (when she's evolved to 6*), as well as ascending her in the process. Early on, I fused my dupe Kendopachi into each other (leveled my special to 3), and then I learned about the whole 6*/ascending thing. I guess I'll have to work even harder on him, gathering fodder to ascend him. >_<
Parasol Grimmjow is serviceable in PVP, from what I've seen. I don't have him personally, but he seems like a fairly reliable unit. I know it's only a matter of time, but I wonder when event character will receive 6* evolutions of their own. I can't see Klab keeping them at 5*, not with this many 6*'s being added to the game. Should be interesting!
And thanks, I'm pretty happy about my pulls. I think I've used up my luck for the rest of the event, so I'll just go into the remaining pulls with the idea of getting 3/4* character fodder to ascend my characters. If I get another 5* I'd, of course, be happy, but I don't really expect it. My luck has to run out sometime.
Look at this poor bastard, doing the full 5/5 multi-step. Suddenly, mine doesn't seem so bad: