I think my time with this one might be over. I've been playing since release, so well over a year (maybe more, can't remember exactly when it launched), but lately the game has gotten really stale for me.
The worst part for me personally, was saving over 4k orbs for Speed Kenpachi and not getting him, who I needed to level the playing field in PVP. Then I saved up close to 5k orbs for FB Ichigo, and didn't get him either. The only characters I've been receiving are all past characters and/or dupes of ones I have (well, I did get FB Uryu, but he's whatever for me), so my interest to fully level them isn't exactly high. PVP is a shit-show, with all of the Speed Kenpachi/FB Ichigo, and while I can do the force-close trick to retain my kill-steak, it's just doesn't feel worth it.
Every now-and-then we'll get a Frenzy character, that usually only makes the over-powered PVP characters even more powerful, and is such a grind to fully level up (even with crystal links). Now Klab are going back to re-release past characters in NEW FORMS and even adding on a higher level cap for those willing to grind it out (which, again, will translate into PVP making things even more challenging if you don't keep up). The worst part? No orbs for hitting Level 200. Considering the work it'll take to get there, that seems a bit confusing. Maybe they'll change it later, or maybe not. It just kind of feels like they're trying to drain more water from the well.
These past couple of weeks (since the FB gatcha, actually) I've mostly just been logging in for dailies and running any event we get for completion and that's about it. I just don't feel the drive/passion fort his game anymore, not like I did in the beginning. Granted I've been playing A LONG TIME, so maybe a break is what I need? I'll probably continue logging in for the freebies and see how I feel later on down the road.
Oh, as for my 5* ticket? A Hallibel dupe, of course. That's my...third of her? Might be fourth, I can't recall.