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Bloated, PR paste-bin |OT|s are a plague on these boards

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ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
iNvidious01 said:
none of the images are wider than 1100px - thats fine for almost everything

IMO the images should be 800px-wide max, ideally just for the banner with 600px-wide for the headers.


It recently took me way way too long to find the 3DS release date for Sonic Generations in the OP in the |OT|

It was pretty silly.


Parallax Scroll said:
Embedding all your text content inside images is also giving a big middle finger to people with disabilities. Want to use a text-to-braille or text-to-speech converter on the page? LOL you can't!



I liked the AC:R OP. At least it talked about the game. It was more on topic than the next 75 pages of that thread will ever be.

Dude likes game. Dude makes extensive OT posting trying to inform and educate, while conveying his enjoyment of the series to others in a constructive, non-volatile, non-sarcastic manner. What a complete bastard. BURN HIM!


I like the big OP's, usually. I don't think I've ever had an issue finding information I was looking for in ones for games I already knew about, and they can be helpful for introducing the games to newcomers.


Ploid 3.0 said:
Never really clicked with assassin's creed, but wow this is hawt.


Welp, I just found the best post in this god damn thread.
I don't mind big OT's myself, but one thing that keeps on pissing me off is text on images, I usually rage enough when I see that to not bother reading any of it.


Parallax Scroll said:
Embedding all your text content inside images is also giving a big middle finger to people with disabilities. Want to use a text-to-braille or text-to-speech converter on the page? LOL you can't!

It's also racist against people who don't speak English, translator? lolnope


Radec said:
I'm just commenting on this bro:

With that said, I think you should know why people do free stuff. :)

Yes, you're right. I do understand why people would do something for free because it's something they care about! What I should have said is I don't understand why people would go out of their way to make what is basically a press kit advertising the game on a very popular forum, if they aren't being paid by the company to do so. I know people do things for free; I just can't help but wonder if we've had OTs made by marketing shills. I'm not saying this applies to all OTs. And really I don't even feel too strongly about the subject. I love when I'm into a game and I can refer to the GAF OT. But I go there for the discussion, not the image-heavy OP. I mean no disrespect to the people who put their time into making OTs. Carry on. Maybe don't use text in images though :p
That assassins creed OT is absolutely terrible. There was no point for 90% of what was in the OP. The links at the end about the atrocious PSP/Mobile games just made it felt like a joke. I hope no one every makes one like that again.


Two main problems for me

1) too much info makes it difficult to find updates during the life of the thread. And considering the new way we are using threads thats important

2) perhaps more importantly, a huge, pretty much entirely positive and hyped up mega-OT can stifle debate. I don't just want community threads with tips etc, I want discussion and critique. Thats less likely with overly PR style OPs, and potentially debate could get more heated
Hollywood Duo said:
I can't complain, someone else is doing all this work for everyone's benefit. Don't be hatin'.

It's not benefiting anyone if you make it so bloated with useless information that it becomes usable. I like OPs and the job most people do because they do help, this one does not at all. It defeats the purpose of it.


Not as deep as he thinks
That Revelations thread is ridiculous, IMO.

I really do like simple 1 page posts official threads. They're nice on the eyes and all the information is given within the first post.


I like the MGS4 OT, but the Assassin's Creed one is a bit too much. That said, my favorite OT is the one for Wipeout HD Fury; it lets the pictures speak for the game, with just a few bulletpoints at the end with the essential info.


30% Failure Rate
Ploid 3.0 said:
Never really clicked with assassin's creed, but wow this is hawt.

That's really amazing. As an assassin I'm sure it's easy for her to blend into the crowd. I mean, surely a girl wearing lingerie and a garter belt out in public in broad daylight wouldn't stand out at all. Lucky she has that hood to hide her face or somebody might just recognize her.


I commend the effort and teamwork that went into the latest AC OT thread but that is a fan web site all in one post. If someone wanted to link a fan web site in an OT then that's just fine but as a GAF OT I agree it doesn't need to be so comprehensive.
VideoMan said:
That's really amazing. As an assassin I'm sure it's easy for her to blend into the crowd. I mean, surely a girl wearing lingerie and a garter belt out in public in broad daylight wouldn't stand out at all. Lucky she has that hood to hide her face or somebody might just recognize her.

you just criticized the character design of 99.99999999999% of females in video games

also, who the hell even reads the OP more then once or twice? Most people check it out the first time they enter the thread and that's it. So I have no issue with it being too long.
Ken Masters said:
also, who the hell even reads the OP more then once or twice? Most people check it out the first time they enter the thread and that's it. So I have no issue with it being too long.
Now, I'm not suggesting that I have the answer, but I think you're asking the wrong question. As it pertains to this thread, the question isn't one of whether or not monstrous threads can be easily ignored since they're not meant to be read multiple times. The question is can they be more useful to more people? As in, if one concedes that they can be easily ignored, let's just hypothetically assume for one moment that most people follow that advice. Now, I'm not saying that's the case, but play along. If many are ignoring them, why are we encouraging this game where it's become a badge of honor to earn the right to post these behemoth OTs that nobody reads when we might be more prudent to advocate leaner and meaner OTs that more people deem worthy of reading in their entirety?

Mind you, again, my question may be grounded on a faulty premise. It's possible that the folks like me that would enjoy more concise OTs are greatly outnumbered by the people who legitimately enjoy a barrage of content that details anything and everything someone might want to know about a game. If that's the case, then c'est la vie.


I can live with huge OTs for games that have been hyped for years like MGS4. AssRev not so much. It's a yearly iteration.

What's worse, I like to highlight text as I scroll. :( OP is virtually unreadable to me.

I find that GAF usually finds a happy medium. Some posts are way more shill-y than an over excited OP. We're missing the trees for the forest in this instance.
I like how this thread is now being used by some people to throw baseless and pointless insults at the AC franchise as a whole, because they know they would risk a ban if they tried it in any other thread.

Stay classy.


I'm glad this thread was created and will follow it closely. I do however feel sorry for the AC:R OP being the example to fuel it.

The best OTs IMO should be built from information by gaffers playing the game. Start with a simple OP and expand upon it as information comes in that can't be picked up on Wikipedia. Just reserve a few posts so that you can sculpt it as you go. I don't understand the retrieve and serve OTs a week before. It is only gophering the net.

I'm planning my OT for a re-release though so I'm not in this situation. I am however contemplating whether to even add Wiki type information at all. I figure at the very least if you want to gopher info, it should be presented in a streamlined/effective format. Therefore people may say, "Oh, I forgot that boss" or they see a bit of new content from a game they have yet to play. But the detailed write-ups should only be reserved only for significant information.

But these massive OPs are indeed misaligned IMO.


Unconfirmed Member
I thought a thread like this would pop-up soon enough. I know most of you devote your time to create something truly special.. and I, for one, appreciate that. However, I believe a great OT should be not only informative, but brief and to the point. Do we really need 15 posts to know what is Assassin's Creed Revelations? Not in the slightest.
Man, isn't it sweet how you can resize a window, or change the font or text size in your browser, and the text automatically wraps so you don't have to continually scroll left and right to read each line of text one by one?*

*except when idiots convert the text into an image first for their masturbatory OP


Every single mega-OT has serious problems with getting across the most important information in a concise, easily located and easily readable manner. They're formatted in ways that work for printed material but come across as scattershot and headache-inducing on a scrolling screen, and that's not even getting into issues with mobile devices and JPEG text (stop doing this). The worst offenders are loaded with so many images that they don't just actively obfuscate the important information (which is itself often a needle-in-a-haystack situation), they actually take time to load. These things are the Sonic '06 of OTs.

To nitpick the AC:R thread in particular, leading off with the vast array of preorder bonuses and special editions is more than a little uncomfortable, even if it is one of the few sections that can justify its place.


Criminal Upper said:
I like how this thread is now being used by some people to throw baseless and pointless insults at the AC franchise as a whole, because they know they would risk a ban if they tried it in any other thread.

Stay classy.
Yeah, sort of pathetic.

I don't really mind the long OT's myself. They're a good read.

Paddling Ghost

Neo Member
I agree with the OP's sentiment totally.

Something Awful Games forum do great OT's. Concise and ctrl+f searchable with the most actual relevant information.

A few examples.

EDIT: I guess you can't see them right now, but if you're already a goon then you'll understand.


That Assassin's Creed OT is ridiculous. I've never seen so much useless information compiled into one place. For gods sakes, all we need is release details and links to any reviews and previews. Not an overview of an entire game series. I wasted too much time scrolling through it let alone how long the OP wasted creating it.


Still without luck
Wouldn't have clicked the Assassin's Creed thread without the link here (more useful OP than AC's)

Seriously, no one is going to read all of that shit. And great job because when the image hosting goes to shit in a few years and all that text disappears the OP wlll still have all that info. Oh wait it won't. Just stupid.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
If you need more than one post for your OP or need to use text as images to circumvent the character limit, you're doing it wrong.

Nobody likes to sift through all that nonsense.
Paddling Ghost said:
I agree with the OP's sentiment totally.

Something Awful Games forum do great OT's. Concise and ctrl+f searchable with the most actual relevant information.

A few examples.

EDIT: I guess you can't see them right now, but if you're already a goon then you'll understand.

Even the wall of text known as Deus Ex: HR has a table of contents:


Personally, I totally agree. I don't see any value in OPs that are just an accumulation of press material, or a reading like the OP is a viral marketer.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the passion people put into OTs, but there are certain limits when it just becomes annoying. In an overlong OP it's hard to find any worthwhile information, and they are also a pain to scroll through.

What I like are good-looking but clean OTs. Kagari's FF Type-0 thread is one of the best OTs on this board. I also like long OPs when they give interesting information -- I like the OT of Heroes of MM VI for example because the stuff inside is actually useful when playing the game.


I agree. I appreciate the time people put into these, but I generally just want to know when something's coming out, which is the preferred version to buy, and how it's being reviewed. Maybe some media like cool screenshots, videos, and wallpaper, but most of the time, I skip everything else. I do like the ones that have great formatting/layouts, and in some cases, humor.


I don't really mind it at all. If I were to get into Assassin's Creed I'd probably look to that thread first. It seems pretty well put together, and it's not that hard to navigate, since there are links in the first page to all the different categories. Yeah, some of the things could be a bit better written (like as a complete noob I really don't know what you do in AC's multiplayer), but that doesn't mean long OPs like that are bad.

Really, I'd like an OT to have something very informative and concise in the first post, and then they can fill it out with whatever fluff they want for the rest of it. That way people that don't know about the game or are hesitant can get things at a quick glance, and those that are big fans of the series can refresh their memories and splurge out on all the extra stuff. Win win for both.
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