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Blogging Iraqi soldier interviewed by NPR

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Apparently he was disciplined and confined to base for a few days because of the blog, though the article doesn't say why. Be sure to listen to the audio--they brought some guy in to do a dramatic reading of one of the entries. It's unintentionally hilarious.

P.S.: you guys who insisted on saying this blogger was fake in the face of all evidence have some crow to eat.


Lt. Col. Paul Hastings, a spokesman for Buzzell's unit, said Buzzell's blog now has to be reviewed by his platoon sergeant and a superior officer. In an e-mail to NPR, Hastings said the popularity of blogging has increased the chance that soldiers may inadvertently give away information to Internet-savvy enemies.

But some critics worry that military officials are trying to muffle dissent from troops in the field. "I really think it has much less to do with operational security and classified secrets and more to do with American politics and how the war is seen by a public that is getting increasingly shaky about the overall venture," says Michael O'Hanlon, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington.

Oh no, it couldn't POSSIBLY be because it presents a possible threat. It MUST be because teh EVAL GOVERNMENT wants to suppress TEH TRUTH!!!!1 It amazes me how a "senior fellow" can be so spectacularly ignorant.

Insert fierce rolleyes here!
Yeah. Guy's trying to sound all hard, but all he's doing is giving a profanity ridden (and horrible) impression of Keanu Reeves.
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