I think it is interesting to look at how this game having two scum teams would impact the way scum would behave. For example, having two scum teams probably means that they aren't that big. We can't have two teams of 5 for example, that would be broken. So if I had to guess right now, I would guess we have one team of 4 (church, including the hidden partner) and one team of 3 (school). This makes me thing scum would be less likely to bus one of their own. Losing a member if you are a small team of 3 is much worse then losing a member if you are a big team of 5. This is even more the case for the school members since losing a member for them means losing a role that can give points, which will slow down the speed at which they can transform people. I doubt school members would be willing to bus one of their own. Church members are a bit more likely to have bused, but if my guess is correct and they were only with 3 people in their chat from the beginning they will probably also have been reluctant to do that.
Another interesting point is that the school members have to actively try and dodge night kills from scum. This means they can't behave too towny, since then they take the risk of getting NK. It actually makes me second guess my town read on kristoffer, I initially thought he would probably not be scum since he did some very obvious weird stuff on day 1, but I could see that as a tactic from a school member to try and look a bit scummy to avoid getting NK by the church.
I assume they are a threat, and that if they manage to transform everyone, they will not just leave the game as winners, but actually end the game with all other factions as losers.
But I do agree that without a kill, they are less of a immediate thread as the church. If we manage to remove all church members, that will hopefully remove night kills from the game, which will give us more time to hunt for the old ones. Hunting for church members should be our priority for now, but that doesn't mean we should just ignore old ones.
Ri'orius would probably be exactly that after he got activated.
Why doesn't Freak being a straight town vigilante add up? Can you elaborate on that?
Another interesting point is that the school members have to actively try and dodge night kills from scum. This means they can't behave too towny, since then they take the risk of getting NK. It actually makes me second guess my town read on kristoffer, I initially thought he would probably not be scum since he did some very obvious weird stuff on day 1, but I could see that as a tactic from a school member to try and look a bit scummy to avoid getting NK by the church.
So kin does nothing? No change to win condition? From mazre's role pm and the fact that we have any kin at all, it's clear that we have more people in this faction. It appears to be a neutral faction. With no obvious kill, I'm not sure it even qualifies as a threat to town. But it certainly doesn't seem friendly.
I assume they are a threat, and that if they manage to transform everyone, they will not just leave the game as winners, but actually end the game with all other factions as losers.
But I do agree that without a kill, they are less of a immediate thread as the church. If we manage to remove all church members, that will hopefully remove night kills from the game, which will give us more time to hunt for the old ones. Hunting for church members should be our priority for now, but that doesn't mean we should just ignore old ones.
It is speculative, but I imagine that the Church could have a role which identifies others, they could be checking to see who all is on which team.
Ri'orius would probably be exactly that after he got activated.
I still don't believe that Freak is straight town vigilante, it just doesn't add up.
Why doesn't Freak being a straight town vigilante add up? Can you elaborate on that?