Heh heh heh heh...Oh Weemadarthur, oh Weemadarthur...
Have mercy on the poor old fool...Hah hah hah! What a joy it is, to behold the divine.
It must be such a pleasure. You're in my debt, you know.
You're in nigh on a beast of the field, but here you are, treading a measure with the Edge. The WORTHY Edge.
Damn these loading times.
shoulda downloaded the patch
Can you get modkilled for port begging?
Welcome, flatearthpandas. The Blood tells me that you are the Afflicted Beggar. You are aligned with the Town of Yharnam. (Thats the Town.)
Oh, youve met with a terrible fate, havent you?
The blood in your veins is unusual, and wild - very wild. And its converting your natural blood at an alarming rate. Right now, youre a harmless beggar, but give it time say, three nights, and well, youll be something altogether different.
Once three nights have passed, I wouldnt want to tangle with you at night. If you, say, PMd ScraftyDevil with the command ALERT, I daresay that you would tear apart anyone who came upon you during the night, friend or foe.
You win when you have eliminated all threats to the Town of Yharnam.
Please PM ScraftyDevil or RetroMG with any questions.
Game Thread is Here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1229044
Good luck, Beggar.
Welcome, TheWorthyEdge. The Blood tells me that you are The Vicar. You are aligned with the Healing Church. (That means you are one of the Mafia.)
For centuries, the Healing Church has existed to heal those who are in need of healing (both physical and spiritual,) and destroy that which is impure before God. Yharnam is impure. It must be cleansed.
You are not alone in this effort.
You have an additional partner whose identity is not known to you. If you recruit this player by attempting the kill them or by using an ability on them, they will join you in your chat room, and you will be able to perform a double-kill during the next night phase.
You are known and loved throughout the countryside by all the people of the Healing Church. If you are investigated during the first three night phases of the game, you will appear to be aligned with the Town of Yharnam. However, the work of destruction weighs on a mans souls, so after three nights have passed, your true alignment will be visible if you are investigated.
You may perform a one-time unblockable kill by submitting the command DEVOUR: <NAME> to ScraftyDevil.
You may also perform your teams night kill by submitting the command KILL: <NAME> to ScraftyDevil. You may not use any other commands if you do this.
You win when all threats to the Healing Church have been destroyed.
Game Thread is Here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1229044
The Healing Church Chat is Here:
Fear the Old Blood. By the Gods, Fear it.
So we have a claimed tracker, a claimed doctor and a claimed vig, and yet the suspicious role claims died.
I want to lynch Roy.
I think he might have been lying about what his conversion did.
Even if he wasn't it still puts us further away from a Mensis victory.
We have at least 1 healing church hidden member left too.
Johnny Q is still alive, but he claimed doctor. but he's still alive, but he claimed doctor. but he's still alive, but he claimed doctor, but he's still alive, but he claimed doctor, but he's still alive.
If Seath is town, I really don't understand why scum didn't strongman kill him. Unless they already used it, but on who? I don't see a kill that was likely a strongman on previous nights. Really curious about their night actions.
Also, I want to mention that I was role blocked last night.
Seath was kind of defensive of Weemad too
Please elaborate on the role blocking
Sure, I tried to track vanguard but was role blocked.
Squidy and Roy: At the end of yesterday, the two of you voted for Pandas. Is there any reason you went for him over Weemad? Considering how much scummier the timing of Weemad's role claim was. (1536 and 1541).
Squidy and Roy: At the end of yesterday, the two of you voted for Pandas. Is there any reason you went for him over Weemad? Considering how much scummier the timing of Weemad's role claim was. (1536 and 1541).
Chair, could you not tell us your target of last night until Jqk tells us who he protected last night? I'm curious about something.
The Hunter of Hunters, Freakinchair, would like to kill you in the name of Yharnam.
The dickbutt of alien school, Hobohodo, would like to kill/recruit you in the name of Mensis.
I seriously had the feeling nudull used the "seems" to point to their investigations, which would clear weemad as town, plus the theory about pandas being the Hidden Partner activated by jqk sounded believable. Clearly, both were wrong.
This would mean that Hobohodo is his Mensis target. And by Hobohodo.. I mean Flame_AC. Of course this theory is slightly marred by the fact that Mensis doesn't seem to have a kill power. I do need to check posting histories for the newly dead Healing Church member. There's likely to be at least one more Healing Church left provided the teams are relatively balanced. I'll be back laterz.
Btw, my read on flame_ac right now is that he doesn't post a whole lot, but I think there's no way he's Mensis because he was very early on the Mazre lynch. Brownie points for him.
So FEP was town, and wee/worthyedge scum.
This pretty much wraps up the game for us town.
We got this in the bag.
Also, I want to mention that I was role blocked last night.
In the meantime.
Vote: ii-vanguard-ii
Enjoying the game so far?![]()
Can't write too much now - on my iPad at work. Was anxiously waiting to see if I was attacked. I wasn't.
A mysterious figure blocked my shot last night so I was clearly role blocked. I expected it to happen and consider it a win for town... Unless it was town who blocked me. It's pretty obvious that scum wanted to stop me from shooting my suspected targets... Either as a diversion or to protect one of their own. I think we need to lynch one of them, either nudull or verelios.
Theres not much useful info here, hence why I didn't see a lot of point in posting details overtly but even if I'm not lynched theres no way I'm surviving the night (although at least Seath would).
N1: I (presumably) saved NeverForever, I chose someone kind of middle of the pack that I thought might have made an innocuous mafia target since they had little attention on them.
N2: I visited Freakinchair. I thought he was a likely target and while I thought the details in his claim were a little shady it was most likely he was town and I wanted to see if his role panned out.
N3: panda. because he asked, I was intrigued and I typically agreed with his posts. I was also happy being watched/tracked because, honestly, I didn't think a tracker would out us both straight away but it might have been useful info longer term.
I'll try and check in again before the day ends.
Yes, very much
Three questions however
Why track me was there no one more suspicious?
how does you being roleblocked implicate me?
how many more HC members do you think are left?
Vote: johnnyqucknives
You decided to post and answer him with questions of your own. Could you talk about who you think we should lynch today?
we absolutely should lynch JQK because he's a liar
you pointed out the main reason that everyone knows by now but i knew he was a liar as soon a he claimed doctor i didn't say any thing though because i didn't have any evidence. it would be my word against him.
My role name is Blood Minister and i'm the doctor i didn't role claim because i would've painted a bullseye on my back i wasn't going to do it today either but JQK needs to go down.
the people i protected were Haly\Squidy\Chair\Seath(was role blocked).
we should have lynched him yesterday and we didn't because people were scared that he might be the doctor it could have happend again.Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Why'd you roleclaim!
We probably could have lynched him anyways without this and then we wouldn't have to worry about you dying just yet.
Is that in order, who you protected?
they didn't, i can just protect someone from kills i don't know if they're gonna be hit or notSo scum tried to kill Haly night 1, we'll need to look back on Day 1 and see what Haly was speculating on. Why'd you choose Haly for your first protection?
they didn't, i can just protect someone from kills i don't know if they're gonna be hit or not
haly was random
i was a little overwhelmed on D1 so don't read too much into haly i didn't know what i was doing
on day 2 i picked the only person i trusted
day 3 i picked chair for obvious reasons
day 4 i had to chose between seath and chair ultimately i chose seath