For those that have beaten the game at lvl4, what's the best way to deal with Gherman once he goes one-handed? I just can't get the hang of this phase to save my life; I feel like I can beat him if I can get passed this part.
This fight at Waste of Skin goes on way too long for me, and you do such little damage.
Beat the game this evening. All bosses and all three endings. Only four more trophies to platinum, so I'm tempted to attempt it. What's the general consensus? Difficult? Or should I just wait for some DLC?
Edit: The Eileen quest glitched out on me first time through. So Blades of Mercy are not accessible yet, and I forgot to bring that summons to that hunter NPC, so no Wheel. Gotta play through a solid chunk of the game again to get that Platinum.
That sounds like a nightmare, you were probably one shotted so harhly, you should have recorded that.Try defiled root loran
headless bloodletting beast + half hp = good times
I don't know if bosses there are random or not.
She was the easiest but had the best music, unless Logarius also got the music that was used in her third phase, it really was just epic as hell. Headless Bloodletting Beast actually killed me the most out of the three. The Queens was mainly just understanding her patterns and how to attack around them, on top of managing her clones.Fucking loved Pthumerian Descendant in Ihyll. SO amazing. I wish we could fight these bosses again without having to re-do the chalices. The queen was definitely the easiest of the three.
That sounds like a nightmare, you were probably one shotted so harhly, you should have recorded that.
Fucking loved Pthumerian Descendant in Ihyll. SO amazing. I wish we could fight these bosses again without having to re-do the chalices. The queen was definitely the easiest of the three.
Go to Hemwick Lane and kill the Witches so you can unlock the Rune Tool, which is actually pretty important. They're to the left of the entrance of where you fought Vicar Amelia or to the right if you're going there from her lantern. They're piss easy as well.On my first playthrough, have killed Father G, Cleric Beast, Vicar Amelia, and most recently the Blood Starved Beast. The BSB was by FAR the easiest of the four for me, killed it on my first try without using a potion. Kind of surprised myself with the success, has it took me a solid six tries to beat Vicar Amelia.
On my first playthrough, have killed Father G, Cleric Beast, Vicar Amelia, and most recently the Blood Starved Beast. The BSB was by FAR the easiest of the four for me, killed it on my first try without using a potion. Kind of surprised myself with the success, has it took me a solid six tries to beat Vicar Amelia.
Coming from somebody that just recently got the platinum, good luck. I had to approach that shit like it was a second job, took roughly 153 hours cause I beat it legit 3 times through 2 different characters to get the endings. Pretty much research the requirements and plan what you want to accomplish and do it. Just make sure you have some fun with it at the same time cause if you don't doing the chalice dungeons are going to feel like a chore.I ended up calling in cooperative help with Vicar, she wouldn't go down for me after countless tries. Given my time constraints for gaming, I couldn't just not progress for a week.
Still took me over 4 months to beat the game (albeit, I took a break for a couple months). Now I'm considering going for that Platinum.
Coming from somebody that just recently got the platinum, good luck. I had to approach that shit like it was a second job, took roughly 153 hours cause I beat it legit 3 times through 2 different characters to get the endings. Pretty much research the requirements and plan what you want to accomplish and do it. Just make sure you have some fun with it at the same time cause if you don't doing the chalice dungeons are going to feel like a chore.
There is but it's set up really badly in that if you want to go through a dungeon together with a partner then you need to do each Layer twice (Once for each person to unlock the next one). Quicker to do it solo tbh.That's what I've heard, which is why I probably won't go for it. If I don't have fun, I usually stop playing the game, unless the story is genuinely engaging.
Is there any cooperation in the Chalice Dungeons?
Plus you have to make sure you don't have covenant runes equipped that don't piss off the game as we learned first hand.There is but it's set up really badly in that if you want to go through a dungeon together with a partner then you need to do each Layer twice (Once for each person to unlock the next one). Quicker to do it solo tbh.
Yeah if you need a story, then you might not try for it, but the platinum is not impossible to get at all if you put the time towards it.That's what I've heard, which is why I probably won't go for it. If I don't have fun, I usually stop playing the game, unless the story is genuinely engaging.
Is there any cooperation in the Chalice Dungeons?
Haha yeah the Covenant stuff in this game is kinda of abstruse. Playing through DS2 now I definitely appreciate how much easier it is to do co-op and PVP than BB.Plus you have to make sure you don't have covenant runes equipped that don't piss off the game as we learned first hand.
I ended up calling in cooperative help with Vicar, she wouldn't go down for me after countless tries. Given my time constraints for gaming, I couldn't just not progress for a week.
Still took me over 4 months to beat the game (albeit, I took a break for a couple months). Now I'm considering going for that Platinum.
Go to Hemwick Lane and kill the Witches so you can unlock the Rune Tool, which is actually pretty important. They're to the left of the entrance of where you fought Vicar Amelia or to the right if you're going there from her lantern. They're piss easy as well.
Yeah her health bar was just so freaking big it took seemingly hundreds of hits to down her. And then of course she can also heal herself, making the fight that much more difficult and drawn out.
It's in the room. Go down the stairs and it's in that room, I believe the room is behind the lantern itself. If you think Amelia has a lot of health now then wait till NG+ her health pool is fucking ridiculous.Just defeated them, they were ridiculously easy haha. Is the rune tool actually in the boss room? I looted their corpse and all it gave me was 4 eyeballs or something lol
Congrats good hunter.![]()
And that's a wrap.
I burned through NG+ in less than three hours. Just ran through everything, killed only the main bosses, boom.
Probably gonna start a new character when the DLC hits.
I really need to find more time for that game.Haha yeah the Covenant stuff in this game is kinda of abstruse. Playing through DS2 now I definitely appreciate how much easier it is to do co-op and PVP than BB.
I really need to find more time for that game.
Yeah I just started it late Sunday. I'm still really early in the beginning, didn't even really get that much done. Only really unlocked the ability to level up in Majula and turned the game off. Hopefully I'll have more time soon. Outside of it feeling different I'm sure I'll be able to adjust to it.You definitely should. DS2 (and especially Scholar) is a great game, nowhere near of deserving the hyperbolic levels of hate it gets from a subset of the fanbase.
Yeah I just started it late Sunday. I'm still really early in the beginning, didn't even really get that much done. Only really unlocked the ability to level up in Majula and turned the game off. Hopefully I'll have more time soon. Outside of it feeling different I'm sure I'll be able to adjust to it.
Yeah I just started it late Sunday. I'm still really early in the beginning, didn't even really get that much done. Only really unlocked the ability to level up in Majula and turned the game off. Hopefully I'll have more time soon. Outside of it feeling different I'm sure I'll be able to adjust to it.
That was actually more or less my same exact thought when I first started, didn't help that I only have the warrior classes shit starting weapon. I'm pretty sure I'll get accustomed to it fine since Dark Souls 1 to Bloodborne was a weird transition that I got used to within a week or two I think or at least after Vicar Amelia.As long as you don't go into the game thinking "why doesn't this control like DS1/BB?" you should be good.
I played through DS2 twice, once right after DS1 and once after my first playthrough of Bloodborne, and playing Bloodborne actually inspired me to make a shieldless character for my second playthrough of DS2, trying to apply some of the things I learned from Bloodborne to the game.
That was actually more or less my same exact thought when I first started, didn't help that I only have the warrior classes shit starting weapon. I'm pretty sure I'll get accustomed to it fine since Dark Souls 1 to Bloodborne was a weird transition that I got used to within a week or two I think or at least after Vicar Amelia.
I actually plan on going dex with this character. I do realize I'm back to the days of having an equipment weight limit. Oddly enough whenever I start these things off I start with heavy armor and eventually I just strip that shit off and go fashion souls and put lighter shit on.Starter classes doesnt mean that much in DS2, you can also re spec your char if you dont feel it. And be careful to not be so tanky since it would limit your movement harshy compared to BB where is little weight limit penalty.
Look for the bastard sword for a good starter weapon or the Heides Sword for a fairth str build
I do not understand the chalice dungeons. Time for Google.
I am. Only have Gehrman and Moon Presence left to finish all the non-chalice bosses. Are you thinking of starting one?Anyone here doing level 4 playthroughs?
Just started Bloodborne a couple days ago, and I'm loving it. Got some questions, though. I'm currently in Old Yargnum, after beating the gatling gun guy.
1. What's better to use, the Pistol or the Blunderbuss. I did get the Repeater Pistol and the Rifle Lance, but I'm concerned about stopping power, which is why I focus on Blunderbuss. Though I recognize that it's not too strong of a weapon. Is there a firearm that I should be focusing on?
2. What's the best way to get more shards? I'm having a hell of a time find new ones.
3. Is there a lantern sometime after the guy with the gatling gun? I took him out, and along with the hunter close by, but I had to head back to the first Lantern in Old Yargnum because I was worried about dying.
Just started Bloodborne a couple days ago, and I'm loving it. Got some questions, though. I'm currently in Old Yargnum, after beating the gatling gun guy.
1. What's better to use, the Pistol or the Blunderbuss. I did get the Repeater Pistol and the Rifle Lance, but I'm concerned about stopping power, which is why I focus on Blunderbuss. Though I recognize that it's not too strong of a weapon. Is there a firearm that I should be focusing on?
2. What's the best way to get more shards? I'm having a hell of a time find new ones.
3. Is there a lantern sometime after the guy with the gatling gun? I took him out, and along with the hunter close by, but I had to head back to the first Lantern in Old Yargnum because I was worried about dying.
Cannon is pretty useless now especially since they nerfed it by changing the bullet usage from 10 to 12 (You used to be able to get 3 shots with blood bullets). I think it could be useful against CERTAIN bosses when coupled with Bone Marrow Ash and shot at their weak point (Ebrietas' or Amygdala's heads for instance) but it just seems so limited in its use. Sucks for PVP since it's so hard to get a hit off and you have so few changes to succeed with - you're much better off having a gun to parry with for a Str build in most scenarios.Is there any 'best' way to use a cannon on a strength build? Or is it pretty much just shoot it on a boss or very tough enemy? It's super powerful (hits like 700+), but uses 12 quicksilver bullets. I occasionally use blood bullets to get me just enough ammo to fire it a second time but thats the most I can get per run unless I happen upon some looted bullets.
Probably a dumb question since its very limited shots but I wanted to see if anyone on gaf uses it frequently.
Also - Since my 2nd char is almost pure strength (I think around 45 or a little over), is using a kirkhammer a good weapon of choice for that level or does it just come down to preference? I'm not too familiar with the scaling of certain weapons or what gems I should be using either.
Cannon is pretty useless now especially since they nerfed it by changing the bullet usage from 10 to 12 (You used to be able to get 3 shots with blood bullets). I think it could be useful against CERTAIN bosses when coupled with Bone Marrow Ash and shot at their weak point (Ebrietas' or Amygdala's heads for instance) but it just seems so limited in its use. Sucks for PVP since it's so hard to get a hit off and you have so few changes to succeed with - you're much better off having a gun to parry with for a Str build in most scenarios.
If you want gun damage you should be going for a Bloodtinge build and using either the Evelyn or the Repeating Pistol. Those can do pretty close to what the Cannon does when coupled with Bone Marrow Ash and only use 1 and 2 bullets respectively for each shot. Way more efficient.
Firearm is more useful for parrying than damage on a Str build imo.Well thats the thing, I haven't put any points into Bloodtinge which makes it seem like any firearm would be useless, so the high damage shot or two on a boss is enough to have it on me.
Can't believe it used to be 3 shots, that really is OP for the damage it hits, it also has a big knockback on some enemies. Haven't tried it in PvP but it does seem like it would be easy enough to dodge.
True, forgot about the runes that boost bullets. Good for certain bosses in PvE I guess, still seems really situational to me.With the rune that gives an extra 4 QS bullets you can still get 3 shots with blood bullets:
24+5 = 29
- Fire once, 17.
- Use blood bullets again, 17+5 = 22
- Fire a second time, 10
- Use blood bullets again, 10+5 = 15
- Fire a third time, 3 bullets left
Gotta use bone marrow ash every time of course, otherwise it's wasted. But yeah the cannon is still decent after the nerfs, and it's a good boss finisher.