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Bloodrayne: Betrayal |OT| It Has Nothing To Do With the Original


Well, I S-Ranked the entire game tonight. I just couldn't stop playing this. I made a youtube video for my channel to tribute my achievement.


I was going to make S rank videos for every stage, but I got carried away with just playing it and I didn't feel like recording. I may go back to the game if I get enough requests because I can definitely improve my scores. I am currently number 1 on the overall leaderboards on PSN, but that probably won't last too long. A friend of mine is already destroying the leaderboards so either him or some other crazy player will make it to the #1 spot in the next few weeks.


Yuterald said:
Well, I S-Ranked the entire game tonight. I just couldn't stop playing this. I made a youtube video for my channel to tribute my achievement.


I was going to make S rank videos for every stage, but I got carried away with just playing it and I didn't feel like recording. I may go back to the game if I get enough requests because I can definitely improve my scores. I am currently number 1 on the overall leaderboards on PSN, but that probably won't last too long. A friend of mine is already destroying the leaderboards so either him or some other crazy player will make it to the #1 spot in the next few weeks.
Any tips for the final part of chapter 8? Each time I play the stage I end up dying on that part least 5 times, so I'm no where close being able to S rank it.


Sectus said:
Any tips for the final part of chapter 8? Each time I play the stage I end up dying on that part least 5 times, so I'm no where close being able to S rank it.

This is such an uncomfortable, all or nothing segment that it's difficult to provide tips for. There were SO many times where I dashed/walked off the little vertical platforms near the end, it's so frustrating. Make sure you are using the long dashes so you can clear unnecessary platforms. The first platform segment you can also long dash with air attacks so you can clear an additional platform. By doing this the blade won't be on your ass so you can concentrate more.

I might do a video of Stage 8 just to illustrate what I mean. It's pretty nerve wracking, I know.


Gold Member
I'm up to Chapter 3 now. I'm not doing to well score wise at the end--F at the end of both chapter's 1 & 2 :(

Animation is FANTASTIC in this game and I really enjoy the music.


If anyone likes podcasts, my show reviewed BloodRayne: Betrayal this week and gave it a 9 out of 10. WayForward/Majesco was kind enough to provide us with some music to use during our break, so Stage 3's music (area after Crab Puncher) is used. We also covered Resistance 3, Dead Island, WarHammer Space Marine, and Driver San Francisco. Its HERE for anyone interested.

That Jim Sterling review pisses me off. I know, I know, opinions and all that. But still. We talked about Game Informer's scathing review of Resistance 3 on the show and I feel like the Jim Sterling BloodRayne review is totally another case like that one. The reviewer has some agenda to push and wanted to go out of his way to be an asshole about it. I just don't get it.

A fuckin 2 out of 10. Seriously. smh


I finally got a chance to sit down and power through the rest of this game. Chapter 14 was my favorite stage in the game hands down. Chapters 8 - 13 were al basically mega bitches though.

Though I enjoyed it, this game could have been so much better if they had toned down the sadistic platforming (or tightened up the controls for Rayne while jumping) and had given you a decent amount of invincibility when getting hit. The animation lock that Rayne gets into is kind of a PITA but you can learn which moves are going to put you at risk and weigh when you should use them and when you should bail on your combo sooner.

Altogether, I'd give this game a 6.5 / 10. The graphics are great, the combat mechanics are pretty top notch, and there's a decent amount of content and replayability here. But those insane platforming sections in the 3rd quarter of the game are just beyond reasonable to ask of players with the way that this game controls.

I really do love what WayForward has done with Rayne. Her new "sophisticated" sensibility tickles me to death (love that animation drinking a cup of (blood?) tea on the fountain after you die), and her new outfit is loads better than the trashy thing she had before. The fluidity of her movements in combat is a delight to behold.

I hope we get a BloodRayne Betrayal 2 out of this so that WayForward can correct all the issues with this one. It's a good (re)start, but the next one could be a timeless classic.

Edit: The unlockable
8-bit soundtrack mode
is a hoot!


As much as I love the game, S ranking it is starting to make me despise parts of it. There's some things they really should have fixed:

-Stomp move. It shouldn't have been context sensitive.

-I think this is common in some Japanese action games but I don't know how many (several Capcom games does it at least): when you get hit the enemies won't attack you for X amount of seconds (probably 1-2 seconds), at all. Bloodrayne should have had this. Getting hit and losing points because of it is a bad enough penalty. If you mistime a "fast get up" it feels very unfair to get hit multiple times in a row because enemies attack you as soon as you get up again.

And for me personally, I think the platforming should either have been removed or simplified greatly. I'm playing the game for the combat, not for the platforming.

For the sake of my own sanity, I probably should just give up on S ranking it. Mission 8 is just insane. Not only is it difficult to do all the platforming without dying, it's also difficult to get the no damage bonuses in the fights. I just haven't figured out how to effectively do combat while there's those bomb/star ladies around.

Edit: Yup, I'm giving up. I think I'd still try to get S rank on rest of the game if it weren't for the platforming in the latter half of the game. It just becomes too frustrating.

Mission 7 S rank - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WtmOeJiT9g


Anyone got this for the Xbox Live Arcade and able to help me out? I need to check the Leaderboards but they're locked out of the trial version. Anyone able to go in there and check how many players are on it?

I don't really want to pay 1200MSP for the privelage of finding out :)


Holy christ-
The controls on this game are truly horrid.
There's so much lag when inputing a command. To have a game like this, you need spot on controls, this has way too much "give". Won't be able to finish this one, gets me too frustrated


schwall20 said:
Holy christ-
The controls on this game are truly horrid.
There's so much lag when inputing a command. To have a game like this, you need spot on controls, this has way too much "give". Won't be able to finish this one, gets me too frustrated
There is no input lag in this game. When you input a command, if Rayne is not busy, she will do it. The problem is the game's controls are a slave to the animations that you cannot break out of. If Rayne is busy performing a weapon swing, you can't do anything until that swing is over. Additionally, the Rayne has a lot of momentum while moving which makes her often slide at the end of a jump.

These two things together cause control problems, but they are not input lag which is a systemic delay between the time you input your control request and when it takes effect on the screen.

While I'll make no excuses for the imprecise movement, the combat demands you learn which moves are safe to execute in what combat situations and which are more risky, like DMC or Ninja Gaiden. That does not make it bad. Once you learn this, combat is pretty freaking sweet.


I was surprised at Jim's review score, but I can see how certain things would ruin the game play based on how he's described them. The soundtrack is fantastic, though.
Bought it, played it, finished it.

Not a lot to say really. Enjoyed it, but it could've used a few more bosses or means of attacking. When I die I'm being buried in a coffin rocket.


I was totally disappointed by this game, and gave it a D out of A+ in my review.

It's like WayForward either ran out of time or didn't care enough to make the pieces of the action formula fit together. I pushed through to the end and wish I didn't, really.

The soundtrack is the best part by far.


Whoever thought it was a good idea to require Rayne to do the stupid backflip on narrow platforms to reach higher ledges should be fired.

More and more disappointed with this game as I play it.
Skilletor said:
Whoever thought it was a good idea to require Rayne to do the stupid backflip on narrow platforms to reach higher ledges should be fired.

More and more disappointed with this game as I play it.
I actually really liked the platforming segments...it's the combat part that sort of soured on me. It's a deep and fun system, but it felt a bit sluggish (animations take too long?) and I hate how vulnerable you are as you get up from being hit. There were times I'd just get mobbed and there's nothing I can do to get out of it.

Also, it might've just been me, but I'd lose track of Rayne at times. It can be hard to see when her black outfit blends right into the black backgrounds. The silhoutted areas were pretty poorly done too, and I usually love it when games do that.


MushroomSamba said:
I actually really liked the platforming segments...it's the combat part that sort of soured on me. It's a deep and fun system, but it felt a bit sluggish (animations take too long?) and I hate how vulnerable you are as you get up from being hit. There were times I'd just get mobbed and there's nothing I can do to get out of it.

Also, it might've just been me, but I'd lose track of Rayne at times. It can be hard to see when her black outfit blends right into the black backgrounds. The silhoutted areas were pretty poorly done too, and I usually love it when games do that.

There's all sorts of color blending issues in this game, where dark objects are on equally dark backgrounds. The problem with the silhouetted areas was that they had objects in the foreground half the time. They work best when there's contrast -- in front of a big window or an open alcove, so the shadows stand out. It was very poor here


Is there no way to force the PS3 to scale this higher than 720p? I have my PS3 hooked up to a PC monitor with 1:1 scaling enabled so it doesn't stretch to 16:10 and this game plays in a little tiny 720p window, and the only way I can force it to fill my screen is by disabling 1:1 scaling, which of course stretches the image vertically. 16:9 stretched to 16:10 isn't very appealing.

Is there no way around that?

I've tried just selecting 1080p, but that doesn't work. It actually drops it down to a 480p image since I can't uncheck 480p. I can find no way to force the PS3 to scale this to 1080p.


y'all should be ashamed
notworksafe said:
You'd rather have an inaccurate OP take about 20 seconds to change something? Well done.

Nice to see console fanboyism be so important in OTs now.
Yeah, that really should be taken out. Not only is it nonsense, but it scares off potential PS3 owners from checking out the game.

Anyways, got a grade letter F in all levels except for two, which I got Cs on. This game is absolutely fantastic. Loved every bit of it.


whoo~!!! I started playing this game finally!!!

man this game is tough! I got maad F ranks at first,

then I had no idea there was a dash move o_O now I know tho lol!


I like how this game is challenging in a way.

I dont like how it isn't very fun...

I'm halfway and dont feel to compelled to keep playing at the moment...


I downloaded this demo for PS3 but have yet to play it. All I do is hover over the icon and listen to that beautiful piano music. Props to them for playing and looping the whole score of that song when you hover over it on the XMB. Most PS3 games just have some random sound clip that fades out.


No way to change the control scheme?

All multi-platform games need to have an option or be customized for each consoles control.

I hate having R2 as the shoot button.


They could of made this game a little harder maybe...jesus,got this for free with PS +,took me a while to figure out that the lights need to be broken because it takes away health,the control are kinda touchy,the backflip is hard to do,also sucking up blood by pressing "O" on the PS3 does not seem to work and R3 to transform either...that green poison cloud also I have no idea where it is coming from...I like the look of the game and the music but man,it is way too hard for me I think when I have a hard time even finishing the first section that is a tutorial hehe...
I really enjoyed this game. I had few issues with the controls, but other than that I have no complaints. The music and art style for this game blend very well, it provides a fitting atmosphere. I'm very partial to 2D action games in general, so this really hit my sweet spot. I have no history with the Rayne character so I fell in love with what little story is there. I can get a good feel for the attitude and personality of the character through the animations. It harkens back to previous generations when cutscenes couldn't aid the story. Just like most games of yesteryears, this game feels better when played in small bite size sessions. I feel the 9.0/10.0 it earned from IGN is warranted.

If you are a fan of Super Castlvania 4, I think you should play this game. I understand most complaints in this thread and feel they are also warranted. I look forward to more games in this series, and more games from this developer. So glad I didn't overlook this one.
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