Chacranajxy said:
What is major (well, more major, at least) are the graphical differences. First of all, the color is a bit better on the Xbox 360. Blacks are inky and the constant splashes of red really stand out. The PS3 version looks somewhat dull by comparison, though the difference is subtle. What was particularly striking, however, was the difference in clarity. The PS3 version looks quite blurry in places whereas the entire vista is razor sharp on the 360. For one comparison, I looked at Rayne when she's sitting at a fountain after you continue. Stare at her cleavage. Go on - you know you want to. You'll notice that the PS3 version lacks definition while the 360 exhibits no such issue. Some art assets seem blurrier than others, but as a whole, the game simply looks worse. No matter how you slice it, the 360 version is the way to go.
I have both versions, and I have to call shenanigans on this. Both my PS3 and 360 are set to output 1080p over HDMI to my TV and both of their input settings have been calibrated using AVIA. There is absolutely no difference between the color saturation of the two versions.
Additionally, while the image of the PS3 version
is slightly softer than the Xbox 360 version, it's so slight, that I literally have to walk up to my 40" TV, get 12" away from it and really
look for areas of difference between the two. At 2 feet, the differences cease to be noticeable.
So yes, if you want to get
really nitpicky, the 360 version is marginally sharper at the cost of a couple extra seconds of load time, but calling the differences between the two major at all is an exaggeration.
Pick the one who's controller you like better (360 for me, I bought the PS3 version b/c I didn't want to wait another 24 hours to play the whole thing).
On a separate note, the game just isn't clicking for me as well as I'd hoped. I managed to get an A on Stage 1 after dozens of retries. I always end up locked in some animation that prevents me from getting the dodge I need in time. I also have a problem reliably getting X, X, X, X differentiated from X, X (slight pause) X, X. The timing difference is too tight. I'd prefer it to be slightly wider like Bayonetta's. And the lack of i-Frames after getting hit is absolutely infuriating. One hit chains into five. Ugh! I don't actively dislike the game, but there's a lot of aspects to it that are really frustrating. The platforming in Chapter 8 I started rating with WTFs per minutes, particularly the last sequence. I read Shidoshi's review, but it still took me aback.
Also, the game semi-reliably locks up the entire console on
both platforms at a specific fight in Chapter 7. I reported the issue to Wayforward and they said they'd see if they can reproduce it. I had it happen 1/2 times I played that chapter on PS3 and 2/3 times I played the chapter on 360.