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Bloomberg: Sony 3rd-Quarter Profit May Fall 50% on PlayStation 3


So, a $450 million loss for the Playstation division for the quarter.

Without the positive contribution from the PS2 business, PS3 on a standalone basis would be closer to $1 billion in losses for the quarter (assuming PS2 results are consistent with 2005).

That's close to $500 per console sold. Pretty staggering.
LizardKing said:
Not exactly. The more they manufacture the more they lose. The less they sell, the less money recouped from manufacturing costs.

also, sony looks to be doing pretty well other than games division. Good for them things are up in almost every other division.

uh huh, right. Then why has Sony's profits been down by 94% this fiscal year? Its obvious theyre hurting.
cvxfreak said:
Can Sony still be considered the world's largest maker of videogame systems?

Well, if you mean Home Systems, we can discute, but for ALL systems, Nintendo is selling more systems (both handheld and consoles) then everyone else. So, we can say that Sony was the leader of the past generation, but now, we have to wait until the market estabilishes a clear trend.

But if you ask me: who is selling more systems then everyone else ? The clear answer is Nintendo, for the moment and for the last 2 years. In fact, the DS is a monster....


farnham said:
they never were when you counted in handheld systems

Actually, for the last 5 or 6 years or so they've been pretty close. Sony has sold 115M PS2s + 25M PSPs (140M total), while Nintendo has sold 75M GBAs + 35M DSs + 20M GCs (130M total).

Of course that's if you're talking number of units. If it's by dollar value then it's a no contest.
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