Kinda not like that. Japan Studio was actually SIE WWS JAPAN Studio, the development division of SIE Inc., the Japanese branch. It was composed as of early 2021 of two different studios, EDD (External Development Department, established in April 2020) and IDD (Internal Development Department, previously Product Development Department, established in April 2016). In April 2021, SIE Inc. restructured its internal operations, and established the PlayStation Studios (Japan) division as a replacement of SIE WWS JAPAN Studio. EDD was then transferred to this new division and started to use the global XDEV brand, meanwhile IDD was dissolved and Team Asobi (an expansion of a previous development group inside IDD) was created as a replacement.So she got fired from Sony. The Japan Studio 2nd party team got branched out to have their own office and don't depend on people like her and instead work collaborating with the other SIE 2nd party teams from EU and US (XDEV), and Japan Studio internal development teams got merged into one of their internal teams: Team Asobi, whose boss was promoted to studio manager.
Sorry for the long post, but I would like this info to be more public. Sony's internal structure over the years isn't nearly as reported as Nintendo's. All of this stuff is in the PR of their Japanese website.