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Blue states smart! Red states dumb!

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(more a nerd than a geek)
College degrees = "smartness".

I somehow doubt that is completely true, especially considering that so many degrees being spit out depend less on critical thinking and more on "trade school" type instruction. Degrees don't indicate "intelligence" by themselves.


they call me "Man Gravy".
teiresias said:
I'm surprised in the second chart that they list Virginia as a swing state.

It's a lot closer than most people realize. Considering that Washington DC is the most liberal territory in the United States, northern virginia tends to swing heavily liberal too. Granted, the south is much more heavily conservative, but it's not a gimme state by any means.


GAF's Bob Woodward
DavidDayton said:
College degrees = "smartness".

I somehow doubt that is completely true, especially considering that so many degrees being spit out depend less on critical thinking and more on "trade school" type instruction. Degrees don't indicate "intelligence" by themselves.

They require a degree of curiousity, inquistiveness - an admission that you don't know everything. A desire to learn. Things you won't find so much in "we dont needs nobody telling us what to do!11"-hicksville..

..haven't even read the article yet, just throwing that out and being dramatic ;)


In the end... it boils down to:

Liberal = long term thinking

Republican = short term thinking

Long term thinking > Short term thinking

This report also falls in line with the other report/study about how aware people voting for Kerry/Bush were aware of the stances their candidate took on things; with the Bush supporters much more likely to get something wrong (in terms of where they believe their candidate stands on an issue).

The irony is that... liberals tend to be the smarter, and thus richer people, but they're trying to help the overall prosperity of the country, while sacrificing their immediate gain. Republicans on the other hand tend to be less well educated as a result poorer, but because of their often unresearched and quite ignorant views, they choose to vote for the side that will continue to polarize the gulf between the have and have nots.


Zaptruder said:
In the end... it boils down to:

Liberal = long term thinking

Republican = short term thinking

Long term thinking > Short term thinking

This report also falls in line with the other report/study about how aware people voting for Kerry/Bush were aware of the stances their candidate took on things; with the Bush supporters much more likely to get something wrong (in terms of where they believe their candidate stands on an issue).

The irony is that... liberals tend to be the smarter, and thus richer people, but they're trying to help the overall prosperity of the country, while sacrificing their immediate gain. Republicans on the other hand tend to be less well educated as a result poorer, but because of their often unresearched and quite ignorant views, they choose to vote for the side that will continue to polarize the gulf between the have and have nots.

Thank you, I've never completely broken it down like that but you make a lot of sense.
Zaptruder said:
[snip unrestrained arrogance]
If there's one thing I love better than liberals' accidental moments of honesty, it's those intentional moments of honesty. Thanks for reminding me again why I'm voting straight-ticket Republican in every election for the rest of my life.
Kobun Heat said:
If there's one thing I love better than liberals' accidental moments of honesty, it's those intentional moments of honesty. Thanks for reminding me again why I'm voting straight-ticket Republican in every election for the rest of my life.

Arrogance>>>ignorance any day of the week baby.

Oh btw, great reason to vote!




You know I wonder why threads like these aren't locked. Numerous threads whose sole purposes are to insult the intelligence of conservatives in general go unchecked here all the time. This one may just be the most blatant.


The Vala Dictorian in my high school was also a hard-core christian. I guess i was wrong about there being no god.


Iceman said:

You know I wonder why threads like these aren't locked. Numerous threads whose sole purposes are to insult the intelligence of conservatives in general go unchecked here all the time. This one may just be the most blatant.
Well, if the shoe fits, etc etc.


Meh, college degrees do not automatically make someone intelligent. There's plenty of dumb asses at my university.


Now add my belief in God... and not just that, but that I'm essentially a pentacostal christian.. and that must mean that I am friggen brain dead right? I mean most people that believe in God, not to mention pentacostals, don't have college degrees.

I live in Madison.. the US city with the MOST PhDs per capita and this is quite obviously a liberal town that is in general quite agnostic. So these guys are the cream of your crop right?


Kobun Heat said:
If there's one thing I love better than liberals' accidental moments of honesty, it's those intentional moments of honesty. Thanks for reminding me again why I'm voting straight-ticket Republican in every election for the rest of my life.

That's ok. If my arrogance is why you're voting Republican for the rest of your life, then I daresay you're rather fucking ignorant of why you should be voting in the first place. Suffice to say, your hissy fit hardly breaks the mould for republicans.
Iceman said:
Now add my belief in God... and not just that, but that I'm essentially a pentacostal christian.. and that must mean that I am friggen brain dead right? I mean most people that believe in God, not to mention pentacostals, don't have college degrees.

I don't know how you got to that conclusion about religon. People make the mistake of associating liberals with being anti-religion. Most of us want a separation of church and state, not an abolishment of religion. Personally, I find that conservatives are slowing every step of progress gay people make. Holding us down. That's what you are guilty of.


"I live in Madison.. the US city with the MOST PhDs per capita and this is quite obviously a liberal town that is in general quite agnostic. So these guys are the cream of your crop right?"

Remember the whole separation of church and state thingy? Personally I'd rather be governed by a PhD than Bishop. Why? Glad you asked! Because an intellectual is probably less likely going to be influenced by spiritual beliefs (which only belong to those who follow his particular brand of faith). I'd feel more comfortable with following a leader who would send troops off to there deaths because of cold hard FACTS! Rather than personal and religous beliefs.


Wait, so it's alright to slam Republicans and conservatives and label them as dumb....hrm.

But as Zaptruder said

"The irony is that... liberals tend to be the smarter, and thus richer people, but they're trying to help the overall prosperity of the country, while sacrificing their immediate gain. Republicans on the other hand tend to be less well educated as a result poorer, but because of their often unresearched and quite ignorant views, they choose to vote for the side that will continue to polarize the gulf between the have and have nots."

But if Liberals are richer people, why are so many of the lower class Democrats? Or do they not count anymore?


Count of Concision
Zaptruder said:
In the end... it boils down to:

Liberal = long term thinking

Republican = short term thinking

Long term thinking > Short term thinking

This report also falls in line with the other report/study about how aware people voting for Kerry/Bush were aware of the stances their candidate took on things; with the Bush supporters much more likely to get something wrong (in terms of where they believe their candidate stands on an issue).

The irony is that... liberals tend to be the smarter, and thus richer people, but they're trying to help the overall prosperity of the country, while sacrificing their immediate gain. Republicans on the other hand tend to be less well educated as a result poorer, but because of their often unresearched and quite ignorant views, they choose to vote for the side that will continue to polarize the gulf between the have and have nots.

I dunno about all that...

Though I'm not entirely one or the other, and thus (would like to believe that I) have fewer biases, if I had to classify the parties (which I usually wouldn't, as each party has had moments of myopia as well as prudence), I would classify liberals as "short term thinkers" and conservatives the opposite (this is referring to their traditional policy stances, NOT the particular conservative currently in office and the particular liberal running against him, in which case it would have to be reversed :p). Did liberals 40 years ago really look ahead to see where pushing a culture of infinite permissiveness, cultural/moral relativism and non-judgmentalism would lead us? No, they didn't-- but there were tons of conservatives who warned them about it. Obviously, conservatives have their own issues (being too judgmental, for instance)-- all I'm saying is that it's not entirely accurate to suggest that liberals are always "long-term thinkers", when history has shown otherwise.

Also, your point about Republicans being "poorer" is somewhat misleading-- yes, there are segments of the Republican base that are very poor (e.g., so-called "poor white trash", for lack of a better phrase), but there are also sizeable portions of the Democratic base that are poor (namely poor minorities and other urbanites). Thing is, which party those poor white folks by and large tend to support comes down to cultural factors, not necessarily personal benefit or intellectual assent. Poorer southern whites tend to vote Republican largely due to their religious beliefs, which they feel (rightly or wrongly) the Republican party is more considerate of than the Democrats ("considerate of" may be the wrong phrasing for this situation, but you get the idea :p). Thus, those poor whites will vote Republican despite the fact that the Republican fiscal/social policy will in no way ever benefit their own impoverished lot in life. It is, as in all other cases, self-interested voting, but the interests being considered are very narrowly defined in this instance.

The same holds true for our urban poor-- nowadays, most are not religious (in the past, blacks were quite spiritual, which is why I draw this distinction; many still are, but in the inner-cities, an immoral culture of hedonism and materialism has taken root for various reasons; note: I'm not passing judgment-- the reasons these trends have occurred are numerous, and blame lies on all sides); without the "overriding concern" of religious beliefs, they necessarily will vote out of self-interest, which is to be expected. Democrats are (quite properly, for the most part) seen as the champions of the poor due to their support of social programs. Now, some of the extreme Democratic/liberal philosophy actually tends to work against the interests of these poor folks imo-- namely the implicit abdication of personal responsibility and refusal to set limits/conditions on the use said programs (such as stipulations about drug use/excessive bearing of children while on benefits etc.), but then again, few people think that deeply, or that far in advance, when their own needs are so pressing. This is all understandable and reasonable, considering.

Also, I'd take serious issue with your "liberals tend to be smarter, and thus richer" comment. "Smarter" is something you'll never be able to prove-- you could point to academia, but one could say that the fact that most professors are liberals is as much a result of the prevailing academic culture and indoctrination as it is of their higher average IQ's. :p Do I fully believe that? Not necessarily-- I'm just trying to point out that to make such a claim would require you to meet an extraordinary burden of proof; in short, I feel that it is entirely unverifiable one way or the other. If you have reasons to believe otherwise, I'm all ears. :)

And the "...and hence, richer" comment is a bit off imo. I think you'd find that a sizeable majority of those earning over $200K in this country are Republicans, obviously due to self-interest (same as everybody else). In fact, I'd say that the only sizeable segment of society earning over $200K who are democrats would be union bigs and attorneys, seeing as how their interests are intimately tied up in the success of the Democratic party, in the same way that corporate fat cats' interests are tied to the success of the Republican party. Of the non-lawyer, non-union people earning over $200K, I'd wager that a majority of them would be Republican, though I'd obviously change that view if presented with evidence to the contrary (these are just my own informal thoughts-- I haven't researched this; it seems only reasonable to assume, however). Self-interest holds sway across all socioeconomic classes and all cultural pockets in terms of who people vote for. I don't agree with such a state of affairs, but this seems to be how it is, unfortunately.

EDIT: Also, to suggest that wealthy Democrats are "sacrificing their immediate gain" for the good of the many is pretty far-fetched. Trial lawyers-- probably the richest segment of the democratic base-- are not sacrificing their own interests by voting Democratic, they are furthering them, because they know they have them in their pockets and no legislation detrimental to them will be passed under Democratic watch. Ditto for the big unions. Ditto for corporations and Republicans, obviously.


Count of Concision
KE04 said:
there ya' go, a john kerry endorsement from loki.

Hardly. I have deep philosophical issues with both candidates on numerous issues. Beyond that, however, the entire system is broken imo, and doesn't deserve my support.

Heh, one letter to the editor of my local paper read: "I'm not sure who to vote for in this election-- should I vote for the millionaire son of a millionaire, or the millionaire husband of a billionaire? Who's supposed to be looking out for my interests again?" Pretty apropos, if you ask me. :p

way more

Loki said:
Hardly. I have deep philosophical issues with both candidates on numerous issues. Beyond that, however, the entire system is broken imo, and doesn't deserve my support.

Heh, one letter to the editor of my local paper said, "I'm not sure who to vote for in this election-- should I vote for the millionaire son of a millionaire, or the millionaire husband of a billionaire? Who's supposed to be looking out for my interests again?" Pretty apropos, if you ask me. :p

So you're not voting? I used to think you were smart.


Our education system is how we define our class structure. Its function isn't to teach, but to serve as a filter. This study shows democrats spend more money educating those that don't need it, so they can show results with tests like these. It shows they care about education and gets them votes. The End.


I think you're mixing social long term thinking and moral long term thinking Loki because really, you give government too much credit in saying
Did liberals 40 years ago really look ahead to see where pushing a culture of infinite permissiveness, cultural/moral relativism and non-judgmentalism would lead us? No, they didn't-- but there were tons of conservatives who warned them about it.
Government DOESN'T affect socital mores NEARLY as much as societal mores affect it. That is to say, it wasn't Liberal governments 40 years ago that turned everybody into pot smoking sluts so much as society was moving in that direction anyway and liberals just adapted to that base.

What governments DO control is taxation and social spending, and since we are talking about governments then Liberals *do* tend to be long term thinkers

Cutting funds for public education, public health, and public transit is good short term policy (tax cut!), but bad long term policy (dirtier environment, less healthy, less educated underclass which can't move ahead into prosperous tax paying middleclass and not have to turn to crime as some in the underclass have to).

The seperation of church and state mandates that the state doesn't have much say in morality (since that is the business of the church). So I really don't think you can bring moral long term thinking vs moral short term thinking into play in a discussion of governments.

Of course we might be talking at cross-purposes, I'm talking politics and policies, not lifestyles.


I guess I should have clicked the link pre-spin.. heres another go:

Conservatives just don't need fancy peices of paper to get the same job done. I'd actually say conservatives are smarter because of this fact.


Count of Concision
mac said:
So you're not voting? I used to think you were smart.

If realizing the absurdity of the entire system, and realizing that no matter who you empower, what really needs to change will NEVER be changed, then consider me dumb. I refuse to lend my good name to the system and provide it with it an air of credibility that it entirely does not deserve.

The system-- and this country-- is broken. And yet you look to imbeciles beholden to various special interests to fix it for you. Who's the dumb one here? ;) :p

Obviously, not everybody who participates in the system is "dumb"-- we all have different beliefs. But trust me when I tell you that I have given these matters enough thought and consideration to realize that nothing that I personally believe needs to be changed will change in any meaningful way. Oh sure, this or that candidate's views on certain issues mirrors my own, but their integrity is instantly compromised by all the other boneheaded stances they take, their lack of nuance of thought, and the fact that both of them have long ago sold out to special interests. Don't like that assessment? Too bad. Think I'm "dumb" for it? Oh well...somehow, I'll live. :p


Its function isn't to teach, but to serve as a filter.
Oh yes, you sussed me all out akascream, I didn't go to university to get an education, I got it so I could tell my librul friends 'I want to college too!'.



Oh yes, you sussed me all out akascream, I didn't go to university to get an education, I got it so I could tell my librul friends 'I want to college too!'.


You went to college so you didn't have to pump gas. Meanwhile, conservatives don't need to spend that time and money in order to avoid minimum wage. Who is more the fool?

way more

Loki said:
If realizing the absurdity of the entire system, and realizing that no matter who you empower, what really needs to change will NEVER be changed, then consider me dumb. I refuse to lend my good name to the system and provide it with it an air of credibility that it entirely does not deserve.

The system-- and this country-- is broken. And yet you look to imbeciles beholden to various special interests to fix it for you. Who's the dumb one here? ;) :p

Obviously, not everybody who participates in the system is "dumb"-- we all have different beliefs. But trust me when I tell you that I have given these matters enough thought and consideration to realize that nothing that I personally believe needs to be changed will change in any meaningful way. Oh sure, this or that candidate's views on certain issues mirrors my own, but their integrity is instantly compromised by all the other boneheaded stances they take, their lack of nuance of thought, and the fact that both of them have long ago sold out to special interests. Don't like that assessment? Too bad. Think I'm "dumb" for it? Oh well...somehow, I'll live. :p

Actually, I never thought you were smart.


To qualify my statements, they are of course extreme generalizations, and it's obvious that they're a good deal of variety in the supporters on both sides for whatever reason.

But I firmly believe that, the more you learn about the world the more you learn about how this world works... the more the liberal side will appeal to you. On average. And the studies and numbers seem to agree with that idea as well.

"But if Liberals are richer people, why are so many of the lower class Democrats? Or do they not count anymore?"

Sure they count. But what's more important is that higher socio-economic classes tend to have a liberal skew, where as the lower socio-economic classes tend to have a republican skew.

To be fair tho, most of the members of this board are 'relatively well educated' such that shifting them from their chosen positions meaninfully is an extremely difficult task. There's little doubt for the most part they're relatively well informed of their chosen candidates positions and have chosen to agree with those positions, whether or not the reasoning behind those agreements are flawed or not.

Combined with cognitive effects where by and large people cling on to dear life to hold their strong personal attitudes, and you only have an environment of extreme polarization.

But these aren't the person that the law of averages (and the whole, education level, information level, etc) is concerned with, but rather with people that adopt a position without a critical examination of that position and can be easily swayed (or rather continually polarized) by poor arguments fraught with half truths and flat out lies.


Almost nobody goes to college these days just for the joy of education.

All college represents is a decision made on whether a person believes that 4 years of education and a degree represent a better headstart on the employment market than getting in there and working your way up the ladder. Many people who have chosen not to go to college believe that hard work and effort can be put to better use in the workplace than preparing for it.

Just a choice of where you put your time in.


You went to college so you didn't have to pump gas. Meanwhile, conservatives don't need to spend that time and money in order to avoid minimum wage. Who is more the fool?

I can't believe I'm having this conversation. I really don't. I was actually going to give this a serious reply.
akascream said:
You went to college so you didn't have to pump gas. Meanwhile, conservatives don't need to spend that time and money in order to avoid minimum wage. Who is more the fool?

Uh... college is more than about making money, which really isn't as important as you seem to imply. It's about learning new information on different areas. At college, you can be guided through material that may otherwise be difficult to learn by oneself. One can get involved in research.. etc.



I'd actually like to see some ratios. The number of people making more than minimum wage with vs. without a degree and for both red and blue states.

Uh... college is more than about making money, which really isn't as important as you seem to imply. It's about learning new information on different areas. At college, you can be guided through material that may otherwise be difficult to learn by oneself. One can get involved in research.. etc.

Hehe, get a job as a professor, ect.


How about a study comparing income level to education aka?

Edit: After all why restrict yourself to minimum wage?


Wait.. are you saying that rich evil corporate america is liberal? :shock

I'm saying lets do some comparisons.. graphs where x=income(dollars) and y=education(years), one for red states and one for blue.
akascream said:
Hehe, get a job as a professor, ect.

Uh no. I'm going into the health profession, which includes a variety of fields. Obviously you don't know me.

BTW, I don't know of any possible way (US) of becoming a doctor, pharmacist, etc without going through undergrad first.


Loki said:
Also, I'd take serious issue with your "liberals tend to be smarter, and thus richer" comment. "Smarter" is something you'll never be able to prove-- you could point to academia, but one could say that the fact that most professors are liberals is as much a result of the prevailing academic culture and indoctrination as it is of their higher average IQ's. :p Do I fully believe that? Not necessarily-- I'm just trying to point out that to make such a claim would require you to meet an extraordinary burden of proof; in short, I feel that it is entirely unverifiable one way or the other. If you have reasons to believe otherwise, I'm all ears. :)

By 'smarter' I simply meant achieved higher levels of academic achievement (on average). As a follow through, people with higher levels of academic achievements tend to earn more money.

If you take it to the extreme, yes you will see the statement falling apart; when the outliers are so spectacular out there... and the routes that it takes to see that kind of spectacular variability in wealth is less reliant on academic achievement and more on luck (favouring right wing market forces), then yes, what I've said is 'misleading'.

As for the debate on smartness or what not... I think it's not unfair to say a person that has achieved higher levels of academic achievement is (again, on average) 'smarter' than one who hasn't; if you'd like to take smartness to mean some innate genetic trait, then that's debatable, but as a function of real world knowledge and the ability to apply that knowledge, whatever it may be in whatever form, then my statement is not entirely unfair.


Azih said:
I think you're mixing social long term thinking and moral long term thinking Loki because really, you give government too much credit in saying Government DOESN'T affect socital mores NEARLY as much as societal mores affect it. That is to say, it wasn't Liberal governments 40 years ago that turned everybody into pot smoking sluts so much as society was moving in that direction anyway and liberals just adapted to that base.

What governments DO control is taxation and social spending, and since we are talking about governments then Liberals *do* tend to be long term thinkers

Cutting funds for public education, public health, and public transit is good short term policy (tax cut!), but bad long term policy (dirtier environment, less healthy, less educated underclass which can't move ahead into prosperous tax paying middleclass and not have to turn to crime as some in the underclass have to).

The seperation of church and state mandates that the state doesn't have much say in morality (since that is the business of the church). So I really don't think you can bring moral long term thinking vs moral short term thinking into play in a discussion of governments.

Of course we might be talking at cross-purposes, I'm talking politics and policies, not lifestyles.

Yes spot on :p I was about to rebutt your first statement about the government not affecting culture much, but in fact my point is that it largely affects it indirectly through policy rather than directly through dictation. Which is what you've stated much more eloquently.


Alright I can't do that for you aka right now, I'm at work and really shouldn't be posting at all, so if anyone else can fulfill akascream's request? Years of education vs Income level shouldn't be hard, finding a state by state breakdown might be more difficult.

Loki, since church and state are seperate you really shouldn't be using moral disagreements as your compass. Go by policy only.
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