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BO 08•05-07•16 - Harley & squad Puddin on the ritz, Nine Lives DOA

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Always makes me chuckle when people think reviewers are out to get their favorite movies.
It's a great way to avoid engaging your brain and preserve your uncritical opinions. If you dismiss reviews as one giant wad of biased nonsense, rather than the range of impressions and analyses that they are, there's no risk of being confounded by valid points you've already decided to reject.

"The movie falls apart in act three for these reasons..."

"OMFG these dumbass Marvel lovers were never gonna be fair to a DC movie. Suicide Squad is like Guardians of the Galaxy but way more awesomer!"


But there's places like China where they get only a 25% cut. So in the end it's more than half, depending on where it sells good. It's probably 750-800 million to break even.

China doesnt matter to a film that isnt releasing in China. I did a write up in the other thread, but a movie exec wrote an article for Forbes where he estimated that BvS took in $370M on an estimated gross of $795M outside of China (BvS ended up making $775M but that doesnt matter for the sake of this discussion).

If Suicide Squad was $325M, break even would be about $700M on theatre receipts alone. Anything over $600M would make a profit on home video and streaming eventually.

This is not counting merchandise sales. Or gross participation.
I can't wait to see what sort of legs SS has. Very mixed word of mouth among people i've talked to. Everything from "loved it" to "it was crap"


butthurt Heat fan

I just wanted to post this gif

What hump? ;-)
suicide squad has more overseas appeal than superman?

genuine question. I always saw this doing less than superman because... superman is superman, and this is suicide squad. now that the critical reception has been the absolute shits, <$600m sounds about right to me.

Even Thor: The Dark World and Captain America: The Winter Soldier made more foreign money than Man of Steel. BvS was the first movie with Superman to make $500m outside of America. And it had help from Batman, whose last solo movie made more than $600m outside of America.

It's a very American character. He's like Captain America, except Superman has never had an Avengers-like movie that sold the appeal of the character to a big foreign audience.

Suicide Squad are mostly unknowns, but you have a character that women really like (Harley Quinn) and a face that sells well in any market (Will Smith), and no weird jingoism in the trailer. I would say it has more appeal. Maybe even without China.


Even Thor: The Dark World and Captain America: The Winter Soldier made more foreign money than Man of Steel. BvS was the first movie with Superman to make $500m outside of America. And it had help from Batman, whose last solo movie made more than $600m outside of America.

It's a very American character. He's like Captain America, except Superman has never had an Avengers-like movie that sold the appeal of the character to a big foreign audience.

Suicide Squad are mostly unknowns, but you have a character that women really like (Harley Quinn) and a face that sells well in any market (Will Smith), and no weird jingoism in the trailer. I would say it has more appeal. Maybe even without China.

BvS made ~$445M overseas without China. BvS also opened much larger overseas (minus China)than Suicide Squad did. Close to $210M vs $135M. BvS had a few more territories than Suicide Squad, but the difference would have likely been $40-50M even without them.

Suicide Squad may have better legs, but BvS legs would indeed mean about $600M worldwide based on this weekend's opening.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
really liked SS. worthy opening.

fix the problems for SS2, WB... you have a real franchise on your hands if you do.


Omg Thor 2 did that much? HOW IN THE WORLD

avengers bump + the film wasn't perceived like dog shit, despite what GAF thinks

if justice league ends up being amazing and everyone loves it + it makes a ton of money, the same thing would happen with aqua man and cyborg :p
I still have yet to see SS and I'm a huge comic book guy. BvS killed all my hype for DC movies and the trailers for SS didn't intrigue me at all.

I actually liked MoS too.

I'll probably see it sometime this week.


I still have yet to see SS and I'm a huge comic book guy. BvS killed all my hype for DC movies and the trailers for SS didn't intrigue me at all.

I actually liked MoS too.

I'll probably see it sometime this week.

I think SS is better than The Killing Joke, so the movie has that going for it.


Crashing this plane... with no survivors!
At least with BvS the cut scenes could be added back in to help it make more sense. This film sounds like it was changed so much that that isn't even a possibility. They'll probably just add some deleted scenes as home release special features and call it a day.

wrong thread. meant to put this in one of the other SS threads.


So wait do we have final numbers yet? What was the weekend dropoff like?

Gitesh Pandya &#8207;@GiteshPandya 34s35 seconds ago
SUN numbers are in & #SuicideSquad finished opening wknd just a hair below estimated w/ $134M. SUN dropped 22%. #1 AUG debut ever.


Gitesh Pandya &#8207;@GiteshPandya 34s35 seconds ago
SUN numbers are in & #SuicideSquad finished opening wknd just a hair below estimated w/ $134M. SUN dropped 22%. #1 AUG debut ever.

Ah nice. So good OW but I feel the daily dropoffs are gonna be bad and 2nd weekend is going to crater.


Monday numbers should give us a hint about this weekend's dropoff.

It might take a few days beyond that. Overseas drop offs havent been good though.

It's weird that WB stops giving weekend estimates to films so early in their runs. Tarzan is wrapping up its run, but it made quite a bit more than a lot of movies we got numbers for yesterday (such as Civil War)
It might take a few days beyond that. Overseas drop offs havent been good though.

It's weird that WB stops giving weekend estimates to films so early in their runs. Tarzan is wrapping up its run, but it made quite a bit more than a lot of movies we got numbers for yesterday (such as Civil War)

Uh oh...


Gitesh Pandya &#8207;@GiteshPandya 34s35 seconds ago
SUN numbers are in & #SuicideSquad finished opening wknd just a hair below estimated w/ $134M. SUN dropped 22%. #1 AUG debut ever.
Much better drop than BvS into Sunday. I'm guessing Sunday nights do a little better with more people on summer holidays.


Still a record opening and still super impressive. They'll never admit it but beating Deadpool's opening weekend was a huge deal for WB.

Ya. Sunday's drop was 22% which isnt bad. I would guess poor legs, but even that would give something in the $270-300M range.

Same range as Man of Steel, and Man of Steel was a more expensive project.


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
Still a record opening and still super impressive. They'll never admit it but beating Deadpool's opening weekend was a huge deal for WB.

WB's marketing team have been on point with Suicide Squad - it's no surprise there.

It won't reach Deadpool's domestic and international gross, but still a fantastic result nonetheless.


Thor 2 isn't bad in the way SS or BvS are. It is just so damn boring. I'll take a bad movie with some entertaining moments over a boring film 100% of the time. I'll take none of those 3 again tho.


Thor 3 has the potential to be good since a Thor Hulk team up film sounds like a lot of fun. Hopefully Marvel sticks the landing.
I really don't know what to expect with Thor 3. I love the talent behind it, the director, etc. All could make for a very funny movie. But they're also doing freaking Ragnarok, which is where you have everything go to fucking shit for Asgard. And you're dealing with Odin's likely death, etc.

I just don't know what tone to expect.


Thor 2 isn't bad in the way SS or BvS are. It is just so damn boring. I'll take a bad movie with some entertaining moments over a boring film 100% of the time. I'll take none of those 3 again tho.

Thor 2 is far worse because it has Christopher E, one of the best actors on the planet, as a villain... and wastes him. That's unforgivable. They waste him so bad that his "don't give a fuck" work in Gone In 60 Seconds is better.


gonna be spinning like a goddamn washing machine

Must be gut wrenching for Marvel fans that DC has better box office three films in than Marvel did at the same time. With worse reviewed films.

If DC does this with films people love, they'll curb stomp Marvel if they produce something acclaimed.
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