To be fair, I enjoyed both Paranorman and Coraline (I think it's the same studio) and saw both in theaters, but Kubo seemed unappealing to me. Like, I look at their movies as abstract and unique films, but all the ads make it seem like a generic bunch of lame jokes in a generic adventure kind of movie. If it's more than what it seems, that's a disservice done by the marketing. It just felt like the movie was trying to cater more to the audience that prefers more cliche style stories while retaining interesting visuals.
I'd like to see it sometime just to see myself, but it sure didn't capture me. Unless lines like "Don't mess with the monkey (spoken by a monkey named Monkey, haha) compel you of course, but the try hard monkey and the goofy buffoon side kick mixed with generic kid finding himself to become the hero story just doesn't feel as unique as their other stuff.