So Fox renews 'Bob's Burgers' for a sixth season

So Fox renews 'Bob's Burgers' for a sixth season
So Fox renews 'Bob's Burgers' for a sixth season
So Fox renews 'Bob's Burgers' for a sixth season
Funny how BB outlasted Seth's Cleveland Brown show no one thought it would last this long, so glad it keeps being renewed. Counting next season, BB will have at least 111 eps.
Yes there are.
So although bobs burger didn't show last night it's on demand, just finished watching it.
I wish Netflix would hurry up with season 4, I'm craving more burgers!
yea netflix needs to get with the program. getting annoying.
Louise's story make it apparent she has seen Game of Thrones, but she saw only a few episodes and out of order, and she is trying to make sense of all of it.
Yeah I don't know why Netflix is so behind on some shows. It used to be that every season of a show would come out on DVD before the next season starts, so I don't know why Netflix doesn't follow that same rule.
Bob should have been more insistent in finding out if Louise had seen GoT.
I liked last night's episode.
Continuity issue(?): In the series 3 episode where they pretend to be Fischoeder's family for Thanksgiving, Louise lists the Game of Thrones premier as one of the many holidays they consider to be better than Thanksgiving.
It was Gene who said it.Doesn't Bob say she doesn't watch it? Or did Eugene say this? Memory is fuzzy.
Neat outta nowhere "Paprika" easter egg