Beaten the game twice now, once as Zane and once as FL4K. I gotta say, the story is great but holy crap is the writing bad. I figured out the games twists about a quarter of the way through, and literally yelled at the screen more than once when characters made remarkably stupid decisions.
The best characters in the game are literally side characters, while all the mains just seem to be written as afterthoughts.
The bosses are way to bullet spongey, the Eden6 boss especially. Even decked out in purples and oranges I thought that fight would never end, I actually quit once because I got bored fighting him as it wasnt a challenge but just so damned tedious.
The Maliwan villain seemed to be far more interesting to me then the mains, who were just obnoxious. Plus they left huge plot strings just hanging there and never came back to them. They should have swapped them around, to be honest.
Typhon seemed to be the only character that actually learned anything for the main story, and did something with it. Jakobs (who I thought was great) also did, but he isnt a main.
The levels are way, way to big with little to nothing in them or so full of enemies that it's a Turkey shoot. Also, anything that thinks respawning timers on that kind of level design is a good idea needs to be drug out behind the barn and be given the ol' yeller treatment.
Overall, I want to like the game. I really, really do. The overall plot was great, and had a ton of potential. But they just botched so many things that I cant bring myself to enjoy it. I'm hoping the DLC provides some real replayability, because I just cant see myself playing through through them more than once if they arent far better than the main game.
On the plus side, the new vehicles are a riot, and I'm hoping at least one of the DLCs involves racing of some sort because that would be a blast.
But for now I think I'll just go back to 2 and TPS to get my fix, and wait to see what happens. God this game was such a letdown.