
Developer: Gearbox Software
Publisher: 2K Games
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Platforms: Playstation 4, Xbox One, Google Stadia, PC
Release: September 13, 2019
Genre: First Person Shooter/Action RPG

Borderlands 3 was developed by both Gearbox Texas and its recently established Quebec studio. Gearbox, an American outfit, started out developing expansion packs for Valve's Half-Life: Opposing Force and Blue Shift. They were considered very successful working on another company's engine (in this case, Valve's GoldSrc) and that established a pattern that the company would follow for the next two decades. The first Borderlands, released in 2009, represented a return to the company's sci-fiesque, Half-Life inflected beginnings after half a decade pushing out Brothers in Arms titles for Ubisoft.
Gearbox had developed the first two Borderlands titles back-to-back, consecutively. Exhausted by the endeavor, studio leaadership changed gears and started production on a new IP, "Battleborn", which unfortunately did not perform as expected, overshadowed as it was by Blizzard's Overwatch. Needing a win after a disappointing release, Gearbox returned to the Borderlands franchise. This is the result.

Paul Sage is Borderlands 3's director. It is his first major game credit at Gearbox. Sage's background is in RPGs, particularly of the online kind. He worked with Richard Garriott at Origin on Ultima Online. Later, he served as creative director for The Elder Scrolls Online, Zenimax Online's flagship title.

Scott Kester is the lead designer for Borderlands 3 and a Gearbox veteran. Scott worked as one of the main concept artists for the first two games in the franchise, being instrumental in the decision to "hand ink" most of the textures in the game, giving it its pseudo-"cel shaded" look. His last major undertaking was as Art Director on Battleborn. He listed his major influences as: "Killer 7, Gungrave, Jet Set Radio, Okami, Viewtiful Joe, Wind Waker, Prince of Persia 2008, the Street Fighter series, and more recently games like Sunset Overdrive, Guilty Gear Xrd, and Splatoon. "

Borderlands 3 Review Thread
IGN: 9/10 Borderlands 3 sticks to its guns and outdoes itself with an amazing arsenal of weapons, humor, and missions. Game Informer: 8/10 An old formula executed well, Borderlands 3 rarely takes chances or strays from expectation GameSpot: 8/10 Borderlands 3 fumbles with its bosses, but the...

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