Welcome to Pandora!
The XBL group has already been made. Steam is surely soon to follow. Post here if you wish to be added to the list.
Steam: GAF Borderlanders
Bolded text is Steam ID. Underlined, bolded text is Gamespy ID.
- God's Beard | gods_beard Demand satisfaction? You shall have it.
- dark_preacher | dark_preacher | dariche_sprie
- Charsace | Charsace | Charsace
- Basileus777 | Basileus777
- vesp | vesp | vesp206
- mousepad42 | Motleycoat | Motleycoat
- 1up | 1upgamer
- ahoyhoy | ahoyhoy2013
- SuperAwesome | S_Awesome
- Flambe | mrthou316
- SuperEnemyCrab | Bravosuperstar | BravoSuperStar
- fallengorn | fallengorn | fallengorn
- Dash | halliger | DashJH
- notworksafe | MajorNWS | MajorNWS
- Mazre | Mazre | Mazre
- Blizzard | Blizzard | GAFBlizzard
- anovice | ritsuke
- M.J. Doja | M.J. Doja
- Iced_Eagle | Iced_Eagle
- ChoklitReign | ChoklitReign
- Kintaco | kintaro
- roMonster | RiseOfMonster
- Teknoman | Teknoman_EX | Teknoman_EX
- mandiller | opiumunbound
- Terrifyer | fivestarfrog
- dygiT | kdyg | kdyg
- Helmholtz | Jamboots
- blackMamba1187 | blackMamba1187
- K.Jack | K.Jack2.0
- kafka rock opera | Nap
- gamerecks | gamerecks | gamerecks666
- yacobod | yacobod
- SundaySounds | Midnight Train
- JdFoX187 | MasterFox187
- Yasser | CrashDummy
- Kuro Madoushi | [GAF]kuro madoushi | madoushi0
- Smash88 | SmAsH 【ツ】| taiko88
- mitheor | mitheor
- Firestorm | FirestormXVI Play with us too buddy! Play with everyone!
- Mrbob | MrBob | MrBob2k9
- mousepad42 | DiabloPollo
- speculawyer | Speculawyer
- speculawyer | Speculawyer you post twice, you goddamn go on there twice
- Volodja | Volodja | Volodja
- Adeptrain | Adeptrain
- Orbitcube | Orbical
- Mr. Snrub | anton_sugar | AntonSugar
- Gyrfal | Gyrfal
- ctw0e | efficaxor
- Crunched | everluck
- Mo the Hawk | MoTheHawk | MoTheHawk (yay HawkGAF unite)
- grif1020 | Stallion Free
- ThaiGrocer | ThaiGrocer
- Sebulon3k | Sebulon3k
- RemyDWD | RemyDWD
- randomwab | randomwab
- Crateman | Crateman | Crategronox
- eznark | eznark | eznark
- Firehead | MrLegosi
- Mejilan | Mejilan
- Lothars | Lothars
- TrAcEr_x90 | tracer18
- nataku | zerohaste
- Cat in the Hat | Relcom
- orgun | orgunuk
- MightyKAC | MighytKAC
- Corum | jsimzy
- Volcynika | Volcynika | Volcynika
- CoilShot | Coilshot
- JoeFu | JoeFu12 | JoeFu
- cmmart | cmmart
- Cheeto | Cheeto
- drizzle | .M. Rain_1
- Hawkian | Hawkian | TheHawkian
- dionysus | dionysus | GAFdionysus
- poweld | poweld
- Artadius | artadius
- darkpaladinmfc | theshinespark
- goat | tsthy
- Reno7728 | Reno7728
- Peronthious | Peronthious
- Stackboy | Stackboy
- tokubetsu | tokubetsu
- jasonng | thisisjasonng | thisisjasonng
- garath | garathkane
- Wag | Wag
- Costanza | c0stanza
- Mr. Bunnies | Luxury and Lightning
- Stop It | StopIt
- noiretoile | noiretoile
- Captain N | EightBitCap (wtf is going on in your avatar...?)
- Drahcir | drahcirious
- Fixed1979 | Fixed
- GraveRobberX | GraveRobberX
- CharpyImpact | CharpyImpact
- Square Triangle | Jrod87
- regrib | Pandaman79
- Zzoram | Zzoram
- NeoZylom | NeoZylom
- -Mikey- | Clown-Prince
- Whifflebat | Whifflebatt
- dragonflys545 | fireflys545
- dragonflys545 | fireflys545 you all better add him to your PSN lists twice I DONT CARE IF IT DOESNT WORK
- Terrordactyl | Danarchy99
- Roxas | Goonboy Nooo traitor you should be on steam
- TelemachusD | TelemachusD
- Presskohle | Presskohle
- Cagen | Cagen
-NightHawk17 | NightHawk17
- Chromax | Chromax]
- fin | Finjitzu
- Lord Phol | LordPhol (we accept even players in old soviet bunkers)
- rainking187 | rainking187
- jorma | bluie_
- Flek | Fleko
- Pylon_Trooper | Pylon_Command
- Semaj | Sunel
- Class_A_Ninja | Class_A_Ninja.
- YagizY | YagizY
- Concept17 | Acos
- Deepack | D-Pack
- Prezhulio | Prezhulio
- Snuggler | Snuggler86
- Anerythristic | Anerythristic
- JoeFu | JoeFu12
XBL: Group: BorderlandsGAF
- daw840 | DarkQberto
- ShikaTheReaper | Exiled Markzmen
- Daheza | Daheza
- Indrew | Indrew
- Dunlop | Dunlop75
- LukeT | Warick Hunt
- Assembly Required | brlvgthrchmstry
- Deunnero | Deunnero
- Lé Blade Runner | Artieficial
- TheKurgan | TheKurgan
- Tuvoc | HarrisPiltons
- robut | Robut
- DomLando | DomLando
- masud | dafortune82
- Stryder | dancube
- d0c_zaius | Dok Zaius
- devilchicken | el devilchicken
- BigAT | BigAT4
- jiffy38 | jiffy38
- Bloodydrake | Bloodydrake
- Alivor | Alivor
- AHappyPanda | Panda Owning Em
- Blakero | On The Rochks
- Dorrin | Newportdadde
- Baker | Forensick took a sick day ha
- bjaelke | bjaelke
- ghostmind | ghostmind
- Spruchy | SPRUCHY86
- Mr_Guillotine | DankestGrayFox
- DevelopmentArrested | Renegade ASOT
- TwoForFlinching | TwoForFlinching
- hulot | hulot
- Somnia | DKMS Somnia
- practice02 | MatthewX5001
- hiljay | neiljoy
- Sephon | Seiphon
- daebo | Daebo
- thebigkahuna | thebigkahuna1
- FearX | Kragh85
- Aptos | Aptos you bastard you have the game and I don't get it for 10 days.
- elrechazao | elrechazao
- sh10151 | karmafeed
- MMaRsu | MMaRsu NL (sorry it took so long dude)
- fin | Finjitzu
- Seires | Seires 0
- Reluctant-Hero | Reluctant Hero
- ~ Zyzomys ~ | Zyzomys
- MidnightRider | OBSJiesen
- DenogginizerOS | Denogginizer OS
- Marvie_3 | Marvie03
- ph33nix | pheeniks
- Da1nonly J | Da1nonly J
- Shoogoo | Shoogoo
- Dude Abides | xDude Abides
- KilgoreTrout | KilgoreTroutt
- SnakesWithLasers | Laserbot (yes, let's fucking do it)
- TurtleSnatcher | MINI pez
- ahimothzero | AhimothZer0
- desa | Paco Lisps
- luxarific | K omboloi
- guts & puck | kamikaze genes
- Smokingunz1981 | Smokingunz1981
- Neckbeard69 | Neckbeard69
- ashism | smashism
- Gowans007 | Gowans007
- peterb0y | peterb0y
- MiloFoxburr | MiloFoxburr
- Artadius | Artadius
- akmcbroom | Abs1nth3
- BenjaminBirdie | KidInsomnia
- BobFromPikeCreek | F1shBulb
- Exarchos | cluto
- Jonsoncao | MathChief
- mikekennyb | Baron Bruner
- TheFallen | Xploited13
- Xevren | Xevren11
- RS4 | pinbacker
- somnific | saprophilous
- WickedLaharl | xeroxinlola
- Domino Theory l Oml3t
- EmBee99 | EditorEMB
- hampig | Tivohammy
- TheLegendary | Workinonit24
- The_Reckoning | dHustead
- ZZMitch | ClaymoreCupcake
- ZZMitch | ClayMoreCup- oh gg dawg
- cmmart | cmmart
- GrimmFandango | GrimmJob
- Cornballer | Cornballer
The XBL group has already been made. Steam is surely soon to follow. Post here if you wish to be added to the list.
Steam: GAF Borderlanders
Bolded text is Steam ID. Underlined, bolded text is Gamespy ID.
- God's Beard | gods_beard Demand satisfaction? You shall have it.
- dark_preacher | dark_preacher | dariche_sprie
- Charsace | Charsace | Charsace
- Basileus777 | Basileus777
- vesp | vesp | vesp206
- mousepad42 | Motleycoat | Motleycoat
- 1up | 1upgamer
- ahoyhoy | ahoyhoy2013
- SuperAwesome | S_Awesome
- Flambe | mrthou316
- SuperEnemyCrab | Bravosuperstar | BravoSuperStar
- fallengorn | fallengorn | fallengorn
- Dash | halliger | DashJH
- notworksafe | MajorNWS | MajorNWS
- Mazre | Mazre | Mazre
- Blizzard | Blizzard | GAFBlizzard
- anovice | ritsuke
- M.J. Doja | M.J. Doja
- Iced_Eagle | Iced_Eagle
- ChoklitReign | ChoklitReign
- Kintaco | kintaro
- roMonster | RiseOfMonster
- Teknoman | Teknoman_EX | Teknoman_EX
- mandiller | opiumunbound
- Terrifyer | fivestarfrog
- dygiT | kdyg | kdyg
- Helmholtz | Jamboots
- blackMamba1187 | blackMamba1187
- K.Jack | K.Jack2.0
- kafka rock opera | Nap
- gamerecks | gamerecks | gamerecks666
- yacobod | yacobod
- SundaySounds | Midnight Train
- JdFoX187 | MasterFox187
- Yasser | CrashDummy
- Kuro Madoushi | [GAF]kuro madoushi | madoushi0
- Smash88 | SmAsH 【ツ】| taiko88
- mitheor | mitheor
- Firestorm | FirestormXVI Play with us too buddy! Play with everyone!
- Mrbob | MrBob | MrBob2k9
- mousepad42 | DiabloPollo
- speculawyer | Speculawyer
- speculawyer | Speculawyer you post twice, you goddamn go on there twice
- Volodja | Volodja | Volodja
- Adeptrain | Adeptrain
- Orbitcube | Orbical
- Mr. Snrub | anton_sugar | AntonSugar
- Gyrfal | Gyrfal
- ctw0e | efficaxor
- Crunched | everluck
- Mo the Hawk | MoTheHawk | MoTheHawk (yay HawkGAF unite)
- grif1020 | Stallion Free
- ThaiGrocer | ThaiGrocer
- Sebulon3k | Sebulon3k
- RemyDWD | RemyDWD
- randomwab | randomwab
- Crateman | Crateman | Crategronox
- eznark | eznark | eznark
- Firehead | MrLegosi
- Mejilan | Mejilan
- Lothars | Lothars
- TrAcEr_x90 | tracer18
- nataku | zerohaste
- Cat in the Hat | Relcom
- orgun | orgunuk
- MightyKAC | MighytKAC
- Corum | jsimzy
- Volcynika | Volcynika | Volcynika
- CoilShot | Coilshot
- JoeFu | JoeFu12 | JoeFu
- cmmart | cmmart
- Cheeto | Cheeto
- drizzle | .M. Rain_1
- Hawkian | Hawkian | TheHawkian
- dionysus | dionysus | GAFdionysus
- poweld | poweld
- Artadius | artadius
- darkpaladinmfc | theshinespark
- goat | tsthy
- Reno7728 | Reno7728
- Peronthious | Peronthious
- Stackboy | Stackboy
- tokubetsu | tokubetsu
- jasonng | thisisjasonng | thisisjasonng
- garath | garathkane
- Wag | Wag
- Costanza | c0stanza
- Mr. Bunnies | Luxury and Lightning
- Stop It | StopIt
- noiretoile | noiretoile
- Captain N | EightBitCap (wtf is going on in your avatar...?)
- Drahcir | drahcirious
- Fixed1979 | Fixed
- GraveRobberX | GraveRobberX
- CharpyImpact | CharpyImpact
- Square Triangle | Jrod87
- regrib | Pandaman79
- Zzoram | Zzoram
- NeoZylom | NeoZylom
- -Mikey- | Clown-Prince
- Whifflebat | Whifflebatt
- dragonflys545 | fireflys545
- dragonflys545 | fireflys545 you all better add him to your PSN lists twice I DONT CARE IF IT DOESNT WORK
- Terrordactyl | Danarchy99
- Roxas | Goonboy Nooo traitor you should be on steam
- TelemachusD | TelemachusD
- Presskohle | Presskohle
- Cagen | Cagen
- Chromax | Chromax]
- fin | Finjitzu
- Lord Phol | LordPhol (we accept even players in old soviet bunkers)
- rainking187 | rainking187
- jorma | bluie_
- Flek | Fleko
- Pylon_Trooper | Pylon_Command
- Semaj | Sunel
- Class_A_Ninja | Class_A_Ninja.
- YagizY | YagizY
- Concept17 | Acos
- Deepack | D-Pack
- Prezhulio | Prezhulio
- Snuggler | Snuggler86
- Anerythristic | Anerythristic
- JoeFu | JoeFu12
XBL: Group: BorderlandsGAF
- daw840 | DarkQberto
- ShikaTheReaper | Exiled Markzmen
- Daheza | Daheza
- Indrew | Indrew
- Dunlop | Dunlop75
- LukeT | Warick Hunt
- Assembly Required | brlvgthrchmstry
- Deunnero | Deunnero
- Lé Blade Runner | Artieficial
- TheKurgan | TheKurgan
- Tuvoc | HarrisPiltons
- robut | Robut
- DomLando | DomLando
- masud | dafortune82
- Stryder | dancube
- d0c_zaius | Dok Zaius
- devilchicken | el devilchicken
- BigAT | BigAT4
- jiffy38 | jiffy38
- Bloodydrake | Bloodydrake
- Alivor | Alivor
- AHappyPanda | Panda Owning Em
- Blakero | On The Rochks
- Dorrin | Newportdadde
- Baker | Forensick took a sick day ha
- bjaelke | bjaelke
- ghostmind | ghostmind
- Spruchy | SPRUCHY86
- Mr_Guillotine | DankestGrayFox
- DevelopmentArrested | Renegade ASOT
- TwoForFlinching | TwoForFlinching
- hulot | hulot
- Somnia | DKMS Somnia
- practice02 | MatthewX5001
- hiljay | neiljoy
- Sephon | Seiphon
- daebo | Daebo
- thebigkahuna | thebigkahuna1
- FearX | Kragh85
- Aptos | Aptos you bastard you have the game and I don't get it for 10 days.
- elrechazao | elrechazao
- sh10151 | karmafeed
- MMaRsu | MMaRsu NL (sorry it took so long dude)
- fin | Finjitzu
- Seires | Seires 0
- Reluctant-Hero | Reluctant Hero
- ~ Zyzomys ~ | Zyzomys
- MidnightRider | OBSJiesen
- DenogginizerOS | Denogginizer OS
- Marvie_3 | Marvie03
- ph33nix | pheeniks
- Da1nonly J | Da1nonly J
- Shoogoo | Shoogoo
- Dude Abides | xDude Abides
- KilgoreTrout | KilgoreTroutt
- SnakesWithLasers | Laserbot (yes, let's fucking do it)
- TurtleSnatcher | MINI pez
- ahimothzero | AhimothZer0
- desa | Paco Lisps
- luxarific | K omboloi
- guts & puck | kamikaze genes
- Smokingunz1981 | Smokingunz1981
- Neckbeard69 | Neckbeard69
- ashism | smashism
- Gowans007 | Gowans007
- peterb0y | peterb0y
- MiloFoxburr | MiloFoxburr
- Artadius | Artadius
- akmcbroom | Abs1nth3
- BenjaminBirdie | KidInsomnia
- BobFromPikeCreek | F1shBulb
- Exarchos | cluto
- Jonsoncao | MathChief
- mikekennyb | Baron Bruner
- TheFallen | Xploited13
- Xevren | Xevren11
- RS4 | pinbacker
- somnific | saprophilous
- WickedLaharl | xeroxinlola
- Domino Theory l Oml3t
- EmBee99 | EditorEMB
- hampig | Tivohammy
- TheLegendary | Workinonit24
- The_Reckoning | dHustead
- ZZMitch | ClaymoreCupcake
- ZZMitch | ClayMoreCup- oh gg dawg
- cmmart | cmmart
- GrimmFandango | GrimmJob
- Cornballer | Cornballer