Was just thinking about this a little while back. I have a habit of getting those large fountain drinks at gas stations and places like Qdoba now that they have those all-in-one soda machines and after buying a bottled diet coke, I couldn't even drink it. Must contain more syrup and less carbonation because it tasted way too strong for my liking. I had to ice it and wait for it to melt so: Fountain > ***
Diet Vanilla Root Beer 4 lyfe.
Eh, while some things taste allright from this machine, others just don't taste right. Maybe the places i've been where these were at didn't set the machines up properly.
Fountain > glass bottle > can > plastic bottle.
Imagine if GAF was actually an accurate representation of our population.
There'd be so much broken glass everywhere. It would be like Die Hard IRL every time u had to run an errand.
Team glass. Pleasant mineral taste, amplifies initial effervescence, retains carbonation longer, better insulated to stay cooler longer and fascinating contrast of smooth, hard mouthfeel with liquid and lingual.
Really, warm soda? Lol I could never drink warm soda it just doesn't taste good to me.
Only mildly related, but has anyone done a blind taste test between HFCS and cane sugar coke? Because I feel like people are bullshitting me; they taste exactly the fucking same.
Yeah, I've actually always liked warm soda. Never really needed ice or for it to be cold.
Yeah, I actually don't like ice in my soda because once the ice is melted it waters it down and makes it taste gross lol. Literally every time I go and get fast food I tell them no ice for that reason. I just need my soda to have a slight chill to it, then I'm fine.
Only mildly related, but has anyone done a blind taste test between HFCS and cane sugar coke? Because I feel like people are bullshitting me; they taste exactly the fucking same.
Fountain > Glass Bottle > Can > Plastic
That is the official way of the drink universe