Pitt's always got cool hair.
Pitt's always got cool hair.
Still prefer Aniston.
She's better off
She's better off
He looks his age. I mean he is well preserved for a 50 year old, but he certainly doesn't look younger then 50.Wait a god damn minute Brad Pitt is 50 years old?!?!
Holy shit I need to hit the gym and find out who his plastic surgeon is.
She's better off
Chief Garney[IMG]
Oh shit she got hot cop? Right on Aniston.
Same. Pitt's an idiot.
They've been together for ages so it was about time.
Although I do remember reading something about them saying they wouldnt get married until everyone else can get married (ie gay marriage) or am I thinking of another couple?
I have read on multiple occasions, and studied it at school a bit, that couples who have been together a long time are more likely to divorce when they get married. There is something about married life that changes the expectations of the relationship.
He couldn't have married her; she's B-list
He couldn't have married her; she's B-list
I have read on multiple occasions, and studied it at school a bit, that couples who have been together a long time are more likely to divorce when they get married. There is something about married life that changes the expectations of the relationship.
I'm sure that won't happen, but you never know.
Arielle Kuperberg was a graduate student at the University of Pennsylvania when something in her sociology textbooks caught her eye. In research on marriage longevity, Kuperberg observed that the age a couple said I do was among the strongest predictors of divorce.
All of the literature explained that the reason people who married younger were more likely to divorce was because they were not mature enough to pick appropriate partners, she says.
Other researchers who had been exploring the link between cohabitation and divorce failed to take into account the age at which couples took that plunge. Kuperberg wondered if once she controlled for age, the link between cohabitation and divorce might disappear.
Using data from the U.S. governments 1995, 2002, and 2006 National Surveys of Family and Growth, Kuperberg analyzed more than 7,000 individuals who had been married. Some of the people she studied were still with their spouse. Others were divorced. Then, instead of studying just the correlation between cohabitation and divorce, Kuperberg looked at how old each individual was when he or she made his or her first major commitment to a partnerwhether that step was marriage or cohabitation.
Moving in together without a diamond ring involved didnt, on its own, lead to divorce. Instead, she found that the longer couples waited to make that first serious commitment, the better their chances for marital success.
Welp, I guess he's getting tired of Angela. Now that he's married her, he can start looking for a new woman on the set of his next movie.
They weren't married before?
Team Aniston does not forgive.
Team Aniston does not forget.
Still prefer Aniston.
should have happened in like 2006- why wait?
is that a tattoo of a native american women on his side?
May as well have named them Yakko Wakko and DotYep... Maddox? Knox? Pax? lol
Man Brad used to look so different.
Looks pretty much the same in the face, which comes with age and he's probably 20 years younger in that pic. Hair too maybe.