should have you covered. I forget where exactly they are in terms of his work. Think they are on Warbreaker but pretty sure they've covered the first two books in the Stormlight Archive series already.I don't think I'm going to have time to do a complete reread, is there a good chapter by chapter summary out there?
It's funny how easily you forget things when you finish a thousand page book in a week.
I'm about halfway through Mistborn and am enjoying it a lot. If his other books are of similar quality I'll be set for fantasy novels for a good while!
That isn't really a spoiler. That is just more or less the starting premise for the world and it goes from there. Just checked and the back of my book says pretty much what you just wrote out, so don't worry about it and enjoy the series!Hey everyone, quick question.
I was just browsing the net to see which book I should start with as a first time Brandon Sanderson reader and I found a blog which recommended a few of the books to start with.
This is what they had to say about the premise of Mistborn.
Potential Mistborn spoilers follow.
Hundreds of years ago, the Hero of Ages destroyed the eldritch Deepness, saving the world and gaining godlike power. However, our Frodo became Sauron, becoming the god-king Lord Ruler that has enslaved the world for millennia. He rules with an iron fist
Is that a spoiler for the book? I didn't see anywhere online in the synopsis aboutthe bad guy being the hero previously.
I think I remember seeing the opening chapter mention something about a Hero of Ages, when I had a sneak peek at the book previously. I hear a common thing with Sanderson books is the opening chapter has a lot of hidden meaning which then makes sense after reading the book
Now I'm scared I've ruined the twist.
Hey everyone, quick question.
I was just browsing the net to see which book I should start with as a first time Brandon Sanderson reader and I found a blog which recommended a few of the books to start with.
This is what they had to say about the premise of Mistborn.
Potential Mistborn spoilers follow.
Hundreds of years ago, the Hero of Ages destroyed the eldritch Deepness, saving the world and gaining godlike power. However, our Frodo became Sauron, becoming the god-king Lord Ruler that has enslaved the world for millennia. He rules with an iron fist
Is that a spoiler for the book? I didn't see anywhere online in the synopsis aboutthe bad guy being the hero previously.
I think I remember seeing the opening chapter mention something about a Hero of Ages, when I had a sneak peek at the book previously. I hear a common thing with Sanderson books is the opening chapter has a lot of hidden meaning which then makes sense after reading the book
Now I'm scared I've ruined the twist.
Hey everyone, quick question.
I was just browsing the net to see which book I should start with as a first time Brandon Sanderson reader and I found a blog which recommended a few of the books to start with.
This is what they had to say about the premise of Mistborn.
Potential Mistborn spoilers follow.
Hundreds of years ago, the Hero of Ages destroyed the eldritch Deepness, saving the world and gaining godlike power. However, our Frodo became Sauron, becoming the god-king Lord Ruler that has enslaved the world for millennia. He rules with an iron fist
Is that a spoiler for the book? I didn't see anywhere online in the synopsis aboutthe bad guy being the hero previously.
I think I remember seeing the opening chapter mention something about a Hero of Ages, when I had a sneak peek at the book previously. I hear a common thing with Sanderson books is the opening chapter has a lot of hidden meaning which then makes sense after reading the book
Now I'm scared I've ruined the twist.
Snip Snip
Snippty Snip
I'm about halfway through Mistborn and am enjoying it a lot. If his other books are of similar quality I'll be set for fantasy novels for a good while!
Just read the edgedancer novella in arcanum unbounded. This feels really fucking significant to the overall story of the stormlight archives all things considered
Meanwhile I haven't started WoR yet :/
What's holding you back? It's sooooooooooo good.
Meanwhile I haven't started WoR yet :/
Just read the edgedancer novella in arcanum unbounded. This feels really fucking significant to the overall story of the stormlight archives all things considered
I don't disagree with you. There's a lot in there that I'm somewhat surprised was left to a side-story novella. And not just for the title character.
I don't disagree with you. There's a lot in there that I'm somewhat surprised was left to a side-story novella. And not just for the title character.
The novella's have a lot of important aspects.
Edgedancer is a standout, though. The next closest is Secret History: and while it rivals Edgedancer in terms of plot importance, the way it was published was significantly different. SH follows up on events in a series published years before with implications of what will come sometime in the future for Mistborn and perhaps the Cosmere at large. Edgedancer continues events in the middle of an ongoing series that has really only just begun. We are only now getting to the middle of the first sequence of five, and I can't imagine going in to Oathbringer without having read Edgdancer. It literally feels like Stormlight 2.5 to me, and that's what sets it apart.
I'm interested in this connection people keep mentioning between Warbreaker and Words of Radiance.
Whats the reading order for Cosmere stuff. Currently reading the Mistborn, put off my WoR re-read while I catch up with the other Cosmere stuff.
Okay where does warbreaker and elantris fall in the "order" of reading? The post above yours doesn't have them listed at allTo Cosmere newcomers I would suggest reading everything else before starting Stormlight. Note this is just my advice and it's far from vital, but these are my reasons:
1) Stormlight is the newest series, and also the most expansive. The other books might be a bit of a letdown if you jump into those after.
2) Stormlight draws a great deal from Cosmere lore throughout, and you might not recognize when it's doing so if you haven't read the other books already. More importantly, though, it would be useful to get an understanding of what this universe is all about before starting the series which looks like it will ultimately affect things everywhere down the road. It's kind of like all the other series (so far) have been building up to the events of Stormlight.
3) Stormlight has a number of crossovers with other books (most notably Warbreaker, but also others to a lesser extent... so far).
Apart from that, I recommend reading Elantris before Mistborn Secret History (I didn't do this, but in retrospect I wish I had)
That in my opinion is sad, but it's your time to use however you like.
Once I'm done with my other books I plan on re-reading the series again. It's easily the best stuff I've ever read. Here's hoping Oathbringer is just as good as the other books.
Read enough actual bad prose and you'll stop noticing any issues Sanderson has, lol.
Okay where does warbreaker and elantris fall in the "order" of reading? The post above yours doesn't have them listed at allshould I stop reading WoR and start mistborn or something else for the "full effect"? It doesn't bother me to start on something else if it makes for a better experience with WoR. I do have to admit until almost the very end of WoK I was sort of lost since he throws you in the deep end with magic, history and spren (me at the start of the book "wtf is a spren?! Is anyone ever going to tell me?!")
Okay where does warbreaker and elantris fall in the "order" of reading? The post above yours doesn't have them listed at allshould I stop reading WoR and start mistborn or something else for the "full effect"? It doesn't bother me to start on something else if it makes for a better experience with WoR. I do have to admit until almost the very end of WoK I was sort of lost since he throws you in the deep end with magic, history and spren (me at the start of the book "wtf is a spren?! Is anyone ever going to tell me?!")
That's actually precisely what the special circumstances were that allowed me to enjoy SA were. Reading the Wheel of Time novels were what let me get passed the issue.
I just don't feel like extending that to his entire body of work.
Jordan's prose in general is (in any way positive)
I barely notice any of these crossovers and then i forget about it pretty quickly. Just read them in whatever orders takes your fancy and then look up what crossovers you missed in a wiki like I do.
I'mma....gonna respectfully disagree with you on that.
Thanks for all the insights to everyone that responded. Seems the cross overs are more fun than essential which is exactly the info I was looking for. I'll pick up the rest of his books soon as I'm don't with WoR
Is he a Mormon?I appreciate the plots in Sanderson books but he has a tendency to take certain ideas and repeat them a lot. IE Sazeds religious turmoil, kaladins depression, vin and elends insecurities etc. It's quite grating and I am fairly certain at least 10% of every single book he writes could be ripped out and they'd be better for it. Definitely a lot of padding. Also the ending of HoA was extremely disappointing for me.Just ugh. Also the Mormon/American morality where splitting someone's head in half is apparently less grotesque than sexual relations is definitely in full force.Especially the bit of "logic" about faith that Sazed vomits out.
Don't get me wrong. I still enjoy the books, but there are definite flaws and they won't be in my list of favourites.
Is he a Mormon?
Ugh. I basically dropped Orson Scott Card completely bc of some of the shit he's spewed over the years I'd hate to see any of Brandon's faith seep into what's an otherwise fun little universe. Don't get me wrong I dont have a problem with someone practicing whatever faith they choose I just don't want to be lectured when I'm reading and looking to escape stuff like that. Particularly latelyOh, yeah. There were actually some uncomfortable implications around the Shardbearers because of it, the Lighteyes stuff is sorta reminiscent of some fringe Mormon doctrines about black people if you squint at it. Probably nothing. Hopefully.
And of course the sex stuff is like right there.