More like "Now to figure from whom to take the speed".
EDIT No, wait, i was thinking hemalurgic stealing.
The Stormlight Archive
Stormlight is going very well. I’m working on Book Three, which I’m calling Oathbringer. (That is likely at this point to be the final title.) This is my main project, and I won’t be writing any new prose on other stories until it is done. You can follow the progress bars!
Release dates for this book are still in flux. Even if I finish it early next year, it could be a year or more until you see the book. The amount of editing, continuity, and art that these books require creates a need for a long lead time. I’ve told people that Fall 2016 is the earliest they’d see it, but my team has been warning me that’s not realistic. We’ll see, but for now you should assume on a 2017 release.
The Reckoners
The last book of the trilogy is complete, revised, and turned in. It’s coming out in February, and is—indeed—the ending.
I have not closed the door on doing more in the world, but it will not be for a while. If I do return, it will be like a Mistborn return, where the focus of the books shifts in some way and I create a new series. I like leaving endings as endings, even if the world and some of the characters do progress.
And speaking of Mistborn, how is Scadrial doing? My current plan is still to have the Mistborn books stretch throughout my career, establishing stories in different eras of time with different sets of characters.
The original pitch was for three trilogies. The Wax and Wayne books expanded this to four series. (You can imagine Wax and Wayne as series 1.5, if you want.) This means there will still be a contemporary trilogy, and a science fiction trilogy, in the future.
I have one more book to do in the Wax and Wayne series, and I’m planning to write it sometime between Stormlight books three and four. Until then, Wax and Wayne three—The Bands of Mourning—comes out in January!
Status: Era 1.5 book three done; book four coming soonish
Projected Novel Release Schedule
There’s a good chance I won’t hold to this, but just so you know, here’s how I view my upcoming novel release schedule (not including any novellas or short stories that may or may not appear during moments when I need to do something new):
January 2016: Wax and Wayne 3
February 2016: Reckoners 3 (final book)
June 2016: Alcatraz 5
Sometime 2017: Stormlight 3
Sometime 2017: Rithmatist 2
Spring 2018: New YA project 1
Fall 2018: Wax and Wayne 4 (final book)
Sometime 2019: Stormlight 4
Sometime 2019: New YA project 2
Sometime 2020: Elantris 2
Sometime 2020 New YA project 3 (final book)
Sometime 2021: Stormlight 5 (ending of first arc)
Sometime 2022: Elantris 3 (final book)
State of the Sanderson
Also more updates on his secondary and tertiary and whatever comes after that projects. Frankly I'm shocked how much more he's got going on.
I totally felt the same way, and it was tiresome, but it ultimately serves to make the ending that much more satisfying.I'm a bit more than halfway through The Way of Kings. Amazing world building, but good God Kaladin's life sucks. The book should just be renamed "The myriad ways in which the universe hates Kaladin. Also crab battle."
State of the Sanderson
Also more updates on his secondary and tertiary and whatever comes after that projects. Frankly I'm shocked how much more he's got going on.
The machine speaks but seeing "Sometime 2021: Stormlight 5 (ending of first arc)" just makes me sad.
State of the Sanderson
Also more updates on his secondary and tertiary and whatever comes after that projects. Frankly I'm shocked how much more he's got going on.
State of the Sanderson
Also more updates on his secondary and tertiary and whatever comes after that projects. Frankly I'm shocked how much more he's got going on.
How many books is the storm light archives supposed to be, 14 or something? Series won't be done until around 2040!
Wait, Stormlight 3 got moved to 2017 (DAMMIT!) and is called Oathbringer?
Last i knew, it was Stones Unhallowed and then Skybreakers, implying it was about.Szeth
I do wonder if Sanderson decided to change the book's main character, requiring re-writes and thus pushing the book to 2017 from '16?
Oh OK. So about 2030 then.10 books planned, currently.
Wait, Stormlight 3 got moved to 2017 (DAMMIT!) and is called Oathbringer?
Last i knew, it was Stones Unhallowed and then Skybreakers, implying it was about.Szeth
I do wonder if Sanderson decided to change the book's main character, requiring re-writes and thus pushing the book to 2017 from '16?
I was given the mistborn trilogy as a gift but haven't started it yet, those are the best ones to start with right?
It's the place most people are introduced to Sanderson's big universe, yes. There's no correct or even best way to jump into The Cosmere. Since that's what you have, give it a read and see what you think about him as an author. If you like him, then just keep picking up whichever stories you think are interesting.
Just done with Way of Kings. How good was that!? How is this not a TV show yet?
Just done with Way of Kings. How good was that!? How is this not a TV show yet?
I dunno. The series is amazing but I wonder if it would make for a good show. (I think the same thing about other major series though, not just Stormlight Archives).
The world has a lot of unique things that give it flavor. They could film in a rocky area or something for the landscape, but with the unique look of the Parshendi, all the imagined flora/fauna, shardplate and shardblades, the highstorms, and the spren everywhere... if they skimped on any of those things, it would be pretty sad.
Not to mention, the series won't be done for a long time, so you'd have a max of a couple seasons of material before they had to start inventing their own story arcs or filming spoilers for the unwritten books. We've already got that with Game of Thrones so I can wait on a Cosmere TV series.
So I'm already plowing through Words of Radiance rofl. How exactly does one deal with waiting over a year for a book? I'm really anxious to read through it too quickly.
So I'm already plowing through Words of Radiance rofl. How exactly does one deal with waiting over a year for a book? I'm really anxious to read through it too quickly.
Sanderson's work ethic is unreal, but he outlines everything to the T, which is what allows him to write 2-3k words everyday.
Rothfuss on the other hand doesn't outline at all. I have no idea how he keeps everything intact. Dude's insane.
And I love that he writes with a Model M. Dude even has an SSK for when he travels.
By reading everything else Sanderson writes as well because he's such a beast that you never have to wait that long for his next piece.
I absolutely loved the two novels of The Stormlight Arhive I read recently but couldn't get through book #3 of the original Mistborn trilogy despite being a huge fan of the first. Started going downhill for me midway through #2. This thread makes me wanna go back and get through it.
Anyone else have this issue? It's clearly not a problem with his writing. I hate that I left a trilogy unfinished. This has only happened twice in my life. I feel like I'm wrong lol.
First book is a slow start, second gets bogged down a bit with YA tropes, but the third ends the trilogy really well.
I prefer Wax and Wayne's story so far though because I really, really like them as characters.
I absolutely loved the two novels of The Stormlight Arhive I read recently but couldn't get through book #3 of the original Mistborn trilogy despite being a huge fan of the first. Started going downhill for me midway through #2. This thread makes me wanna go back and get through it.
Anyone else have this issue? It's clearly not a problem with his writing. I hate that I left a trilogy unfinished. This has only happened twice in my life. I feel like I'm wrong lol.
That hurts![]()
Just finish listening to Mistborn " The final Empire" Fucking love it. Took me about 2 month to finish but it was awesome.
Mistborn 3 absolutely rocked. The ending was insane.
And continuation in the "Victorian times" with Wax and Wayne is also awesome.
I absolutely loved the two novels of The Stormlight Arhive I read recently but couldn't get through book #3 of the original Mistborn trilogy despite being a huge fan of the first. Started going downhill for me midway through #2. This thread makes me wanna go back and get through it.
Anyone else have this issue? It's clearly not a problem with his writing. I hate that I left a trilogy unfinished. This has only happened twice in my life. I feel like I'm wrong lol.
2nd book has wayyyyyyyyy too much romance shit which drags, but it's still solid. 3rd is epic.