I was given the mistborn trilogy as a gift but haven't started it yet, those are the best ones to start with right?
Same, but I've read Stormlight and Warbreaker. I'm very excited to start these!
I was given the mistborn trilogy as a gift but haven't started it yet, those are the best ones to start with right?
I've started down the Cosmere path recently with The Final Empire. I'm about 70% through now and enjoying it! My only real issue so far is the prose. I knew not to expect much but even by fantasy standards it's... not good. I hate to say it feels like a young adult book since there's a lot of really great, complex YA fiction out there, but that's kinda the vibe I get sometimes. A lot of this could just be that I'm just coming off finishing Malazan, which is about as far in the opposite direction from Sanderson as you can get. I've also read The Emperor's Soul and Sixth of the Dusk earlier this year to get a sense of his style and didn't have any problems with the prose in those, so maybe it's just because this is an earlier work of his.
I am having a lot of fun with it though. I've read like 400 pages over the span of three days, so there's definitely something there!
I'm fine with that. I look forward to 3rd book then! you got me hyped.2nd book has wayyyyyyyyy too much romance shit which drags, but it's still solid. 3rd is epic.
I've started down the Cosmere path recently with The Final Empire. I'm about 70% through now and enjoying it! My only real issue so far is the prose. I knew not to expect much but even by fantasy standards it's... not good. I hate to say it feels like a young adult book since there's a lot of really great, complex YA fiction out there, but that's kinda the vibe I get sometimes. A lot of this could just be that I'm just coming off finishing Malazan, which is about as far in the opposite direction from Sanderson as you can get. I've also read The Emperor's Soul and Sixth of the Dusk earlier this year to get a sense of his style and didn't have any problems with the prose in those, so maybe it's just because this is an earlier work of his.
I am having a lot of fun with it though. I've read like 400 pages over the span of three days, so there's definitely something there!
Yeah, Sanderson's prose is really plain, his strengths as an author lie elsewhere, mainly in his plotting. He has gotten better with it, the prose in Elantris is much worse than what he's writing nowadays.
Not sure I'm going to continue Rithmatist. Wasn't a huge fan.
It's a little plain in the Mistborn books (although if I'm remembering correctly, the third Mistborn book was better in that regard). His Stormlight Archives have good prose, though. Not a lot of floweriness, but more complex than those earlier books.
I found rithmatics to be an incredibly cool concept and Sanderson did a great job fleshing it out. I secretly hope Sanderson partners with someone to make it a VR game. Seems like it would be perfect since you have to stay in one spot.
It took me a few months (I'm a terrible reader), but I finished The Way of Kings a couple weeks back and enjoyed it. Got a HC edition of Words of Radiance for Christmas. I'm currently in Star Wars mode and catching up on all the new canon books and comics, but it's back to the Cosmere for me afterward. The third book (always forget the working title) is supposed to release by the end of the year, right?
Okay, over halfway through The Well of Ascension now.
What the fuck at the whole Zane/Vin thing? This whole weird dark side of the force temptation angle seems so out of character for her, especially when she KNOWS Zane isn't trustworthy and Cett is the biggest thing keeping Straff's army at bay.
Elend going out and stabbing koloss also felt really out of nowhere. Maybe this will all shake out and make sense in the end but right now some of these plotlines just aren't working for me.
I think Well of Ascension is the weakest of those three. Stuff happening randomly just to advance the plot and way too much angst for me. Just finished Hero of Ages tonight and enjoyed it a whole lot more. Now to decide if I wanna read the next Mistborn series or go to the Stormlight Archive next.
(And then Calamity in February; Sanderson is a machine.)
No joke. Damn, the ending of the Way of Kings was fantastic. Both the climax and all the crazy things wrapped up and revealed afterwards:I totally felt the same way, and it was tiresome, but it ultimately serves to make the ending that much more satisfying.
No joke. Damn, the ending of the Way of Kings was fantastic. Both the climax and all the crazy things wrapped up and revealed afterwards:Kaladin's vindication, the true nature of the Parshmen, the reveal of who's giving Dalinar visions, the other big reveal of who was recording the death prophecies and how, and of course, Dalinar literally beating the sense into his nephew.
Can't wait to start Words of Radiance.
Nice deal. I'm a audibook listener.There's a 2 for 1 credit sale on Brandon Sanderson books on Audible.com. It includes all 5 Mistborn books, Elantris, and some of his YA stuff.
Just finished the Mistborn(1-3) series. What a epic ride, I really like how Sanderson flesh out the characters, that I thought were non -factors, but later on made them into main characters.
I decided to continue to the Mistborn series becuase its still fresh in mind, but looking forward to the Storm light series next.
2 new Sanderson books soon!
Excited for both. Bands of Mourning and Calamity.
Obviously moreso the former.
Good to know.I just finished up Shadows of Self last night, and I really like how he blends in the old and new.
Cant wait for The Bands of Mourning in 2 weeks!
There's a 2 for 1 credit sale on Brandon Sanderson books on Audible.com. It includes all 5 Mistborn books, Elantris, and some of his YA stuff.
Anyone read or listen to his Alcatraz series? I'm a Christopher Moore fan.
I listened to the first. It's very well done, but if you haven't read them before be aware that it is definitely fiction for children. Like a snarkier Harry Potter sort of thing.
Sanderson really puts his humor on for it as well. If you cringe at the puns in the Reckoners books, his humor is even more hit-or-miss here and some of his jokes are terrible, but some are great.
Can't wait for Bands. Personally I never picked up the second novel that came after Steelheart. Wondering if I should pick it up, that one was a little too YA for me to be honest. Whatever, gotta follow up on the cosmere though. Should I do it? It's Firefight right? Not sure if it's worth the plunge, I didn't hate Steelheart, but I wasn't enamored with it either.
I burned through Brent Weeks' Lightbringer series while waiting for Bands. I'd highly recommend anyone who is into Sanderson's style of in depth magic systems.
The Reckoner (Steelheart) series isn't a part of the Cosmere. So feel free to skip them if they're not your thing.![]()
You can now pre-order a signed and numbered copy of The Bands Of Mourning.
He's going through his store for signed and numbered books instead of the book store doing Paypal invoices themselves.
Also, to curve the # of special requests he is requiring a charitable donation of $5 for a small line and a personalization with the signature, or $20 for a more elaborate request.
I guess if 1,000 people ask you to inscribe this or draw that it can take a while to get through them all.
Also, if you get the cheapest shipping, price has gone up by $4 since the Shadows of Self pre-orders.
I'm a huge fan of his, and the signed copy is pretty cheap really. $12 or so more expensive. I thought about it for a bit, but I really don't care about shit like this. Certainly not enough to to pay more for it.
I always figured ordering a signed copy would be significantly more expensive, not to see that's not the case here. For people into that kind of stuff.
I'm a huge fan of his, and the signed copy is pretty cheap really. $12 or so more expensive. I thought about it for a bit, but I really don't care about shit like this. Certainly not enough to to pay more for it.
I always figured ordering a signed copy would be significantly more expensive, not to see that's not the case here. For people into that kind of stuff.