20 Reasons I Hate Living in Brazil
I don't leave the house much so I don't have a mistress. What do you guys think about it?
I think most of those are crazy =P
1-Nope. Really depends on the place you are and who you are .. but it is not a "brazilians are rude with anyone". I would go with the opposite actualy
2-Unfortunatly, this is probably the most true one =/
3-Yes, but the text make it seens INSANELY exagerated.
4-Yes, our politicians sux. One of the most classic examples is one who is known by "steal but do his job". Sad =/
5-Really depends on where .... crowded beaches ? sure, but where in beach citys this don't happen ? =P
6-Insanely fake, but I can understand where he would get that idea.
7-Only on sport events =P
8-No. The late part I can understand, since the public transport in most cities sux, but the lazy and bad job part is just social prejudice.
9-Again, exagerated, but yes.
10-Only if you are at a place full of drunk people xD
12-Only on goverment related things.The main reason is because when you get a job at the goverment, you basicaly need to kill someone to get fired. Now think that this does to the quality of the job =P
13- Yes =( This for someone who likes games is painfull
14- Foreign people go to tropical country and complains about heat. also, water is wet =P
15-...is this bad ? GET YOUR ASS ON THE KITCHEN ><
16- This works like that anywhere in the world =P
17- Never knew this don't happen with other countries
18- Internet yes, eletricity no
19- This dude is a wuss. Brazilian Tap water is better than most waters anywere in the world and he is probably complaing about bottled water (wich in most cases is tap water, yes, even on the USA)
20-He knows NOTHING about brazilian beers =P But in his defense, the most famous are of the same type.
Hey Brazil-GAF, maybe you can help me out. A good friend of mine did a study abroad semester in Campinas at UniCamp. While he was there and to this day he raves about how awesome the cachorro-quente were. We've been discussing trying to replicate them here, but one of the items he says was on them was a garlic mayo-like sauce. He said it was everywhere, but he never found out what it was called. Do any of you know what it would be? We want to try to find some or make some.
"Cachorro-quente = Hot Dog", but our hot dog is way more insane than the ones in the USA. Mashed potatoes is an essential ingredient.
As someone who lives in Campinas and study at UNICAMP, I can say that your friend tasted what is commonly called a "Maionesse temperada", wich is basicaly mayo with some kind of sauce. The most common are with garlic and olive. It depends on the place where he ate, but most places it is just generic mayo mixed with garlic =P
If he give more information I might go in a quest to know more ...
Just got myself a Rosetta stone to self study Portuguese. Aim is to be at least able to understand and speak the language before the world cup in two years time.
Also can anyone tell me job opportunities in brazil regarding the oil sector? I'm about to graduate in chemical engineering and would love to work in brazil for a few years when I finish. I live in the UK btw.
A friend works at Shell in Rio. He always go to europe for training and stuff like that, so it might be a good start.
Also, Petrobras.