Period. Felt like a solid beginning, middle, and end all the way through.
I never even heard of Detective S1.It's up there with Detective S1
I hate not having Internet on PC. I really want to see Better Call Maul. It looks like Mike is even in it. I love that character.
The characters and casting was one of the highlights for me. Cranston is nothing short of amazing and I love Dean Norris' character. He legit reminds me of a couple people I know.I agree - I was really LTTP in it and kind of tired of the hype for it to be honest, but my friend kept pestering me to watch it. Took a while to click for me, but I was pretty speechless by the end.
I can’t say I even liked hardly any of the characters, but it was just so emotionally crushing and raw at times, and so incredibly well done
I never even heard of Detective S1.
But I can't even watch anything else tonight. They have San Andreas on with The Dwayne Rockson and it just feels so inferior after seeing 10 episodes of Walter White back-to-back.
I hear there's this show called Family Guy that's probably more your speed.I've tried watching some shows like Sopranos and Game of Thrones.
Boring as fuck in season one so I quit after a bunch of episodes for both series.
Punisher was another one. I grinded through season 1. And bailed ship mid way through season 2.
I'd rather watch Castlevania vs. some of these episodic tv series. At least Castevania episodes are 20 minutes and move at a decent clip.
It's like half these series that are about 45-60 minutes per show are 50% filler.
I've heard people at work say Breaking Bad is a fantastic show...... tempted to try it. But might be a let down if it doesn't move fast enough to keep my interest.
Do the first episodes of BB move fast? Or boring shit.... where it's better to skip to like episode 8 kind of thing?
This isIt's ok. It's no Full Metal Alchemist. But, then again, what is.
Oh True Detective.True Detective season 1, check it out.
The only episode I legit didn't like was the Rian Johnson ditected one proving that almost any sequel or series he touches turns to shit.Some of the character arcs made breaking bad less than perfect, chiefly the dragged out Pinkman episodes where he goes through multiple little bitch-syndrome anxiety attacks. Yes we get it, he's a sensitive junkie battling with the concepts of right and wrong. But we didn't need almost 2 seasons worth of episodes to paint that picture. I just don't find junkies and their pathetic antics all that interesting.
Better Call Saul is excellent. There are some extremely intriguing characters and situations taking place in the show. I can hardly wait for season five. It's coming out this month!!I hate not having Internet on PC. I really want to see Better Call Maul. It looks like Mike is even in it. I love that character.
I love how a lot of the reactions from characters are believable. An issue that usually grinds me gears in shows and movies is how unrealistic character reactions can be. Like a character will see an alien or supernatural being and will be surprised at first but then behave normally a couple minutes later as if they just witnessed an everyday event.Hands down the best. I dislike shows for their regretfully poor vision and imagination. Breaking Bad however, is genius work. As someone who has been involved, somewhat--to a degree, around that kind of life, that type of life...it's shocking how powerfully deep Vince Gilligan managed to go into the truths of the matter. That show is immaculately made
You really do lose all that money you feverishly chased and stacked over the years
Your family does drift away from you because you've attached yourself to a lifestyle most never turn their backs on
And you really can lose damn near everything and you will parish from those mistakes you've made; it's all the choices you've made and you walk your own path
Boggles my fucking mind, Breaking Bad....10/10, greatest cinema I think I'll ever experience in my lifetime is what I'm thinking
Can't wait either, Lalo is gonna give Gus such a hard time lolBetter Call Saul is excellent. There are some extremely intriguing characters and situations taking place in the show. I can hardly wait for season five. It's coming out this month!!
I've seen the first two seasons of The Expanse and really enjoyed it. It's no BB, but it's good solid stuffers.Might as well drop some shows i thought were pretty good.
Mr robot, The Expanse, Better Call Saul, Vikings early seasons, The shield, The Wire (a bit overrated), True Detective first season, GoT early seasons (duh), Rick and Morty, Altered Carbon.
The Shield ruled so hard
ps: and the best boy band of the 2000's
Might as well drop some shows i thought were pretty good.
Mr robot, The Expanse, Better Call Saul, Vikings early seasons, The shield, The Wire (a bit overrated), True Detective first season, GoT early seasons (duh), Rick and Morty, Altered Carbon.
BCS is a slow burn, a more nuanced and a mature show than BB, with amazing character building.Yeah The Sopranos is amazing as well.
Also OP, did you check out the BB spinoff, Better Call Saul? Good shit too.
The best show ever is Game Of Thrones up until season six.
Then is the Sopranos.
Then is Lost up until season 3.
Then True Detective's first season.
Good/great show, but I can think of at least two better ones:
The Wire >>> Better Call Saul >> Breaking Bad. Wire and BCS have more nuance and (the Wire especially) more substance. They're better for repeat viewings and have acting at least as good as Breaking Bad.
A lot of times I feel Breaking Bad would've worked more strongly as a big crime flick. I mean there're episodes like Fly which are basically filler, you can skip over them and lose nothing in the context of things. I can't say the same about The Wire or Better Call Saul.
Also, I'm gonna be that person and say that El Camino kind of sullied me on post-Breaking Bad storyline. It was a decent flick but not as good as it could've been. Felt more like an epilogue episode for the original series (and can we talk about Todd? Sonofabitch must be a pufferfish seeing how big he got in-between what was literally meant to be only a few days in-series timescale. Definitely was jarring to see).
Fat Todd was a vibeeeeee, also the fact that everyone looked so much older, it was never going to work well and tbh I didn't really need that closure as I thought that was what would had happened anyway.
True Detective S1 was a different beast, they were never going to match that.
i tried watching the wire, i'm like wtf is this try hard shit
Sounds like I need to watch The Wire, Sopranos, Shield and Band of Brothers.