Holy shit. What a fucking fantastic premiere. Season 4 didn't just hit the ground running, it's breaking land speed records.
Symbols like the box cutter and Denny's were great, but my favorite stylistic choice of the premiere had to be all the red. One of my favorite details that I always catch in Full Measures is just how red the opening to the lab is when Mike and Victor try to take Walt there to kill him. I had always thought of it as hell; Walter has finally reached the gates but he'll do anything to stay outside them for now. But having Gale and essentially, Victor, killed means he's in a new kind of hell, even lower than the dark places he's reached in past seasons.
The saddest part of the episode was seeing Jesse dragged with him. He's always been the sweeter half of the show. Sure, he was the one who began as a drug dealer, but he was a "nice guy at heart" type. His cold and uncaring assessment of the situation in the restaurant might just be the scariest thing this show has done. Walter White alone has corroded and infected this gold-hearted man and it's terribly captivating.
Jack Scofield said:
For season four, I hope the writers have more episodes that begin with a teaser (like "Crazy Handful of Nothin'" and "Grilled," for example). They were a fantastic way to start the episodes, and they occurred fairly often in the first two seasons, but seemed to stop in season three.
The in media res opening is so overdone in television, but if there's one show that does it right every time it's Breaking Bad. So I agree, I want more openings like Crazy Handful.
THE-Pink-Dagger said:
Well honestly, I feel that way about pretty much every single movie, or TV show that I watch. I practically never emphasize with a female character, I don't want to come as misogynistic, but I really don't care, it's like they're just there, it's like in those blockbuster movies, there always has to be a love interest or whatever.
But hey I'm a guy, so I guess that in a way, it's kind of normal to root for the male characters.
It's normal to sympathize with men more often, maybe, but sympathizing with exactly zero women ever in fiction is a legitimate problem in my eyes.