Smells faintly of rancid stilton.
Verdict has been reached...
Damn skippyThe Faceless Master said:jesus, you beat me
if he did, then he is a "smooth criminal"Ninja Scooter said:do you think he "beat it" (the case)?!?!?
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
i hate then they pre-empt what i'm watching and then drag on for what seems like foreverthemadcowtipper said:Great the guys on Abc have to explain every possible outcome....
5 hours, so at 9:30.123rl said:What's the time difference between EDT and GMT? ABC said it's being confirmed at 4.30, what's that for us Europeans?
xsarien said:I'm happy - really - that the networks stop the presses (so to speak) for the Jackson verdict, but the whole British Memogate II thing is probably a footnote before the sports report on the local affiliates.
pnjtony said:Billie Jean might not have been his lover, but Billy Johnson surely was!
xsarien said:I'm happy - really - that the networks stop the presses (so to speak) for the Jackson verdict, but the whole British Memogate II thing is probably a footnote before the sports report on the local affiliates.
The circus will go on if he is convicted of anything, then there's the sentencing phase to be speculated about endlessly, and he will either be taken into custody or allowed to remain on bail depending on how serious the crimes are.borghe said:half an hour left to this circus... buy your popcorn now folks, because the circus is about to leave town.
Phoenix said:CNN has published a scoreboard of the counts.
This image will update as the counts are read.
Shawnwhann said:If these "legal experts" are to be believed, M.J. is about to get it. Poor MJ could barely make it through the trial, how in the hell is he gonna make it in prison? I think this is going to be a day where you remember where you were at when the verdict came down.
ewwwwOpinionatedCyborg said:*crabs crotch*