Innocent man = Not guilty.
He is guilty of nothing more that extremely poor judgement.
Go Michael Go!

He is guilty of nothing more that extremely poor judgement.
Go Michael Go!
Lemurnator said:Molestation charges are very hard to prove I believe and that's a shame, and I believe that this woman has ruined any chance for future trials to be taken seriously.
Barnimal said:what is pissing me off to no end right now is wtf happend to innocent until proven guilty?
Barnimal said:what is pissing me off to no end right now is wtf happend to innocent until proven guilty? by the media MJ was guilty before the case and now even after the case there is so much negativity towards michael right now that its sickening. fuck the media. I cannot believe this. MJ will never be left alone and that sucks.
Oooh Nancy Grace, you never fail to impress
"Others are also disappointed, because now it seems like the only way you can win a verdict in a US courtroom is to have a deep pocket to be going up against a little boy."
krypt0nian said:Innocent man = Not guilty.
He is guilty of nothing more that extremely poor judgement.
Go Michael Go!![]()
borghe said:not only can he not be tried of it again, but if he is tried in a new case along similar lines they CANNOT use this case as any sort of basis for the new case. I get what some of you (Ignatz) are saying about the difference between acquittal and true innocence, but in the terms of the law, he is innocent. nothing from this case can be used in a new case if one were to be brought up by a new (or same) accuser.
Socreges said:Why do so many of you watch shit that you hate. :lol
Damnit, they pissed me off again! I did not see that coming!
c) record a new album that's actually IN TOUCH WITH WHAT'S GOING ON IN POPULAR MUSIC (don't ditch The Neptunes and give all their rejected songs to Justin Timberlake this time around, and maybe get Rich Harrison (Beyonce/Amerie) onboard as well, or even Xenomania from the UK)... Sort. It. Out.
Kobun Heat said:the concept that wanting an obvious child molester to go to jail is somehow the conservative right-wing party-line viewpoint.
Innocence under the eyes of the law and actual innocence are two very different things. To name a rather belabored example: OJ killed his wife and her friend, but he was found not guilty.
Socreges said:Why do so many of you watch shit that you hate. :lol
Damnit, they pissed me off again! I did not see that coming!
I'm responding here because I don't want people to think that I somehow want the jury verdict thrown out and the guy sent to jail. Yes, I do believe in trial by jury, presumption of innocence, reasonable doubt, and all that.SickBoy said:you haven't made this tie, but are you saying that you want Michael Jackson to go to jail when there doesn't seem like sufficient evidence to send him? Should he perhaps be sent to jail, because it's what a lot of people (maybe even the majority) think he did?
The Shadow said:
Kobun Heat said:I'm responding here because I don't want people to think that I somehow want the jury verdict thrown out and the guy sent to jail. Yes, I do believe in trial by jury, presumption of innocence, reasonable doubt, and all that.
I think it would be better for everyone (especially the 13-year-old boys who live in the vicinity of Neverland Ranch) if he had been found guilty, however.
Kobun Heat said:I think it would be better for everyone (especially the 13-year-old boys who live in the vicinity of Neverland Ranch) if he had been found guilty, however.
brooklyngooner said:As others have written, this is a curious thread. Some seem to foam at the mouth for his incarceration, some seem as rabidly defensive. I guess you can never discount the power of celebrity.
this is what bothers me.. you are probably referring to people like me as rabidly defensive. I have been oin the "he's innocent" bandwagon since the first "evidence" started popping up at the grand jury indictment. my basis on his guilt or innocence in the trila, and why I found the trial so damn interesting, is really at the end has nothing to do with his actual guilt or innocence. it was about the fact that in this system you are innocent until proven guilty, and there was nowhere near enough evidence to prove him guilty. I like to think I am a pretty fair and straightforward guy. had they had any physical evidence, even circumstantial physical evidence, I would have been more inclined to accept that he could have been found guilty. had they had more consistent statements and accounts from the boy and his brother, I would have been more inclined to accept that he could have been found guilty. had there been more consistent statements from those who knew the boy, had the mother not had a past filled with attempted scams and cons, I would have been more inclined. If this was a case of a strong christian family who everyone loved and thought was the greatest family in the world and they came forward with this without any evidence whatsoever, I would have been more inclined.brooklyngooner said:Some seem to foam at the mouth for his incarceration, some seem as rabidly defensive. I guess you can never discount the power of celebrity.
ManaByte said:
So if another 14 year old comes along and accuses Jackson, Sneddon can't put him up for the same crime in the same court.
DarienA said:Why do you automatically assume that those who have been on Michael's side since the beginning are simply there because of the "power of celebrity".
Kobun Heat said:I think it would be better for everyone (especially the 13-year-old boys who live in the vicinity of Neverland Ranch) if he had been found guilty, however.
brooklyngooner said:As others have written, this is a curious thread. Some seem to foam at the mouth for his incarceration, some seem as rabidly defensive. I guess you can never discount the power of celebrity.
That is NOT what was "proven beyond a reasonable doubt." He was acquitted of specific criminal offenses because of a reasonable doubt in the mind of the jurors, based on the evidence presented. The purpose of the trial was NOT to determine whether or not he is a danger to children.duckroll said:If they didn't think he was a danger to their children, and now the court fails to prove reasonable doubt that he is in fact a danger to children, who the fuck are you to judge?
loxy said:What a sad attempt at trolling. Damn.
jett said::lol Jeezus this is one of the most retarded posts I've read on the forum, and I've been around for 6 years.
What a fucking tool.AP said:The Jackson Web site featured graphics declaring "Innocent" and showing a hand giving a victory sign as a fanfare plays. A scrolling calendar highlights historic events such as "Martin Luther King is born," "The Berlin Wall falls," "Nelson Mandela is freed," and finally, "June 13, 2005, Remember this date for it is a part of HIStory." The reference was to Jackson's 1995 album "HIStory: Past, Present, and Future Book I."
Not according to MSNBC....many times they questioned the jury's intelligenceTommie Hu$tle said:I think what hasn't been said in all this is intellegence that the jury has displayed to me in their interviews. All of them seem like they were there to do the job of proving the guilt or innocence of the defendent based on the merits of the case.
They don't seem like glory hounds eager to make a quick buck off of MJ's celeberity. If anything I think this case is a victory of juries.
Agreed...although I wonder why ANYONE on a jury is willing to go in front of the camera to be interviewed. That seems like a really bad idea.Tommie Hu$tle said:I think what hasn't been said in all this is intellegence that the jury has displayed to me in their interviews. All of them seem like they were there to do the job of proving the guilt or innocence of the defendent based on the merits of the case.
They don't seem like glory hounds eager to make a quick buck off of MJ's celeberity. If anything I think this case is a victory of juries.